5th Urban Wheel Awards (Far left) Honda's Andy Boyd with VIP guest and Lett H unt vice president o f Audi America. at the VIP reception. Glenda Gilt Operation PUSH Detroit Office, and Bud LieMer a DaimlerChrysiet vice president Master o f Ceremonies Gerald Smith o f Detroit's Comcast Cablcvisiotr Stdmv's Thomas Johnson and Thomas Andersson, Roy S. Roberts with S2S Publisher ¡aim- Auto supplier Don Tinsley, Jr. with Pat Drummond of the Di-Tee Chairmen David Vote's executive vice president of marketing Poster-Brown /standing) and Prudential National Association o f Minority Automobile Dealers, Bumlev vice president Marilyn Crawford and Nissan 's Mark Cnstovale and Debra San(hez-Fair Jaguar President M ike OW risaH Mitsubishi FxeruJiie Vice Pmident/CCO Pierre Gagnon, DaimlerChrysler CPOtPtcsident Dieter Zetsehe, Detroit,Mayor Demis Archer, General Motors CEO Rick and Roy and Maureen Roberts ' © African Americans On Wheels Continued on page 40 wunu.onwheelsiric.am