M a rc h 2 1 ,2 0 0 1 Page A4 ìtj* ìtfortkmb (ftbseruer »O pinion Southeast Cross Burnings (Tl je ■¡jlartlatth Ecumenical Ministries Stands (©bserDer Against Hate in All Communities I 1 eumenical Ministries of r H O regon, a statew ide J — / a s s o c ia tio n o f 17 USPS 959-680 Christian denom inations w ork­ ing together for unity and ju s ­ tice, condemns the hate crime o f burning crosses in southeast Portland neighborhoods. “The cross burning and other recent incidents in Eastmoreland Established 1 9 7 0 STA FF E d it o r P C in h ie f , Charles H. W ashington d it o r Larry J. Jackson, Sr. B u s in e s s M anager G ary-Ann Taylor A sst . P ublisher Michael Leighton C E o py d it o r Joy Ramos O regon,” ¿ a id EMO executive director David A. Leslie. “ We cannot ignore nor dis­ miss these types o f action as aberrations, but m ust under­ stand it as system ic attem pt to harass and intim idate Jews and other ethnic m inorities, as well as all who are com m itted to peace and justice. (A P)-C O E U R D ’ALENE, I d a h o - A n Intern et m illio n aire has paid $250,000 forthe AryanNations’ former com pound in northern Idaho and plans to turn it into an educational center for human rights issues. GregCarr, founder and former chairm an o f the Internet service Prodigy, bought the 20-acre com pound near H ayden Lake from a m other and son w ho were aw arded it after w inning a lawsuit against the w hite separatist group. “The days o f the Aryan N ations using this fac ility as a national headquarters for promoting religious- and race-based hatred and violence are over,” C arrsaid in a state­ m ent issued by The C arr Foundation. Victoria Keenan and her son, Jason, w ere chased, shot at and terrorized by Aryan Nations security guards in 1998. Last year, they won a $6.3 million law­ suit against Aryan Nations founder Richard Butler and his organization, bankrupting the group. The Keenans obtained the title to the property last month at a bank­ ruptcy court auction and announced their wish to sell it to a group promoting human rights. The compound con­ tains numerous buildings, including Butler’s home, a bunkhouse, a guard tower and the chapel ofButler’ s church. Carr said B utler’s church will be turned into a museum displaying “the artifacts o f hatred left behind by the Aryan Nations ” The remaining build­ ings will be razed and replaced with a classroom featuring the history and m essage o f the human rights m ove­ ment. Idaho Gov. Dirk Kem pthom e said transforming the com pound into a human rights center “continues to send the clearest o f signals o f w hat Idaho is truly about.” Carr, a 41 -year- old Idaho native, paid for the property from his personal founda ti on at Harvard University. In 1999, C arr pledged $500,000 to the Anne Frank H um an Rights Memorial in Boise and last sum­ mer donated another $500,000 to the Idaho Human Rights Education C en­ ter. “Courageous people in northern Idaho have protested against B utler’s message for 20 years,” C arr said. Butler remains in the area. V incent Bertollini, a form erSilicon Valley m il­ lionaire investor and one o f B utler’s biggest supporters, bought a small bungalow for Butler not far from the o Id compound. S h e r i f f W o n ’ t R u n ; C r it ic iz e s S te in C r e a t iv e D ir e c t o r Robert Parker 4 7 4 7 NE M artin Luther King, Jr. Blvd. Portland, OR 9 7 2 1 1 5 0 3 -2 8 8 -0 0 3 3 Fax 5 0 3 -2 8 8 -0 0 1 5 e-mail news@portlandobserver.com sdbsci1ptkai@portlandobee(verxom The fo llo w in g statem ent was is­ su e d M onday by M ultnom ah County S h e riff Dan Noelle: A fter much consideration, I have decided that I will not enter the race for Chair o f Hie Multnomah County Board o f Commissioners. I believe that it is more important for m e to remain com ­ m itted to the sh e riffs office and find­ ing solutions to the serious problem s the county faces. A t this time, I am deeply frustrated with the failure o f Chair Bev Stein’s adm inistration to deal with som e very serious problems. Chair Stein has failed to provide leadership within M ultnomah County, especially in the areas o f mental health and alcohol and drug treatment. Chair Stein has failed to provide responsible budget oversight, creating the current fiscal crisis within the county. Chair Stein has failed to provide fundamental leadership dealing with the infrastructure needs o f the county, resulting in a lackofdirectionand large cost overruns. Chair Stein has lost sight o f M ultnomah County’s core services. It is my hope that the candi­ dates w ho do file for the position o f chair spend the next few w eeks de­ scribing how they will deal w ith these im portant issues. W e need someone who can step into this leadership void and help us succeed in correcting these problems. Many, in our com m unity, are aw are o f the service requirem ents that are not being met. I hasten to add that many capable people remain at the county and continue to try to do the right thing. We have solid com m is­ sioners, w ho are as com m itted as I am in dealing with the financial problem s w e now encounter. There are several m ore things I feel I can contribute from the position o f sheriff I am com m itted to stay and continue to m ake a difference. their congregation andconstitu- ents as to the seriousness o f these actions, and to boldly de­ clare their opposition to the hate m ovem ents prev alen t in the N orthw est.” For m ore inform ation, con­ tact David Leslie at 503-221- 1054. “ Ecum enical M inistries o f Oregon and our m em ber de­ nom inations stand firm in our opposition to hate m ovem ents and commitment to healthy com­ munities completes with religious and cultural diversity. “W e urge all religious and com m unity leaders to educate The Urban League of Portland s’ Compound Transformed Rights Education Center u b l is h e r E Park, Brentwood Park, and near a Jewish cemetery on South­ east 67th Ave., as well a sw as­ tikas painted at Lane School, a neighborhood stop sign, the Korean Church on Southeast Duke, and an individual ’ s home, strengthens our collective need to stand against hate in all com ­ m unities throughout the state o f Condemned Presents the 9th Annual Job Fair Career Connections 2001 The Doubletree Hotel Lloyd Center, Exhibit Hall 1000 NE Multnomah Thursday, March 29 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. Admission Free! 0 _ 0 O ver 50 Exhibitors: Interpreters will be available for: Spanish, Asian and Russian languages and for those hearing impaired. Sf On the spot interviews and hiring will be offered by many attending employers. Bring several copies of your resume and references with you! Wells Fargo Providence Health System Portland General Electric Youth Opportunity Center Doubletree Hotel Fred Meyer City of Portland Bureau of Land Management Coca-Cola Bottling Co. City o f Salem KATU Channel 2 First Consum er’s National Bank Multnomah County Meier & Frank NWNatural Nike Oregon Health Sciences Oregon Dept. of T ransportation University Oregon Lottery Regence Blue Shield/Blue Cross Standard Insurance Tektronix, Inc. The Employment Guide Tri-Met PortofPortland United Parcel Service Kaiser Permanente US Bank Portland Community College Xerox Oregon Employment and Revenue Departments For More Information, call 503-280-2600 ads@portlandobserver.com P ostmaster : Send address changes to Portland Observer PO Box 3 1 3 7 Portland, OR 9 7 2 0 8 Periodical Postage paid in Portland, OR Subscriptions are SAFEWAY FOOD & DRUG $60.00 per year D E A D L IN E S FOR ALL SUBMITTED METERIAIS: Attention SENIORS N E W FOR S E N IO R S ONLY... ARTICLES: Monday by 5 p . m . ADS: Friday by noon The Portland Observer welcomes freelance submissions. Manuscripts and photographs should be clearly labeled and willbe returned ifaccom- pamed by aselfaddressed envelope. All created design display ads be­ come die sole property o f the news­ paper and cannot be used in other publications or personal usage with­ out the written consent ofthe general manager, unless the client has pur­ chased the composition o f such ad. © 1996 THE PORTLAND OB­ SERVER. ALL RIGHTS RE­ SERVED,REPRODUCTION IN WHOLEORINPARTWITHOUT PER MISSION LSPROHIBri ED. ThePortlandObserver-Oregon’s Oldest Multicultural Publication-Lsa member o f the National Newspaper Association-Founded in 1885, and The National Advertising Represen­ tative Amalgamated Publishers, Inc, New York, NY, and The West Coast Black Publishers Association* Serv­ ing Portland and Vancouver. Safeway Senior Shuttle Service! f t '.r ' I I / Introducing a great new service for OUI neighborhood senior citizens. 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