Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, March 14, 2001, Page 2, Image 2

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    M arch 14,2001
Page A2
f io r i taub (Observer
Police News/Vancouver
Reward Offered in Lake Oswego Murder
The Lake Oswego Police De­
partm ent and the M ultnom ah
County S h e riffs Office have
Black President
Doubted.................. A4
The Doctor's
Black to Lead Civil
Rights Division......A8
Developing a 2020 Plan
for Portland Parks....BI
Jefferson Dancers
D.C. Bound.............BI
State Basketball
Tournament.............. B3
This Week
in History
M a rc h 14 1900, Congress rati­
fied the G old Standard Act.
M a rc h 15 1965, addressing a
jo in t session o f C ongress, P resi­
dent Johnson called for new legis­
la tio n to g u a r a n te e e v e r y
A m erican’s right to vote.
M a rc h 161968. during the V iet­
nam W ar, the M y Lai M assacre
was carried out by U nited States
troops under the com m and o f Lt.
W illiam L. CalleyJr.
M a rc h 17 1942, G en. D ouglas
Through the Weekend
Partly Cloudy
56°F High
39°F Low
58°F High
43°F Low
55°F High
39°F Low
55°F High
41°F Low
58°F High
45°F Low
The M u ltn o m ah C ounty
S h eriffs Office Thursday ar­
rested a man with more than two
ounces o f methamphetamine in
his possession, but a subsequent
search of his Gresham apartment
revealed over two pounds o f the
49°F High
35®F Low
W ow !
T w o Y e a rs
o f th e
ffib s e rlie r
Scott H arberts w as released from
O regon’s death row in D ecem ber af­
ter the S uprem e C ourt set aside his
conviction for m urdering a two-year-
old girl in 1989.
M onday, H arberts w ent on trial in
O regon C ity on charges o f child m o­
H arberts spent 11 years in ja il b e­
forebeing released. Now, the 38-year-
old faces six charges that he sexually
M a rc h 191920, the U nited States
Senate rejected for the second tim e
the T reaty o f V ersailles by a vote o f
49-35, falling short o f the tw o-thirds
m ajority needed for approval.
M a rc h 20 1995, in T okyo, 12
people w ere killed, m ore than 5,500
others sickened w hen packages co n ­
taining the poisonous gas sarin leaked
on five separate subw ay trains.
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illegal drug.
Investigators also found pack­
aging materials and a scale in the
a p a rtm e n t a n d a rre s te d the
brother o f the suspect.
D e p u tie s
m etam phetam ine had a street
abused three children betw een 1987
and 1989.
A dozen years ago, he w as charged
w ith aggravated m urder in the rape
and killing o f a 2-year-old O regon
C ity girl — K ristina H om ych. The
S uprem e C ourt ruled that H arb ert’s
right to a speedy trial w as violated.
H arb erts also w ill b e tried in
Tillam ook. H e faces up to 65 years in
prison if convicted.
Bill W ould G ive Access to D N A Tests
Sen. Gordon Smith, R-Ore. and Sen.
Patrick L eahy, D -V t. have reintro­
duced a proposed law to give those
w ho have been convicted o f a crim e
access to D N A testing that m ay prove
their innocence.
The m easure aim s to im prove law
enforcem ent capabilities and increase
confidence in our crim inal ju stice
system “T he w orst thing you can do
for the crim inal ju stice system , no
m atter its punishm ents, is to under­
m ine its integrity,” said Smith. “Ifyou
support the death penalty and other
tough anti-crim e m easures, w hich I
m ost certainly do, you should also
support every m easure to m ake sure
that the g u ilty — and not the inno­
cent— are punished.’’T he Innocence
Protection A ct establishes new rules
and procedures governing requests
for D N A testing by inm ates. It also
requires law enforcem ent officials to
preserve evidence in crim inal cases
whi le a prisoner remains incarcerated.
T o address the problem o f com pe­
PL A C E N T IA , CA L IF. (A P) —
Police officers m ust use the letter B as
the racial designator on traffic tickets
given to blacks after a m otorist and
her church congregation protested
one o fficer’s use o f the letter N on her
speeding ticket.
“ I am an A frican A m erican. I have
FAIR Presents
never been or will ever be the N word,”’
said P lacen tia resid en t C o m elita
Brown. The 43-year-old w as stopped
during the M artin L uther K ing Jr.
holiday last m onth for speeding.
The unnam ed officer, w ho is white,
w rote N on B row n’s ticket. O ld law
enforcem ent racial codes used N for
W in
S p o n so re d by
See Me tre, inside
Benefit of
®íje ftartlanb (Observer
W lw X X X
Committed!» Cultural D in nity
Ijtabliahedin 1978
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Friday, April 20, 2001
8:00 pm
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See Fee w . uu ide
a round - trip
tent legal counsel, the act w ill create
a national com m ission that w ill set
standards to ensure that states are
providing adequate legal representa­
tion for indigent defendants in capi­
tal cases. In order to prevent the
frivolous use o fD N A testing, the bill
m andates that inm ates only be given
access to testing if the results could
potentially produce new exculpatory,
' <
Sm ith and L eahy first introduced
the bill last spring.
’ ’
Police Must Use 4B’ For Black
T h e 4 3 r d A nnual
Mansion Lights
Up for the
value o f over $45,000,
The two men are identified as
Alfredo Aldaco Zaragoza, 23 and
Saul Aldaco Zaragoza, 21
Deputies say they are believed
to be in the United States illegally,
reporting from Calima, Mexico.
Form er D eath-Row
Inm ate Faces N ew Trial
Being a healthy parent means being firm but
nurturing, giving children a decent sense o f the
boundaries along with lots o f unconditional love.
—Karen Shaud
O rozco also has an outstanding
federal parole violation warrant
for bank larceny.
Orozco should be considered
arm ed and dangerous.
A nyone w ith in fo rm a tio n
about his im m ediate w here­
abouts should call 911 and not
attem pt to m ake contact with
him. Persons who have infor­
m ation that m ay lead investiga­
tors to O rozco are encouraged
to call the s h e riffs office tip
line at 503-261-2815.
Two Pounds o f Methamphetamine Seized
Thought for the Week
M acA rthur arrived in A ustralia to
becom e suprem e com m ander o f A l­
lied forces in the southw est Pacific
theater during W orld W ar II.
M a rc h 181965, the first spacewalk
to o k p la ce as S o v iet co sm o n au t
A leksei L eonov left his V oskhod 2
capsule and rem ained outside the
spacecraft for 20 m inutes, secured by
a tether.
he is a suspect in the death.
D etectiv es have alread y a r­
rested Dam ien Dushawn Dou­
glas for what authorities say is a
drug related murder.
The Lake O sw ego Police De­
partm ent is offering a $1,000
reward forany information lead­
ing to the arrest o f Orozco. The
arrest w arrant is for the charges
o f aggravated m urder with a
firearm , robbery with a firearm,
burglary with a firearm and felon
in p o sse ssio n o f a firearm .
ing to locate Orozco as a “per­
son o f interest", but based upon
new inform ation, now believe
L. Toomey, which took place on
Feb. 12 in Lake Oswego.
Investigators have been try-
obtained an arrest warrant for
M arcus Kelo Orozco, 26, a man
charged in the m urder o f Josh
N egro, a designator not in current
P olice C h ie f Russ Rice recently
ordered all o f his sw orn law enforce­
m ent officers to stop using the N
designator after he received a p eti­
tion signed by nearly 9 0 0 people criti­
cizing the p ractice as racist.
O fficer M att Reynolds, w ho heads
the p olice services division, said that
the c h ie f is “extrem ely sensitive” to
the com plaint.
H e said the officer w ho w rote the
ticket was unaw are how offensive it
w as to Brown.
T he officer w ho w rote the citation
is a former training director w ho taught
procedures to new recruits, police
spokesw om an C orrine L oom is said.
A lie u te n a n t in th e P o lic e
D epartm ent’s professional standards
bureau will issue a departm ent-w ide
m em o telling officers to use the B
In addition, C h ief Rice w rote to
m otorist Brown.
Brow n, w ho w orks for the state
D epartm ent o fF a ir E m ploym ent and
H ousing, w as so upset about the N
designation that she brought it to the
attention o f her church, F riendship
B aptist in Y orba Linda. A b o u t 875
congregants signed a petition.
T he signatures cam e w ith a letter
from their pastor, the Rev. Jam es D.
C arrington, w ho asked the c h ie f to
take official action to m ake sure that
the N designation was not used again.
“Even if he m eant N egro, th a t’s
dem eaning right there,” said W inifera
H arper o f Perris, w ho attends law
school with Brown. “The w ord N egro
was des igned to describe people who
w ere treated as less than hum an."