E-Mail Urban Wheel Winner W rites The Urban Wheel Awards Program was the highlight of the North American International Auto Show week, especially for me. I am blessed to have been hon­ ored as Woman of the Year in such a powerful, yet gracious way. : A lth o u g h in d iv id u als and corpo­ rations are featured at the event, the real w inner is African Americans On Wheels magazine. This informative publication is truly a beacon in the industry and in our community. Thanks for all you do. 3Ä? Debra J. Nelson Senior Manager, Group Marketing, Diversity and Regional Communications DaimlerChrysler Editor's Note: Check out this issue for more scoop on the awards ceremony. Way Cool Web Site I have been at my computer for the last two hours surfing your Web site (www.onwheelsinc.com). I've learned a lot. As long as I have been associat­ ed with the automotive industry, I am still surprised by the number of African Americans involved in it. I even found information that will be used as part of our automotive edu­ cation curriculum here at Kennedy King College. If students learn more about African Americans in the auto industry, they will believe what we have been telling them about oppor­ tunities out there for them. Keep up the good work! Jim Warren Chicago, IL A African Americans On Wheels Seeking M o re on Black Automaker In searching for information about the C.R. Patterson Motor Co., I came across a reference to your magazine. Is it true that you have info on the Patterson automobile, the first vehicle manufactured by an African American? It was produced in Greenfield, Ohio, where I reside as a retired American History teacher. I’m look­ ing for facts on the company and the car for inclusion on my community Web site. Thank you for your time and consideration. Larry Chapman Hillsboro, OH Editor's Note: Unfortunately, we don't have additional information on C.R. Patterson other than the article that ran in our Winter 1996 issue. Perhaps we'll revisit this topic in the future. Meanwhile, good luck in your research Buckle Up Campaign Noticed I am a member of the University of Michigan’s design program. My class was asked recently to look into child safety seating in automobiles. 1 am familiar with your buckle up cam­ paign "Why Can't We All Just Buckle Up?’’, but I'd like some information specific to African-American chil­ dren. Do you know of any resources that can help me with this issue? For instance, are our children getting hurt in accidents more than other ethnic groups due to a lack of proper child seating devices? Any help that you may provide will be greatly appreciated. ObaroEne Otitgbe Ann Arbor, M l M o re Safety Campaign Kudos I have been following your new safety campaign, "Why Can’t We All Just Buckle Up?” and I wanted to commend AAOW for taking a stand on such an important issue! Laura J. Richards Troy, MI Editor's Note: Please visit our Web site at www.onwheelsinc.com for more information. OnWheels Publisher Randi Payton E ditor-in-C hief Jacqueline Mitchell Art D irector Don Burch A ssistant M anaging Editors Brian Armstead Frank Washington Mary Chapman Senior Editors L. Conrad Bell Paul Eisenstein Warren Brown Blair S. Walker Winfred Cross Editorial C oordinator La’Kita Anderson Reporters Leah Kerr Monda Webb Copy Editors Adam J. Dixon Bruce R. Peace Renee Motley Photographers L. Conrad Bell Rogers Wm. Foster Charles Hicks Moses Robinson Jerry Siegel W ebsite Powered by Blazenet (SMC Interactive) W eb s ite M a rk e tin g C o o rd in a to r Michael Tucker O n W h e e ls , In c . h e a d q u a rte rs 585 E. Larned St., Suite 100 Detroit, Ml 48226 Tel. (313) 963-2209 • Fax (313) 963-7778 Group Vice President Jacqueline Mitchell Director of Sales/Advertising Brenda Crocker Automotive Advertising Mgr. Christine Anderson Public Relations Manager Ann-Marie Morris Office Assistant Octavia Aultman Sales Assistant Rebecca Bare 4 Intern Erica Hodges O n WTieels, In c. DC. Office 2034 National Press Building, Suite 202 Washington, DC 20045 Tel. (202) 588-9459 • Fax (202) 588-5136 President & CEO Director of Business Operations Special Projects Manager Randi Payton Damon Redmond Rimami D. Rawlins Production/Intem Coordinator La’Kita Anderson Interns Cherron Ramsey Zakiya Johnson Sendeu Flippin ABC I AUDITED A fric a n A m e ric an s O n W h ee ls® , 2001 is published s ix -tim e s a y e a r as a su p p lem en t to new sp apers by O n W h e e ls , In c. V is it o u r w eb site at w w w .o nw h eelsinc.com o r e -m a il us C om m ents@ onw heelsinc.com www.onwheelsinc.com