M arch 21, 2001 Page B4 ÿtarManb (ßbaeruer i Metro/Religion Obituaries William Arthur Spencer worker and retired in the early 1980s due to a disability. He moved to Portland in 1942, lived in The Dalles and returned to Portland. Survivors include his sons, Pe­ ter and Benjamin; and brother, Rob­ ert J. Interment in Willamette Na­ tional Cemetery. Remembrances to die Parry Center for Children. A memorial service was held S a tu rd a y , M arch 17 in Killingsworth Little Chapel ofthe Chimes for Wiiliam Arthur Spen­ cer, who died March 11 at age 64. Mr. Spencer was bom March 11, 1937, in Franklin, Tenn. Heserved mtheU.S. AirForce. Hegraduated from Western Oregon State Col­ lege. He was a mental health social In Loving Memory Norman J. Moore Bible Club Offers After School Fun N orm an J. M oore died on March 16,2001. Be was bom Aug. 29, 1957 and raised in Portland, Ore. He will be missed by his mother, Beatrice Moore and a host o f fam­ ily and friends. Alternative School Helps Kids C ontinued from frontpage metro and returned to West Virginia State C o lleg e for his bachelor’s degree in educa­ tion in 1962. After retiring from the army as a Colonel with 22 years of service, he earned the oppor­ tunity to join the University of Washington in 1969 as the founding vice president o f the office for minority affairs, where he raised membership from 430 to over 4,000 stu­ dents. He received his doctorate in higher education adminis­ tration and history from Uni­ versity of Washington in 1971. Following this retirement in 1982, he was designated pro­ fessor emeritus by the Uni­ versity of Washington presi­ dent and faculty. A p o w erfu l com m unity emerged as one of the most prestigious alternative schools in the state. Begun in 1967 and (under the dynamic leadership of Rosemary Anderson) accred­ ited by the Northwest Asso­ ciation of schools and Col­ leges in 1989, POIC/RAMHS operates daily classes and job skill programs for high-risk youth. The curriculum has flourished the past 10 years under the tutelage of Dr. Samuel E. Kelly. While serving as a Captain in the United State Army, Dr. Kelly received his first de­ gree in history from West Vir­ ginia State College in 1959. He went on to earn a m aster’s degree, also in history, from Mafshal University in 1960, presence and African-Ameri­ can spokesman, Dr. Kelly re­ marks, “When people ask why a man with my education would work at a small, accredited, alternative high school, I tell them this is not, just about my contribution to the community, this is my life’s work.” For more information on how to attend or contribute to this fundraising event, please call PO IC /R osem ary A nderson Middle and High School at 503 735-1825. H o rtiau b (f)b»erucr Advertisement For Bids Exterior Painting, Sealing & Repair at Various High Rise Locations JobNo.MP-00-01-01 Subsidized Units For Seniors, Or Disabled, Or Handicapped Persons May Be Available At This Time. If subsidized units are not available at this time, qualified applicants may be placed on Waiting Lists. Guardian Management Corporation is committed to “ Equal Housing Opportunity.” Willamette Place II 945 E. 19th. Street McMinnville, OR. 97128 EQUAL HOUSING O P P O R T U N IT Y (503) 472-0397 JoAnna Granville t=i SUB-BIDS REQUESTED Portland Building 15th Floor Remodel > Sunday, March 25, 6:00 p.m. with Classifieds/Bids t=t CD release & Spain tour bon voyage concert a (P hoto by R on W ashington /P ortland O bserver ) If subsidized units are not available at this time, qualified applicants may be placed on Waiting Lists. Guardian Management Corporation is committed to Equal Housing Opportunity “ Willamette Place 1925 E. McDonald Lane McMinnville, OR. 97128 EQUAL HOUSING O P P O R T U N IT Y (503) 472-0397 Augustana Lutheran Church hosts the Disciples in Song > their parents, share Bible stories, games, candy and prizes. Subsidized Units For Seniors, Or Disabled, Or Handicapped Persons May Be Available At This Time. High School Teen Missing Joanna Granville, a 15-year-old student from Wilson High School has been reported missing. She was last seen March 14 at 9:05 a.m. in the school’s parking lo t Her mother says she has no idea o f her whereabouts. JoAnna is described as 5 foot, 4 inches tall, 90 pounds, with brown eyes and brown hair. If you have any inform ation, call the Portland Police Bureau’s Cen­ tral Precinct at 503-823-3333. A huge inflated slide is draw ing interest to K in g School P ark at Northeast 7'* and Going as children fro m kindergarten through sixth grade enjoy the After School Bible Club, sponsored by the New Song Community Church, 2511 N.E. M artin Luther K ing Jr. Blvd. The kids, with the permission o f C hristor Lewis, D ire c to r M a rily n Keller, Janice Scroggins & more! Sunday Worship: 8:30 & 11 a.m.; 1:30 & 6 p.m. Rev. W.J. Mark Knutson, Rev. Ramona Soto Rank 2710 NE 14th Ave (near MLK, Lloyd Center) Bids Due: March 2 9 .2 0 0 1 at 11:00 AM Swinerton Builders is requesting sub-bids from certified MBE/WBE/ ESB Subcontractors & Suppliers. Plans and specifications are available for review in our office Swinerton Builders 3 0 30 SW Moddy Ave. Suite 250 Portland, Oregon 97201 Phone (503) 222-2000 Fax (503) 478-2700 Contact: Kim Kramer CCB# 11151 WA # WESTWSC042C2 We are an equal opportunity employer and request bids from all interested firm s including disadvantaged. minority, women, veterans and emerging small business enterprises. Sub-Bids Requested from certified MBE/WBE/ESB Subcontractors & Suppliers for; "Show Us Your Glory Exodus 33:12-33 Experience God in a higher dimension! Deliverance! Breakthrough! Healing! 15'h Floor Remodel, Portland Building Multnomah County, Portland, OR Bid Date: March 29, 2001 at 11:00 AM Plans and specifications are available for review in our office. DPR Construction, INC Messenger God’s anointed, gifted man for the next great awakening! ( on>truction I )r. F. Ron Mays, Senior Pastor 120 SW Ankeny, Suite 325, Portland, OR 97204 (503) 225-9700 FAX (503) 225-0783 Contact: Carrie Steele CCB #1063 05 We are an equal opportunity employer 5,000 Member Charity Church in Fort Worth TX W h p rT Thursday Friday U /h p rp - TV llv iv . Allen Temple CME Church 423<- NE 8th ¿v en u e Portland OR April 5,2001 April 6,2001 (503) 287-0261 Sealed bids will be received at the Housing Authority of Portland (HAP), 8 9 1 0 N. Woolsey Avenue, Portland, Oregon 97203, until 2:00 p.m., Thursday, April 12, 2001 for labor and materials to paint, seal and make necessary repairs to exteriors of 9 high rise apartment build­ ings Shortly thereafter, bids will be opened and publicly read. No bidder may withdraw their bid after the hour set for opening until after the lapse of sixty (60) days from the bid opening. The basic work will include masonry restoration, concrete wall resto­ ration; EIFS restoration, painting of exteriors, cleaning and sealing of brick exterior buildings. Bid Documents will be available at the HAP Maintenance office after Wednesday, March 14, 2001. Attendance of bidders is requested at a pre-bid tour of the work locations commencing at the Housing Authority of Portland Mainte­ nance Office, address above, at 10:00 a.m. Tuesday, March 27,2001. Questions posed during the tour, not addressed in the documents, will be answered by addendum. The Housing Authority of Portland may reject any bid not in compli­ ance with the prescribed bidding procedures and requirements and may reject any or all bids and waive all informalities if, in-the judge­ ment of HAP, it is in the public interest to do so. Questions regarding this project should be directed to H. David Walter at 735-4210. Housing Authority Of Portland H. David Walter Assistant Director, Housing Operations 7:00 pm 7:00 pm V. Advertise your business in Portland (©bseruer call 288-0033 today Notice O f Opportunity For Public Hearing Notice is hereby given that a public hearing, if so requested by any interested person, will be held by the Tri-County Metropolitan Trans­ portation District of Oregon (Tri-Met) in Conference Room D, Tri-Met, 4012 SE 171” Avenue, Portland, OR 9 7202 at 8 :0 0 AM on Wednes­ day, April 18, 2001. The purpose ofthe hearing is to consider projects for which federal FY01 Surface Transportation Program (STP) funds from the Federal Transit Administration is being sought for Tri-Met's rail preventive maintenance program. Persons requesting that this hearing be convened should contact Tri-Met’s Finance Administrator by telephone at 503-962-5850, or in writing at 4012 S.E. 17th Av­ enue, Portland, OR 97202 by Friday, April 6, 2001. The Proposed Program of projects includes: Federal Total Match Rail Preventive Maintenance (STP) $5,434,783 $6,056,818 $89.73% All projects have been selected through Tri-Met's planning process, which incorporates public involvement, and are programmed in the Metropolitan and State Transportation Improvement Programs. No persons, families, or businesses will be displaced by the projects. Projects described above are in conformance with comprehensive land use and transportation planning in the area. In the event a hearing is held, Tri-Met will afford opportunity for inter­ ested persons or agencies to be heard with respect to the social, economic, and environmental aspects o fth e projects. A person requesting a sign language interpreter shall give Tri-Met at least 48 hours notice of the request by contacting Tri-Met at 503-962- 4831 or TDD 503-962-5811, Monday through Friday, 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM. If any interested person requires information regarding the grant or Tri-Met's transit development plan they may contact Tri-Met's Finance Administrator by telephone at 503-962-5850 or in writing at 4012 S.E. 17th Avenue. Portland, OR 97202. Bruce Harder Executive Director Finance & Administration Tri-Met 4