I t ' s N ot J ust W hat H a p p e n s O n T he T r a c k , I t ' s W hat H a p p e n s I n T he P it s . T o be a winner in motorsports, you need to deliver record-breaking performances, make the right moves and sweat all the details. And that’s just in the pits. You see, a racecar driver doesn’t really cross the finish line alone. Teamwork is what wins races. It’s also what builds great cars and trucks. 7^ That’s something the men and women of UAW-GM believe. And it’s what’s behind the unique programs that the United Automobile Workers and General Motors Corporation have put together — programs that teach the latest UAW GM technologies and skills and help to improve quality and safety. With teamwork, everyone wins — A ssembly L ine T o F in is h L i n e ... T eam w ork W in s ! especially the drivers of our GM cars and trucks. «