Page A6 March 14, 2001 Administrator, Physicians Join Local Workforce A new adm inistrator and two new physicians have recently joined th e P ro v id en ce H ealth System , O regon’s second largest employer. Richard Smith has joined Provi­ dence M ilwaukee Hospital as di­ rector o f Clinical Developm ent. Sm ith will develop and implement new or im proved lines o f business Richard E. Smith for the hospital, including long­ term vision, and primary and spe­ cialty care. “ I am looking forward to w ork­ ing with people to find out what type o f services they would like to receive from th e ir c o m m u ­ nity hospital,” sa y s S m ith. “W e then would begin w orking with physicians and o th e r c a re g iv e rs to m eet th o se needs.” S m ith w as recently direc­ to r o f S e n io r S e rv ic e s fo r B o n S e c o u rs B a ltim o re Health System in Baltimore, Md. He received a bachelor’s degree from Morgan State University and a m aster’s degree in social work from the University o f Maryland at Baltimore. Bess Lehtinen, M.D., certified in family medicine, has joined Provi­ dence Family Medicine at 5279 N. L o m b a rd St. She earned her m edical degree from the U ni­ versity o f W ashing­ ton M edical School and com pleted her in­ te rn s h ip a n d r e s i­ dency in family prac­ tice at the University o f New Mexico. Her clinical experience in­ cludes serving in the Family Practice C on­ tinuity Clinic at A lbu­ querque Indian Hos­ pital. Dr. Lehtinen has a special interest in w om en’s health, pre­ natal care, adolescent medicine and mental health. Poombavai Nagappan M . D ., cer­ tified in internal medicine, has joined Providence Medical Group/Scholls Part-Time Employment Opportunities in • Guest Services • Operations in Tigard. She earned her medical degree from G overnm ent Kilpauk Medical College in M adras, India; completed her residency at St. Louis University Hospital in M issouri and an internship at Edgew ater M edi­ cal Center in Chicago. She is a member o f the A m erican Medical Association T IM B E R S • Concessions • Retail Portland Marriott Downtown 1401 SW Naito Parkway Sat., March 17, 2001 10:00 am - 3:00 pm Job Hotline 503-553-5550 AFTER FIRE GRAND OPENING Oregon Solutions Link Business, Government A new state-sponsored web site is a “meeting place” for government officials, community leaders, non­ profit organizations, private busi­ nesses, educational institutions and citizens interested in creating a sus­ tainable future for Oregon’s com ­ munity, economy, and environment. Co-sponsored by the Office o f the Governor and the Oregon Economic and Community Development De- p a r t m e n t , ww w .O is de­ sig n e d to su p p o rt G o v e rn o r Kitzhaber’s 2000 executive order on “sustainability” - using, developing and protecting resources so Orego- nians can meet their current needs while also providing for the needs o f future generations. The Oregon Solutions Web site is a clearinghouse o f information and ideas promoting sustainable prac­ tices in government and private and non-profit business. The site, which had contributions from many o f Oregon’s business and community leaders, is designed to be a catalyst for action and a place for collabora­ tion and information sharing. Visi­ tors have access to resources such as profiles o f innovative leaders in Oregon as well as extensive listings of on-line organizations focusing on sustainability. The site also features interactive on-line forums. Other highlights o f the site in­ clude a Sustainability Learning Net­ work, an on-line forum where visi­ tors can share information and de­ b ate c u rre n t issu e s re la te d to sustainability. An events calendar features information from organiza­ tions and individuals around the state and also allows visitors to post addi­ tional events. The Oregon Solutions Web site is just one o f several state initiatives taken under the executive order to develop an understanding o f what Safety, Crime Prevention Focus of Landlord Training The City o f Portland’s Office o f Planning and Development Review in partnership with the Portland Po­ lice Bureau is offering an eight-hour training to help landlords keep rental properties safe and free o f illegal ac­ tivity. This is a fully up-to-date version o f the original Landlord Training Pro­ gram, a program that the City ofPort- land pioneered in 1989 and which has since become a problem-solving suc­ cess story nationwide. Landlords, property managers, and others interested in attending may call 503-823-7955 for registration in­ formation. Advance registration is requested. Although the seminar is free, there is a $ 15 charge for the training manual, which includes information on the City’s housing maintenance code and nuisance ordinances along with cur­ rent Oregon landlord-tenant law. Future training dates are Friday, March 16'*’ at Portland Community College Central Campus, next to OMSIat 1626S.E. WaterGlisan Street; Saturday, March 17h at Providence Portland Medical Center, 4805 N.E. Glisan; Friday, April 6 th at PCC Cen­ tral; and on Saturday, April 7th at Providence Portland Medical Center. Bush Taps Black Lawyer To Lead Civil Rights Division Linder Ashcroft B y L inda B ean D iversity I nc , com President Bush said he in­ tends to nominate former fed­ eral prosecutor Ralph F. Boyd Jr., to lead the civil rights divi­ sion at the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ). The nomination of Boyd, an African American and former Ralph F. Boyd Jr. assistant U.S. attorney, comes as A ttorney G eneral John A shcroft — who leads the DOJ — seeks to assure mi­ nority communities that he will fairly enforce civil-rights laws. Ashcroft — a career politi­ cian who served as M issouri’s governor and represented the state as a U.S, senator — was criticized during his own con­ firmation hearing for what some Democrats character­ ized as a weak record on civil rights. Boyd is the third African- American man appointed to a top DOJ slot in recent weeks. He will seek confirm ation from the U.S. Senate. The protection of civil rights “ is o f utmost concern” to Ashcroft, said DOJ spokes­ woman Susan Dryden. “He is paying attention to what was said” during his confirmation hearings “and taking action to dispel any concern.” Boyd “has a very strong record as a very tough pros­ ecutor ... needed in the type of cases that will be facing the civil rights d iv isio n ,” she added. Boyd is a partner in the trial department of the Boston law firm Goodwin, Procter & Hoar LLP. Accord­ ing to a brief biography pub­ lished by the law firm, he served as a federal prosecu­ tor for six years and was a member o f the DOJ’s Anti- Violent Crime Initiative Team. He is a 1979 graduate of H averford C o lleg e and Harvard Law School. He also clerked for U.S. District Court Judge Joseph A. Young. The DOJ’s civil rights divi­ sion is responsible for enforc­ ing the sweeping laws that form the foundation of civil rights in the United States — including laws that bar dis­ crimination in education, em­ ployment, credit, housing, pub­ lic accommodations and vot­ ing. The division is also re­ sponsible for investigating po­ lice misconduct to determine if civil rights charges are war­ ranted. In January, for example, the DOJ — under Acting Attor­ ney General Eric Holder — elected not to press civil-rights charges against the four New York City police officers who shot and killed Amadou Diallo, an unarmed West African im­ migrant, in 1999. The DOJ said it couldn’t prove the officers intended to violate Diallo’s civil rights by using more force than was necessary. each o f us can do to create the future we want for Oregon. F o r m o re in fo rm a tio n on O, call Kristin Dahl in Salem at (503) 986-0057. For information on other state gov­ ernment sustainability initiatives, call Paul Burnet in Salem at (503) 378- 4652 or Langdon Marsh in Salem at (503) 378-4645. The Oregon Eco­ nomic and Community Develop­ ment Department is a state agency that invests lottery, federal and other funds to help communities and busi­ nesses build quality communities and improve the economic opportu­ nities for all Oregonians. Tue-Fri 10 am-4 pm Sat-Mon and after 4:30 by appointment only Corner of Russell and MLK above the Albina Coffee House •Receive 15% off any order of $30 or more And •Receive an additional 10% off any order placed within 30 days Walk-in always welcome, 10% discount to all Non-profit organizations, OAME & LiTIp Member discounts, Call fo r m ore information o r current location 333 A/E Russell, Suite 201 ’ Portland, OR 97212 Tel: 503-493-3391 Yes! Its you r time! You couldn't have dreamed it better if youd tried. 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