March 21, 2001 J J n r t la n ò ÿtarUaub ©burner Classifieds/Bids (Oliser © in v o lv e d PORT OF P O R TLA N D Career Opportunities At Providence Health System everyone gets involved. Our com­ m itm ent to the highest quality o f care and the well-being o f our community carries over in to our commitment to your future. As a recognized leader in health care and Oregon's second largest private employer, we offer the most advanced technology and a caring w ork environment. Get more - at Providence. Take a look at some o f our immediate opportunities: Information about career opportunities with the Port of Portland can be obtained by calling the Job Hotline at (503) 944-7480. Hearing impaired applicants may call TDD, (503) 944-7485. Applications are available by visiting (he Port’s website at or by calling (503) 944-7400 or by visiting the Port’s office, located at 121 NW Everett Street, Portland. The Port o f Portland is an Equal O pportunity Employer ■ ALLIED HEALTH C o n ta ct: a s c h e n k 0 p ro v id e n c e .o rg CV Tech M a m m o g ra p h y Tech MRI Tech S on ograp her R ad iatio n Therapist R adiologic Technician Public Notice C o n ta ct: s w a s h in g to n -c la rk 0 p ro v id e n c e .o rg M edical Assistant C ytotechnologists H istotechnologists H istotechn olo gy Supervisor Senior L a bo ratory Technologist Phlebotom ists Pharm acist o u a! c cu ■D > o L. Q ■ . 3 3 3 A C o n ta ct: n h u n s a k e r0 p ro v id e n c e .o rg R esp irato ry Therapist ■ ANCILLARY SERVICES C o n ta ct: n h u n s a k e r0 p ro v id e n c e .o rg H om e H ealth A ide CNA E q u ip m en t Specialist ■ ■■ ■ ADMINISTRATIVE SUPPORT C o n ta ct: s w a s h in g to n -c la rk 0 p ro v id e n c e .o rg P a tie n t R elations R ep resentative Clinic M a n a g e r (Salem ) D irector, Clinic O p eratio ns M anager, Clinic In fo rm a tics Surgery Scheduling S upervisor Surgery Scheduling C o o rd in a to r Insurance V erifica tio n Specialist Registrar ■ HUMAN RESOURCES C on ta ct: jh e n n in g fe ld 0 p ro v id e n c e .o rg B enefits M a n a g e r C om pensation M a n a g e r H um an Resources A ssistant Applications are required and may be obtained through our Website or at one of our main hospital locations. Providence Health System is an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer. Drug and health screens required. Providence Health System 4805 NE Glisan St. Portland, OR 97213 Phone 503.215.5770 It T3 QJ 'S > a QJ bel Please reference #P00301 on your application. BEST GSSfiB P ro v id e n c e I H e a lth System A c a rin g d if f e r e n c e y o u can f e e l \tirsing Where Your Heart and Mind Go To Work At the American Red Cross, you bring your tools to work everyday. Nurse Manager Full-limi' position io effecovi'ly manage blood collection operations and staff to result in superior donor, sponsor, volunteer and paid staff experience and successfully achieve collection goal Requires graduation from accredited school of nursing and possession of current RN license Prior supervisory and bltxxi banking experience hdpful. Collections Staff Nurse Positions include vaning work schedules, overnight travel and fully-paid training program. Competitive salary and benefils package including medical, dental, life, paid time off and retirement Bilingual individuals encouraged to apply Drug lest administered Please visit us in person, on the web or call to request an application: American Red Cross 3131 N. Vancouver Ave., Portland, OR 97227 Hotline (503) 280-1454 • Fax (503) 280-1480 An equal opportunity employer. M/F/D/V The Workforce Development Community Contributions Committee (Com­ mittee) is beginning a procurement process for quality workforce train­ ing services for Enterprise Zone residents. The City Council has desig­ nated the Committee to allocate Enterprise Zone Community Contribu­ tion Workforce Development funds. The seven member Committee will review and select proposals for funding. The Committee is com­ posed of three N/NE Portland business persons, one N/NE Enterprise Zone company representative, one N/NE Economic Development Alli­ ance Board representative, one NE One Stop Career Center represen­ tative, and one Mayor’s Office representative. The City Council designated worksystems inc. (WSI) as the adminis­ trator for these funds. The City council requires N/NE Portland Enterprise Zone companies who receive property tax exemptions in excess of a certain size to contribute to a Community Contribution fund for the N/NE Community. 70% of the funds are designated for workforce training and develop­ ment. Approximately $390,000 in Enterprise Zone Community Contribution Workforce Development funds will be available. Services are to be provided between July 1,2001 and June 30, 2002. At their discretion, the Committee and WSI may extend contracts for services through June 30, 2004. WSI and the Committee are seeking community-based organizations, educational institution, an/or businesses interested in providing ser­ vices which will develop a better prepared workforce that is more re­ sponsive to employer needs. Possible use of funds include: • Employment Preparation includes basic skills training, general work­ place skills training, and English as a Second Language for the workforce. Services should be tied to employer needs and employ­ ment retention. • Pre-employment Training includes skills based training developed to met the needs of Portland’s targeted industries. • Employer New Hire Support Services includes services that offer support to new hires to companies located or operating the Enterprise Zone. Targets services critical to keeping employees in new jobs through the probationary period and into permanent positions. • Customized Workforce Training includes skills based training de­ signed to provide qualified employees to businesses providing ser­ vices in the Enterprise Zone, • Job Skills Enhancement includes training and retraining for working individuals who need additional specific skills to advance in the job market or retain their current positions. Request for Proposal The Request for Proposal (RFP) will be available on the WSI website on March 30, 2001. Replies to the RFP must be received by 5pm on April 30, 2001 via e-mail attachment or diskette only. Bidder’s Conference Full-time and per-diem posiuons available to perform health histories, determine donor eligibility and ventpunc- tore. Requires current RN or LPN license, excellent customer service skills and the desire to save lives ONA Union A m erican Red Cross The Bidder’s Conference will be held on Thursday April 12, 2001 from 1:00 to 3:30 PM at the Oregon Association of Minority Entrepreneurs, 4134 N. Vancouver Ave., Portland, OR 97217. Organizations inter­ ested in competing for funding are strongly encouraged to attend. Notification of Future Procurement All WSI funding opportunities are listed at un­ der Contractor Information. If you want to be notified about funding opportunities, please email: and indicate you wish to be added to the procurement notification list. If you have additional questions regarding procurement, please call 503-241-4600. SUB-BIDS REQUESTED Tri-Met Interstate Max Project Line Section IOC W e’ll be there. Bids Due On or Before April 24,2001 SUBCONTRACTOR OPEN HOUSE March 28,2001 -4:00-6:00pm 0AM E Conference Room 4134 N. Vancouver Avenue, Portland, Oregon , / n Oregon, opportunity means a variety of careers available statewide, competitive salaries and great benefits. Currently, openings exist In the following agencies: EPARTMENT OF REVENUE rlncipal Executive/Manager C artland District Unit Manager ere is a position available with the Department of Revenue’s Personal Tax and Compliance Division, in irtland This position supervises, coaches, counsels, trains, and evaluates a professional staff ^forming audit collection, filing enforcement, and support activities. This includes plaining for and .signing wotk to achieve section goals and objectives. This position serves as a member of the impliance Section’s management team and ca rie s out and has responsibility for assignments and oiects which support the Division mission. This position assists the management team in executing the sponsibihties of the section’s various programs and is responsible for ensuring equitable and consistent ■atment of Oregon taxpayers. S alay range is »3.122 to $4.614 a month Announcement «-£100144. I request job announcem ent and an application, call (5 0 3 ) 945-8555 (TTY (5 03 ) 9 4 5 ^ 6 1 7 or 100) 886-7204 for the hearing or speech impaired only) or visit EOE/AAE/ADA. F.E. Ward, Inc. is seeking to build a diverse and competitive team and encourages DBE firms located within the Portland Enterprise Zone and the Portland metropolitan area, and all other interested subcontractors and suppliers to attend the open house and submit quotations. opportunity employers. _______________ C a ll t o d a y ! 2 3 3 - 0 0 3 3 _________________ _ ______________________ > t WWTP Outfall Relocation, CIP No. 312300 Sealed bids for the WWTP Outfall Relocation, CIP No. 3 1 2 3 0 0 will be received by the Office of the Director of the Department of Envi­ ronmental Services at Gresham City Hall, 1333 N.W. Eastman Park­ way, Gresham, Oregon 97030, until Friday, April 6, 2 00 1, 9:00 a.m. local tim e, The bids will be publicly opened at 1:00 p.m. local time on April 6 , 2 0 0 1 in Conference Room 3A, City Hall. The character of the work is the relocation and raising of two exist­ ing WWTP outfall pipes (42”, 27") and two existing wastewater force mains (6 ”, 8") via an aerial crossing of the Columbia River Slough. A pre-bid meeting will be held at 9:00 am on Monday, April 2, 2001 at the Gresham Wastewater Treatment Plant located at 20015 N.E. Sandy Blvd. Attendance is mandatory for all prospective bidders. The major quantities involved are: 100 LF 42" Steel Pipe w/ Cement Mortar Coating & Lining 108 LF 27” Steel Pipe w/Cem ent Mortar Coating & Lining 360 LF 6" & 8 ” Ductile Iron Force Main 57 LF 36" Steel Casing 2 EA Concrete Pipe Crossing Supports, each w/2 cone, piles (3.5' dia., 14' deep) Questions concerning this project should be addressed to Clint Moshofsky, Project Manager, (503) 618-2637. Plans and specifications may be reviewed at the office of the De­ partment of Environmental Services at the Gresham City Hall. Cop­ ies may be obtained from the Department of Environmental Services by paying a non-refundable fee of $25 for each set of plans and specifications requested. If ordered by mail, add a $5 processing and mailing charge. Prior to obtaining plans and specifications, con­ tractors must have purchased the current City of Gresham Public Works Standards (July 20, 1993), as shown by the records of the Department of Environmental Services. Bidders must prequalify with the City of Gresham by April 5, 2 0 0 1 for sewer work. This project is for a public work and is subject to ORS 279.348 to 279.380, the Oregon Prevailing Wage Law. All proposals must be submitted on the forms furnished by the City of Gresham, mailed or delivered to the Department of Environmental Services, City of Gresham, in a sealed envelope plainly marked, “SEALED BID for the WWTP Outfall Relocation, CIP No. 3 1 2 3 0 0 ”, bearing the name and address of the bidder. Each must be accompa­ nied by a certified check, cashier's check or bid bond in an amount not less than ten percent (10%) of the total bid. By Order Of City Council 1333 N.W. Eastman Parkway Gresham, Oregon 97030 Request For Proposals Legal Services For Bond Counsel RFP#01R-6-OGC Metro, a metropolitan service district organized under the laws of the State of Oregon and the 1992 Metro Charter, located at 600 NE Grand Avenue, Portland, OR 97232-2736 is soliciting proposals for legal Services for Bond Counsel. Sealed proposals should be deliv­ ered to Metro, Attn: Daniel B. Cooper, General Counsel, Office of General Counsel, 600 NE Grand Avenue Portland, OR 97232-2736 and are due no later than 5:00 p.m., May 1, 2001. Request for Proposal Documents can be obtained by contacting (503) 797-1631. Proposals must conform to the RFP format and be complete including the use of any forms. Metro may accept or reject any or all proposals, in whole or in part, or waive irregularities not affecting substantial right if such action is deemed in the public interest. Metro and its contractors will not discriminate against any person(s) based on race, color, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, age, religion, physical handicap, political affiliation, or marital status. Metro extends equal opportunity to all persons and specifically en­ courages minority and women-owned businesses to access and par­ ticipate in this and all Metro projects, programs, and services. Notice O f Opportunity For Public Hearing Tri-Met intends to apply to the Oregon Department of Transportation for a Special Transportation Discretionary Grant to improve senior and disabled transportation services in the area. If approved, this grant will finance operations, planning, and/or capital assistance in Washington, Clackamas, and Multnomah counties. Copies of proposed projects are available from Tom Mills at 503-962-4883. Tri-Met invites any interested party to comment on the proposed projects at a meeting of the Special Transportation Fund Advisory Committee Steering Group scheduled for April 13, from 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. in the Auditorium of the Portland Building 1120 SW Fifth Avenue, Portland, Oregon. Time will be set aside between 10:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. for public comment. Or, written comments may be sent to Tom Mills at Tri-Met, 4012 SE 17* Avenue, Portland, Or­ egon 97202. A sign language interpreter will be available at the meeting. Bruce Harder Executive Director Finance & Administration Tri-Met 2710 NE 7Q* St. - Vancouver, WA 98665 (360) 573-8929 - FAX (360) 573-4507 Oregon CCB #63296 We are an Equal Opportunity Employer. Do You Have Guacamole on Your Resume? Exciting national restaurant chain has great opportunities for experienced: A d v e r t i s e in (Fife ^ o r tla n b (Ohecrucr, Notice To Contractors F.E. WARD, INC. icruitment closes March 28. 2001. J /h o s e are just a few of the current job openings available with the State of Oregon A more complete announcement listing, application forms, and additional job Information are available at: a) local Employment Department field offices, or b) the Oregon jobs page at: The State of Oregon and all Its divisions are proud to be equal i Page B5 • Restaurant Managers • Please forward your resume to: Fax: 510.768.1330 • EOE Retail Meier & Frank A Division Of The May Department Stores Retail Managers Meier & Frank, one of the nation’s leading retailers is seeking individuals to fill the position of Retail Manager. These important positions are responsible for maximizing sales through superior merchandising, exceptional customer service and inventory control. 2-3 years prior retail experience is required. Meier & Frank offers a competitive salary/ benefit package, and exciting career growth opportunity. Please send resumes to: Meier & Frank Attn: 1277-0 621 SW 5* Ave. Portland, OR. 97204 Fax: (503) 241-5790 E-mail: jabs@meierandfrank.CQm EOE