Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, March 21, 2001, Image 1

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Knight Library
1299 University ot Oregon
Eugene O R 97403-1205
Volume XXXI
Number 12
Brazilian Oil Rig Sinks,
Raising Fears of Leaks
RIODEJANEIRO,Brazil— Anoilrig
billed as the world’s largest sank in the
South Atlantic, and state oil company
Petrobras raced to prevent 400,000 ga
Ions o f crude and diesel fuel still aboarc
from spilling into the sea. The 40-story
tall rig, 75 miles off the Brazilian coast
was ravaged by explosions and fire that
killed at least two workers. Eight others
were missing and presumed dead.
Second Day of Rolling
Blackouts Hits California
LOS ANGELES— State power man
agers ordered rolling blackouts across
California for a second straight day as
demand for electricity again exceedet
supply. The same factors that collided to
strap California’s power supply hit again
Those include reduced electricity imports
from the Pacific Northwest, numerous
powerplants offline forrepairs and higher-
than-expected demand because o f warm
Macedonian Army Tanks
Move Into Besieged City
T E T L)
Macedonian army sent four tanks rolling
into the country’s second-largest city
Monday, signalling the military was ready
to engage ethnic Albanian rebels fighting
for greater rights and recognition in Slav-
dominated Macedonia. The tanks enteret
Tetovo as clashes decreased in intensity
after a night o f bombardments.
U.S. Borders on Alert
CHANTILLY, Va. — Dogs trained to
sniff luggage greeted travelers from Lon­
don and other European points as inspec­
tors tightened U.S. defenses against foot-
and-mouth disease. The disease, harm­
less to humans, could be devastating to the
huge U.S. livestock industry.
Committed to Cultural Diversity
Established in 1970
Church Construction Back on Track
Looming large and in the final push for
completion is the construction o f the new
Emmanuel Temple Full Gospel Pentecostal
Church on North Sumner St.
Building work has resumed after having
fallen behind schedule. Now back on track,
the church and its adjoining centers are ex­
pected to be “up and running” by Christmas
Bishop A. A. Wells o f Emmanuel Church
explained that construction delay was from
financing another related project - the reno­
vation o f Renaissance Market, located at 909
N. Killingsworth. According to the church
leader, several millions o f dollars has gone
towards making improvements to the commu­
nity store. Now in its fifth year o f operation,
Bishop Wells proudly announced that Re­
naissance Market has finally “arrived.” It is a
more cost-efficient and profitable business.
So far, work on the church has m oved into
its second phase, the city has deemed Mis­
souri and Sumner, where the church is lo­
cated, as super blocks. Super blocks are tech­
nically regarded as being larger than a city
block. Instead o f keeping them as through
streets for vehicle traffic, the sidewalks will be
resurfaced and converted into a path for
biking and walking.
Craftsman for Christ construction com­
pany is currently busy at work on the church’s
adjacent building that will become the A.A.
Wells Learning Center - part o f Emmanuel
Church’s Early Childhood Education pro­
gram. Once completed, the 43 young stu­
dents u&hiipiograaa. will relocate to the new
location. The other remaining work left to do
is the construction o f the east administration
wing. Plans are underway for the creation o f
a gymnasium within the next 10 years. This
will comprise the third phase ofconstruction.
The structure will be an 8,000 sq ft, 2-story
facility to be built for youth and located just
across the street. Approval o f the new church
tíishoj) A.A. Weils
is of the Emmanuel t I emple h ull Cospel Pentecostal Church looks over the construction
Ijutfainv that snado\.s‘ftôrïh Sumner and Missouri along the east side o f the D FFreeway"
has come from all around. According to Bishop
Wells, he has received good reviews from
within the community and outside o f it. With
the city, they’ve already met building stan­
dards o f compliance. And financially, all is
well. Funding for $2 million will be available
within 45 days from a national investment
banking group. Other monies have poured in
th ro u g h the g en erous su p p o rt o f the
Emmanuel T emple congregation.
The greatest intent by Bishop Wells is that
Emmanuel Temple be a medium and extension
Squaring Off For County Chair
U.S. Expands Import Ban
on Livestock Disease
W ASHINGTON - A U.S. ban on
imports o f livestock and fresh meat was
expanded to all 15 countries o f the Euro­
pean Union after a case o f foot-and-
mouth disease was found on a farm in
Diane Linn, from her southeast Portland office, looks to become the chair o f the Multnomah County Commission
(P hoto by M ark W ashington /P ortland O bserver )
SEOUL, South Korea — North Ko­
rea strongly denounced the Bush admin­
istration, saying it has adopted a hostile
policy aimed at “sti fling” the communist
country. The criticism comes just a week
after President Bush met with South
Korea’s president and laid down a hard
line toward the North, ruling out an
immediate resumption ofClinton-era ne­
gotiations with the communist govern­
Cities Boom Once Again
a towering new church
(P hoto by M ark W ashington /P ortland O bserver )
SPACE CENTER, Houston — The
international space station reached an
other milestone as its first replacement
crew finished moving into its new home.
The new three-person crew — made up
o f Susan Helms, astronaut Jim Voss and
Russian cosmonaut Yuri Usachev— will
do a four-month stay on the orbiting
For the first time in decades, popula­
tion is booming in many urban centers, a
historic reversal ofdeclinethat hasplagued
the nation’s oldest cities. Other cities are
experiencing the smallest declines-in 30
years, according to an analysis o f Census
2000 data.
March 21,2001
New Space Station Crew
Moves Into Orbiting Outpost
N. Korea Denounces Bush
Jo Ann Bowman sets her sights o n lh e Multnomah County Chair
position by resigning from the Oregon House o f Representatives.
lera ceto fill M ultnom ah C ounty g o v ern m en t’s
top p o sitio n has d raw n tw o seaso n ed p o litical
M ultnom ah C o unty C o m m issio n er D iane Linn and
Rep. JoA nn B ow m an, D -P o rtlan d , have both resigned
from th eir respective positions to run for the county chair
seat left vacant by B everly S te in ’s decision to run for
O regon Governor.
Bowm an has served in the State L egislature since 1995
and served 8 years as a sta ff assistant in the county
ch air’s office. Linn w as elected to a second term on the
county com m ission in N ovem ber.
Bowm an says her experience and com m itm ent to serv­
ing the people o f M ultnom ah C ounty and w orking with
Gov. John K itzhaber m ake her a strong candidate who can
make sure the county gets its fair share o f state revenues.
Linn also cites budget issues, saying her experience and
fam iliarity m akes her the right person for the job.
o f other valued services. He regards building
the new church as a challenge from God where
it is all about partnerships and building com­
munity out o f love. “It’s a symbol o f people
coming together, overcoming challenges and
persevering to overcome,” he said.
Fired for
F o u r M u ltn o m a h C o u n ty c o r r e c ­
tio n s o ffic e rs h av e b e e n fire d in a
ca se o f e x c e s s iv e fo rce a g a in s t a
m an in ja il.
M u ltn o m a h C o u n ty U n d e r s h e r if f
M el H e d g p e th sa id th e c o u n ty h a s
ta k e n step s to av o id a re p e a t o f th e
p ro b le m an d a p o lo g iz e d to th e c o m ­
m unity.
T h e p ris o n e r, D e n n is P o e w a s a r ­
re s te d last Ju ly 1 1th.
H e d g p e th s a id th e d e p a r t m e n t
le a rn e d th at Poe m ig h t h a v e b e e n
stru c k w h ile he w as s e c u re d to a
re s tra in t b o ard in a s e p a ra tio n c e ll.
S e rg e a n t J e ffre y R istv e t, o n e o f
th e fo u r d ism isse d , h as b e e n c h a rg e d
w ith a ssa u lt, h a ra ssm e n t a n d o f f ic ia l
m isc o n d u c t a fte r a c rim in a l in v e s ti­
g atio n by d etectiv es. H is tria l is p e n d ­
ing. A s h e r i f f s d e p a rtm e n t in v e s ti­
g a tio n fo u n d th at R istv e t u s e d u n ­
n e c e s s a ry fo rce, d id n o t r e p o rt th e
u se o f fo rce and w as u n tru th fu l w h e n
q u e s tio n e d ab o u t it.
F o r th e o th e r fire d o f f ic e r s , th e
p ro b e co n c lu d e d th at d e p u ty R o d g e r
C ro s s a ls o u sed e x c e s s iv e fo r c e a n d
lied w h en q u estio n ed . It said th e fo rce
u se d by D e p u ty J a m e s B o rja w a s n o t
e x c e s s iv e but th at h e fa ile d to re p o rt
it a n d lied w h en a s k e d a b o u t it.
D e p u ty W a lla c e M o n to y a w a s a c ­
c u se d o f not re p o rtin g th e fo rc e he
saw o r h e a rd a b o u t a n d w as e v a s iv e
and u n tru th fu l.