Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, March 14, 2001, Image 7

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Committed to Cultural Diversity
March 14, 20«!
(Ehi' ^ o rtla n h (Dbseruer
n m m n n i t n
a I e n ù a r
Developing a 2020 Plan for Portland Parks
Health and Human
Rights A ddressed
P o rtlan d S tate U n iv e rsity has in ­
vited ex p ert p a n e lists that w ill ad dress
issu es re la tin g to h e a lth and hum an
rights. O n T h u rsd a y , M arch 15, from
1 2 - 1 p .m ., learn ab o u t c u rre n t le g is­
latio n th a t a ffe c ts the h e a lth and h u ­
m an rig h ts o f O re g o n ia n s. T he lectu re
w ill be held at P S U ’s U rban C en ter, 2 nd
floor g allery , SW . M ill b etw een F ifth
and Sixth.
Feng Shui in the Garden
E xp lo re sim p le d e sig n so lu tio n s to
y our g ard en in g d ilem m as u sin g co lo r,
sh ape and p la c e m e n t to im p ro v e flow
and h arm ony. T he class is th ro u g h the
A lam ed a C o m m u n ity S ch o o l on T u e s­
day, Feb. 20 and 27, from 6 :3 0 p.m . -
8:30p.m . Call 503/823-PLA Y .
Paintball Fund-R aiser
Jo in in th e P a in tb a ll c o m p e titio n
th a t’s o pen to a ll on S un d ay , A p ril 1 at
the S p lat A ctio n P a in tb a ll Park. P ro ­
ceeds from the ev en t w ill go to w ard s
the fig h t a g a in st illite ra c y . F or m ore
inform ation and to reg ister, call Casi or
B u d at 503/771-5752.
W eekend Green Tour
G uides
P o rtla n d P arks & R ecreatio n n eeds
d edicated p eople to lead w eekend plant
w alks in city parks betw een A pril 1 and
N o v em b er 1. T h ese g u id es w ill be
tra in e d to talk ab o u t the vario u s p lan ts
- from trees to sm all flow ers - in
L a u re lh u rst, M t. T a b o r, S e llw o o d ,
D u n iw ay , G ra n t, P e n in su la , S o u th
W aterfro n t, and F o rest Parks and at
H oyt A rboretum . All tours w ill be held
on S atu rd ay s at 10 a.m . - noon. T ra in ­
ing is offered. C all 503/823-3601.
Portland City Commissioner Jim Francesconi has an open ear to the views o f kids as he develops a 2020 plan fo r the city's parks.
(P hoto by J urceys E ddis )
The Portland Parks and Recreation Depart­
ment is asking for public comment on the
proposed expansion o f the city’s park sys­
A citizen and staff vision team has exam­
ined current parks and facilities; considered
what the future demand for certain park ser­
vices and programs will be; and has come up
with recommendations on how things can be
done better in the future.
Now they are ready to share what they
have learned and get your reaction.
Public meetings are scheduled Thursday,
March 15, from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. at Alameda
School, 2732 N.E. Fremont and Thursday,
March 22, from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. at Columbia
Cottage, North Lombard and Woolsey.
A draft o f the Parks 2020 Vision Plan is
available for review by visiting the Parks 2020
W eb S ite at w w w .p o rtla n d p a rk s.o rg /
parks2020. or by calling for your own copy o f
theplan at 503-823-5589.
City officials say our world-class parks
system is in jeopardy.
Portland is projected to continue to expe­
rience significant growth in population, den­
sity, and diversity. Significant areas o f the
city lack accessible parks and community
Other parks and natural areas are being
loved to death as more and more people use
the sport fields, playgrounds, and trails. Pre­
cious wildlife habitat is also being threatened.
Bound fo r Greatness
Turn Your Teen Around
L earn the sev en h ab its o f h ig h ly
effe c tiv e teens in a sev en -w eek co u rse
held by John O da, Ph.D . Y our teen ag er
w ill learn such th in g s as tu rn in g fear
into m o tiv atio n and a ctio n ; take c o n ­
trol o f th e ir e m o tio n s; d e v e lo p a p lan
o f actio n that su p p o rts th e ir o u tco m e,
and m uch m ore. T he se ssio n s w ill be
held at W ells Farge C en ter in P ortland,
sta rtin g on T u esd ay , A p ril 10, from 6
p.m . to 9 p .m . Call 503/471-2954.
W ild in the City
P o rtla n d P ark s and R e c re a tio n ’s
O u td o o r R ecreatio n P ro g ram , in c o l­
lab o ratio n w ith T he A u d o b o n S o ciety
o f Portland, will visit Sum m er Lake Park,
a 24-acre com m unity park d ed icated to
the city as a c o n d itio n o f d ev elo p m en t
o f the Sum m er Lake and Ari G reen sub­
divisions. Call 503/823-5132.
K ayak/C anoe Tualatin
River Tour
P o rtla n d P ark s and R e c re a tio n ’s
O u td o o r R ecreatio n P ro g ram , in c o l­
lab o ratio n w ith The A u d o b o n S o ciety
o f Portland and T ualatin R iverkeepers,
w ill host a le isu re ly k ay ak o r canoe
p ad d le along the T u a la tin R iver. T his
is a g reat trip for the n o v ice p a d d le r to
ex p lo re the rip a ria n fo re sts along the
riv e r, as the w ater is calm and the d is ­
tan ces are sh o rt. P a rtic ip a n ts p ro v id e
th eir ow n boats. C all 503/823-5132 for
m ore in fo rm atio n and to reg ister.
Vehicle Law C lass for
B icyclists
The B icy cle T ra n sp o rta tio n A lli­
ance, located at 1117 SW W ash in g to n
in dow ntow n P o rtla n d w ill be h av in g a
free v ehicle law class for b ic y c lists on
Thursday, M arch 15, from 6 p.m. - 7:30
p.m. For more info., call 503/226-0676.
Lady Bug Tour G uides
Become a naturalist with Portland Parks
& Recreation and prom ote nature to very
young children and their parents. PP&R
is starting a new program o f Lady Bug
W alks in parks around the city. V olun­
teers are needed to lead these w alks and
help youngsters and their parents dis­
cover the wonders o f anim als and plants
in their neighborhood. Call 503/823-3601
for more information or to receive a train­
ing schedule.
The nationally acclaimed Jefferson Dancers are headed to one o f the most prestigious performing arts centers in the world with the support o f Portland Public Schools, the Schnitzer
CARE Foundation and individual contributors.
Acclaimed Jefferson Dancers to celebrate 25th anniversary
year with Washington, D.C. performance
T he n a tio n a lly acclaim ed Jefferso n
D ancers will add another star to their
national reputation when they perform at
the Kennedy Center in W ashington, D C.
on April 11.
“ We are very privileged to have this
wonderful opportunity," said Artistic Di­
rector Steve Gonzales.
The 20 dancers will perform an entirely
new repertoire choreographed by interna­
tionally recognized and Portland-area cho­
The repertoire includes works by Sarah
Slipper o f the Royal W innipeg Ballet C om ­
pany; Brian Sanders and Moses Pendleton
o f the internationally acclaimed Momix
Dance Theatre known for its wit. beauty
and sheer physical dancing; Jamey Hamp­
ton o f Portland’s Body Vox; and the artis­
tic director o f “Rhapsody in Taps." Linda
Sohldonnel. O ther featured works have
been choreographed by the Jefferson Dance
D e p a rtm e n t facu lty , in c lu d in g S teve
Gonzales, African dancer Ruby Bums and
tap dancer Diane Priest.
Dancer John Sorensen-Jolink said, “H av­
ing the opportunity to dance with Jefferson
Dancers for me has truly been an ey e­
opening experience into the world o f pro­
fessional dance that m ost high school
dance students only dream of. This winter
we had the opportunity to perform with a
dance group from Shanghai, w e’ve taken
m aster classes w ith d an cers from the
Alvin Ailey Company and the Sydney (A us­
tralia) Dance Com pany, and now w e’re
going to dance at the Kennedy Center in
Washington, D C., one o f the most pres­
tigious perform ing arts centers in the
world." “W e've w orked on our technique
for hours and hours, and rehearsed dances
over and over until they're second nature.
It's great to be recognized and rewarded
for all that hard w ork,” added dancer Traci
Adair. The W ashington, D C., performance
has been made possible by generous sup­
port from Portland Public Schools, the
SchnitzcrCA RE Foundation and individual
Oregonians. Under G onzales’s leadership,
the Jefferson Dancers celebrate their 25lh
anniversary this year. The dancers have
enthralled audiences in the Pacific N orth­
w est and across the nation w ith th eir
dancing excellence and high-energy p er­
formances. Dancers are selected through
a rigorous audition process in which they
must demonstrate proficiency in five dance
forms: Jazz, Tap, M odem , African and
Area residents will have the opportunity
to see the Jefferson Dancers in their annual
spring performances M ay 2 through 5 in
the Newmark Theatre at the Portland C en­
ter for the Performing Arts.