Page 4 March 14, 2001 'IjJorthutb (Observer Focus Uppity Women of the New World and fight sia very and injus­ The historical detective who tice. Paying uncovered the lives of Uppity equal attention Women in ancient, medieval, to the many in- and Renaissance times now d i g e n o u s presents 225 altruists, aboli­ w om en who tionists, and adventurers in w ere seldom “Uppity Women of the New pleased at be­ World.” Spanning the early ing “ d isco v ­ 1500s to the mid-1800s, the e re d ,” León latest in the bestselling Uppity gives us the ul­ Women series follows fear­ tim ate inside less females as they brave scoop on these new worlds, pioneer the wil­ brave and dar­ derness on three continents, ing dames. B y V icki L eón C onari P ress \ n n L o v e jo y 's _ . ~ . Ann Lovejoy’s Organic Garden Design School R odale P ress : 2001 Edgewater Restaurant and Lounge Featuring •9 Televisions •Event Specials •Live Entertainment Friday through Sunday •Convenient Parking Red Lion Hotel Coliseum 1225 N Thunderbird Way Tel (503) 235-8311 Relax in our riverfront Restaurant and sample our Northwestern fare, or dance the night away to live entertainment in the Edge- water Lounge. Either way you’re sure to have a relaxing and memorable time at the Red Lion Hotel. 'Jbalb Restaurant Lounge Dancing (Fri-Sun) 6:00 AM 10:00 PM Opens at 4:00 PM 9:30PM-i:30AM Situated on the Willamette River, across the street from the Memo­ rial Coliseum and Rose Garden Arena. “Blazer Headquarters” For all home games. An organic gardener all her life and a garden writer for more than 15 years, Ann Lovejoy be­ gan her foray into gar­ dening by growing veg­ etables and herbs, but soon branched out into making ornamental gar­ dens as well. Today, her gardens combine plants o f all kinds, edible and beauti­ ful, in carefully arranged communities. Her gar­ den designs and plantings echo the layers found in nature. Ann groups plants with similar needs, according to their roles in their na­ tive habitats, and encour­ ages cooperative rela­ tionships between people and plants. Ann Lovejoy creates gardens with solid or­ ganic principles in mind: Make great soil and your plants will grow well. Create healthy, ecologi­ cally sound plant com­ munities, and they will take care o f themselves. She is frequently asked how she gardens so suc­ cessfully. This book is her answer.