Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, March 14, 2001, Page 15, Image 15

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    (Ebe ÿÎo rila n h ©bseruer
visual arts, m usic and dance. For
m ore inform ation on the art show ­
ing, call 503/226-281 1.
30th Annual
Instrumental Jazz
Festival March 16 & 17
T alented young jazz m usicians
around the N orthw est will
gather at C lackam as C om m unity
C ollege for the 3O'h annual Instru­
m ental Jazz Festival on M arch 16
and 17. T he best o f m iddle, jun io r
high and high school bands from
Oregon, W ashington, California and
Idaho w ill com pete. T he com peti­
tion begins about 8 a.m. each day in
the Randall Gym. Final com petitions
w ill be held at 7:30 p.m. on both
Friday and Saturday. C all 503/657-
6958,ext. 2434.
St. Patrick’s Day
Saturday, March 17
The A ll-Ireland C ultural Society
o f O regon is presenting their 61”
annual St. P atric k ’s D ay celebra-
tion. T his y ea r’s celebration w ill be
held S aturday, M arch 17 at the Pol­
ish Hall located at 3 832 N. Interstate
A ve. D oors w ill open at 1:30 p.m .,
w here events continue until 10 p.m.
A n additional event, a m ass in honor
o f St. Patrick, w ill be conducted at 8
a.m . on Saturday, M arch 17 at St.
B irgitta’s C hurch, located at 11820
N W St. H elens Rd. C all 503/286-
Student Original Film
Art Festival
Saturday, March 17
T he third annual International
SOFA (Student O riginal Film A rt)
Festival features short film s by high
school, college and am ateur film ­
makers from all over the United States
and abroad. A udiences w ill experi-
ence diverse film ing and art styles,
subjects, and genre, including nar­
rative, d o cu m en tary , anim ation,
music video, expository and experi­
m ental film. T he show ing w ill be
held at W ilsonville H igh School A u­
d ito riu m , lo c ate d at 6 8 8 0 SW .
W ilsonville Rd. on Saturday, M arch
17, from 7 p.m. -1 1 p.m. Call 503/673-
Tibet and the Dalai
Lama for Kids
Saturday, March 17
The C atlin G abel School, located
at 8825 S W. B arnes Rd. w ill be giv­
ing a day-long te ac h ers’ w orkshop
featuring N orthw est T ibetans and
Tibet scholars. This is for kids from
Kindergarten to 12lh grade. For m ore
inform ation, call the N orthw est T i­
betan C ultural A ssociation at 206/
781-8060 or visit their w ebsite at
w w w.G lobalSourceNetw ork.org.
Coastal Casino Chip
& Memoribilia Show
March 17 & 18
C asino chips and m em orabilia
have becom e very p opular on the
collectibles m arket so, it’s perfect
tim ing for the C oastal C asino C hip
& Memorabilia Show which is sched­
uled for M arch 17 & 18 at C hinook
W inds Casino in Lincoln City. The
sh o w ru n sfro m 10a.m . to 5 p .m .o n
Friday, M arch 17 and 10 a.m. to 3
p.m. on Saturday, M arch 18.
March 14,2001
order in the form o f several vignettes.
It is a b rillian t conceptual piece,
unique and fully developed. The
pieces range from w him sical to
bawdy. Call 503/248-0557.
Oscar Night America
Sunday, March 25
T h ro u g h V o lu n te e rs o f
A m e r ic a , O r e g o n ’s 5 ,h A n n u a l
O scar N ight A m erica G ala w ill be
held on M arch 25 at the P ortland
A rt M u seu m , D o w n to w n P o rt­
land. T h e o nly P o rtland A cad ­
em y A w ards gala ev en t officially
san ctio n ed by th e A cad em y o f
M o tio n P ictu re s A rts an d S ci­
en ces - w ill offer P o rtlan d m ovie
fans a ch an ce to celeb rate O scar
n ig h t in g r a n d s ty le , v ie w a
liv e b r o a d c a s t o f th e A n n u al
A c a d e m y A w a r d C e re m o n y
o v e r a f o u r - c o u r s e d in n e r an d
b id o n f a n ta s tic ite m s lik e a
M e rc e d e s 3 8 0 S L a n d a 17’
S u n R a y S k i B oat. T he VIP
reception starts at 3 p.m. and the
live b ro ad casts o f the A cadem y
A w ards from H ollyw ood begins
at 5 p .m .
^ J n r tla n h
Sunday Book Group
Sunday, March 18
T he S un d ay B o o k G ro u p is a
m onthly gro u p , h o ste d by B arnes
& N o b le B o o k selle rs, lo c ate d at
NE. 13lh and B ro ad w ay . T hey w ill
be d isc u ssin g title s o f in te re st to
A fric an -A m erica n s. T h e g a th e r­
ing w ill be on S u n d ay , M arch 18,
7p.m . F orm o re in fo .,call 503/335-
Page 3
ffib s e ru e r
After a lifetime o f playing the field, four friends have to d o something
they never thought possible...grow up.
Symphony’s March
Friday, March 23
M orris
d . l .
H uw E dw ards leads the C o lu m ­
bia S ym pho n y O rc h e stra o f P o rt­
land in a p erfo rm an ce title d “ N a ­
tional P rid e” on F riday, M arch 23,
at 8 p.m . at the F irs t U n ite d M eth-
odistC hurch, 1838 SW. Jefferson in
Portland. O regon Sym phony clari­
netist Y oshinori N akao is the fea­
tured soloist. A pre-concert talk
begins at 7:15 p.m. Call 503/234-4077
or Fastixx a t503/224-8499.
T h e re is n o thing like
a g o o d w oman
to m ake a b ro th er w ant
to be a man.
Women’s History
Month Book Party
Saturday, March 24
W om en’s H istory M onth cel­
ebration and book launch for the
new edition o P ’The Radical W omen
M a n ife s to : S o c ia lis t F e m in ist
Theory, Program and Organizational
Structure.” Festivities includeapre-
sentation on the radical roots o f the
fight for equal rights, a tribute to
trailblazing forem others and read­
ings from the book. This event w ill
be held on Saturday, M arch 24, 6
p.m. at Radical W om en, located at
819 N. Killings worth. Call 503/240-
Chinese Take-Out
Saturdays, March 24
and 31
“C hinese T ake-O ut” is an inno­
vative and im aginative theatre pro­
duction foradults, will be perform ed
at the D eloris W inningstad Theatre
located at 1111 SW. Broadway. The
show varies with w hat the audience
chooses to “takeout.” O ur host takes
our order from a m enu o f Chinese
food nam es, and then serves the
aa ans «n i nw w an l w i : im» iw w mi «: « « muri ,« u ' am hm ® «¡
— wiatWÂLWæwiMiKiliÉHnMi®, nr KHummin
J§§S L_ J.
Monday M ardi 19 7:30 pm (a the Lloyd Mall Cinemas
Hick up a complimentary pass for Two at
(L ije p o r t l a n h
(O h se ru c i
4747 NE MLK Blvd (One Block South o f Alberta)
I lie
Brothers Opens Nationally Friday, March 23'