Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, March 14, 2001, Page 3, Image 3

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    March 14, 2001
Page A3
(FFje Jlortlanò CObeeruer
Youth Philharmonic to
Perform at Parkrose High
The Portland Y outh Philharm onic
will perform a free concert on Wednes­
day, M arch 21 at 7:30 p.m. at Parkrose
H ighSchool, 12003 N .E. Shaver St.
This concert is m ade possible by a
Com m unity O utreach G rant through
the N eighborhood A rts Program o f
the R egional A rts and C ulture Coun­
cil, and grants from the H olzm an and
Artist at Home for Symphony Performance
m u s ic .
B e s id e s h e r m u s ic a l c a r e e r ,
s h e is e q u a lly at h o m e h e lp in g
h e r m o th e r an d f a m ily a t M a &
the Irw in Foundations.
The Portland Youth Philharmonic,
established in 1924, was the first youth
orchestra in the country. M usicians
in the orchestra range in age from 12-
23 and are accepted on a com petitive
basis from throughout O regon and
Southw est W ashington. For more
information, call 503-223-5939.
Restaurant and
Young People Wanted
for Litter Patrols
Looking for a sum m er jo b ?
The D epartm ent o f T ran sp o r­
tation m ay have a place for
E a c h y e a r O D O T h ire s
about 300 youth statew ide to
clean up state highw ay rights-
of-w ay as part o f the Y outh
L itter P atrol Program . Crew s
prim arily pick up litter.
H ow ever d u ties m ay also
include g raffiti rem oval and
g e n e ra l la n d s c a p e m a in te ­
nance. A typical crew includes
a crew lead er and tw o o r more
crew m em bers.
Y outh L itte r P atrol w ork­
ers are paid $6.91 an h o u r and
crew leaders are paid $7.47
an hour. C rew leaders m ust
be at least 18 years old w ith a
valid d riv er's license and a
d r iv in g
re c o rd .
C rew m em bers m ust be 16 to
20 years old.
To be a part o f the Y outh
Litter Patrol Program, register
with the Oregon Employment De­
partment Office between March
19 and July 20. Interviews for
selected applicants for the sum­
m er session will begin during
the m onth o f M ay.
D e p e n d in g on th e a re a ,
Y outh L itter P atrols m ay work
up to 12 w eeks this sum m er.
T he w orkforce m ay also be
used to hire for year round,
C hristm as and spring break
c re w s.
P a S tr o n g ’s K itc h e n in P o r t ­
la n d . F o r m o re in f o r m a tio n a n d
tic k e ts c a ll M a & P a S t r o n g ’s
a t 5 0 3 - 4 9 3 -7 3 5 5 .
•9 Televisions
•Event Specials
•Live Entertainment
Friday through Sunday
•Convenient Parking
Gail Strong-Price will perform this weekend with the
Vancouver Symphony.
A re a r e s id e n ts w ill g e t a
c h a n g e to h e a r o n e o f th e lo c a l
S h e is a d y n a m ic , v e rs a tile
p e r f o rm e r , w h e th e r s in g in g in
c o m m u n ity ’s m o s t a s p ir in g a r t ­
is ts w h e n s h e p e r f o r m s w ith
th e V a n c o u v e r S y m p h o n y S a t­
u r d a y a t 2 :3 0 p .m . a n d S u n d a y
a t 7 p .m . a t th e D u rs t A u d ito ­
riu m . G a il S tr o n g - P r ic e h a s a p ­
p e a r e d in c o n c e r ts , r e c ita ls a n d
o p e r a s th r o u g h o u t E u ro p e .
o p e ra , s p ir itu a ls o r a h it so n g
fro m a B ro a d w a y m u s ic a l.
S tr o n g - P r ic e is a r e c ip ie n t
o f t h e M a rtin L u th e r K in g C o m ­
m u n ity A w a rd as w e ll as th e
A lb in a W o m e n ’ s L e a g u e o f
P o r tla n d a w a rd fo r o u ts t a n d ­
in g a c h ie v e m e n t in th e fie ld o f
Red Lion
1225 N Thunderbirti Way
Tei (503) 235-8311
Relax in our riverfront Restaurant
and sample our Northwestern
fare, or dance the night away to
live entertainment in the Edge-
water Lounge. Either way you’re
sure to have a relaxing and
time at the Red
Lion Hotel.
Dancing (Fri-Sun)
6:00 AM-10:00 PM
Opens at 4:00 PM
Situated on the Willamette River,
across the street from the Memo­
rial Coliseum and Rose Garden
Arena. “Blazer Headquarters”
For all home games.
Civil Rights
Finds Fault
S tory C ontinued F rom F ront P ace
sites that lacked sufficient resources
to confirm voter eligibility; failure to
process voter registration applications
under the “m otor voter” law in a timely
manner; use o f defective and compli­
c a te d b a llo ts th a t c a u se d m any
“overvotes” and “undervotes”; early
closing ofpolling places; relocation o f
polling places w ithout notice; use o f
old and defective election equipment
in poor precincts; failure to provide
requested language assistance to Hai­
tian A m erican and Latino American
voters; and failure to ensure access for
voters w ith disabilities.
The Com m ission also found that
the state failed to provide adequate
training its poll workers and committed
inadequate funds to voter education.
The Com m ission plans to release a
draft report on the Florida voting probe
by early April and the final report in
early June.
‘The Hunted’to
Close Bridge
S tory C ontinued F rom F ront P age
gling, this project is good new s for our
community,” said M ultnomah County
Chair Beverly Stein. "The millions o f
dollars that will be spent in Oregon will
help offset any traffic disruptions.”
"The Hunted" is being directed by
A cadem y A w ard w inner W illiam
Friedkin w ho directed over 20 films
including “T he French Connection”
and “T he Exorcist”. The film stars
A cadem y A w ard w inner Tom m y Lee
Jones (The Fugitive, M en in Black,
JFK) and A cadem y A w ard Nominee
Benicio Del Toro (Traffic, Usual Sus­
pects) and Connie Lielsen who re­
cently appeared in last summ er’s block­
buster, "Gladiator".
Tom m y Lee Jones portrays a re­
now ned w ilderness “tracker” who
specializes in training the military op­
eratives. The FBI enlists his support to
help track dow n a m an (Benicio Del
Toro) attacking hunters in the Cas­
cade M ountains. As the search and
chase takes us from the wilderness to
the street o f dow ntow n Portland, we
discover the suspect is one o f his
former students.
The production o f "The Hunted"
starts filming March 20 for three months
on location in Portland. The film will be
distributed by Param ount Pictures and
is scheduled for release in 2002.
• C onflict Management in the Workplace
• Continuing Special Educator
• Educational Administration/Leadership 2000+
• ESL/Bilingual Endorsement
• Negotiation and Mediation
ed u cation & hum an se rv ic es
• Added Elementary Endorsement/
Part-Time Graduate Teacher Preparation
knowledge is your most valuable asset
• Teaching and Learning with Instructional Technology
• Understanding Adolescent Use Disorders
b u sin e ss & nonprofit
• Human Resource Management
• Marketing/E-Commerce
• Multimedia Professional
• Project Management
• Supervision and Performance Management
• Training and Development
• Workplace Conflict Management
• And we can also customize any offering
and bring it in-house
• Vocational Rehabilitation Offerings
• W orking with the Dependent Client
d ista n ce learn in g
• Continuing Education for Teachers
• Independent Study
• Online Professional Development Courses
or toll-free 1-800-547-8887 ext 9994
• Undergraduate Degree Completion (evenings and
weekends in Portland, Salem, Beaverton, Clackamas)
• Coming Fall 2001:
Statewide Master of Business Administration (eMBA)
Statewide Master of Public Administration
Statewide Master of Social W ork
P ortland S tate