Page 2 March 14, 2001 ocus Focus A S U P P L E M E N T O F |J ü r t b n t ii A Striking New Flavor o f Soulful R&B (Observer * Editor in Chief, Publisher * Charles H. Washington Editor L arry J. Jackson, Sr. Copy Editor Jo y Ramos Business Manager G ary A nn Taylor Koffee Brown is a concept like no other in today’s R&B, from art to music to film, most artistic outlets are currently succeeding off o f un­ original ideas that are as banal as they are recycled. But at least one new group stands high above the competition, making a mark in cre­ ativity and its entertainment merit. Koffee Brown’s debut album Mars/ Venus is a classic R&B moment. It explores the highs and lows o f an intimate relationship from both a male and female point-of-view. With astonishing melodic composure, a unique lyrical style and undeniable musical grace, Koffee Brown con­ verses about relationship drama - often times trying to find solutions to their problems and other times knowing that some things are too difficult to work through. But de­ spite the outcome o f the situation, Vee’s sultry vocals and Fonz’s silky voice work so well with each other that even in the harshest moments, their togetherness is never ques­ tioned. Koffee Brown is a blend o f soul­ ful R&B, mild funk rhythms along with minor hints o f Gospel. The duo possesses coolly wandering melo­ dies with exquisite midtempo ar­ rangements that take your heart and Creative Director Robert Parker 4747 N E M artin L uther King, Jr., Blvd. Portland, O R 97211 503-2884)033 Bus it t o L in c o ln City. F ro m th e R o s e City. Fax 503-2880015 e-mail: You’ll get a FREE Casino Fun Book full of great discounts and offers. So call us, to bus you, to the coast’s only casino, Chinook Winds Casino. subscriptìoné ads@ Deadlines for subm itted material: Articles: Friday by 5 p . m . Ads: Monday by Noon Focus welcomes freelance submissions. M anuscripts and Monday & Sunday Beaverton Hillsboro photographs can be returned All created display ads becom e the sole property of Bus transportation is fo r Casino patrons o n ly and is not to be (2 n d M o n d a y o f th e m o n th o n ly ) used as p u b lic transportation Newberg McMinnville o f J10 p e r tn p using their Tigard if accom panied by a self- addressed stam ped envelope. Take our FREE bus to Chinook Winds Casino. Call us to reserve your seat and to determine which location is most convenient for you. Winners Circle Card. Chinook W inds reserves the right to Tuesday, Saturday Clackamas & Sunday Gateway Vancouver Friday Patrons must p lay a minim um refuse service to anyone This program may b e changed o r cancelled at any tim e Oregon City Tualatin the newspaper and cannot be used in oth er publications or personal usage without the w ritten consent of the general manager, unless the client has C hinook WI nds C a s in o __ & C O N V E N T IO N C E N TE R Call 1-877-594-4627 for reservations and schedule. •Must b e 21 years o r older purchased the com position of the ad. 1 » » Tke Pordtad Otmrver O N THE BEACH O N LINCOLN CITY, OREGON www.chinookwindscasino.coin desires on a journey. Koffee Brown was put to g eth er three years ago, and it took two years to re c o rd the al- c bum . T hey w a n te d to be pre­ cise about the m usic and the songs. W hat does Ko free Brown mean to the both o f them? “The Truth," they shout “We let you know w h at really goes on in relation­ ships. You get to hear both sides o f the story, from a male perspective and a female perspec­ tive.” A nd rig h t in the middle o f watching m u sical re d u n ­ d ancy, pro- d u c e r Kaygee ere- say ‘Let’s get together for coffee.’” And that is what Koffee Brown does - they get together and discuss love in its en­ tirety. The al- b u m M a rs/ V enus contains t h e s m o o th , danceable single after party. They also flex their vocal m u sc le s on the s m o o th e d -o u t songs “Chick on da sid e ,” “ Q u a lify ” and “All I Need (B o n n ie and Clyde).” “Black­ o u t,” a ro u g h street-love jam show cases V e e ’s harder ed g e; she raps on the tra c k likea tru e v e te ra n . ated K offee then B row n. “ I Vee and Fonz sing about ' A n d there’s the to­ was watch­ male/female relationships in tally off-the- ing videos their new CD called "Mars/ one day and Venus." > meter, red-light e v e ry R&B slow jam haters act was a solo disease. Stories o f one. I was listening to true love, creeping, cheat­ w hat they were saying but ing and getting back together gor­ som ething was m issing. I geously unfold throughout the al­ thought, ‘It would be dope if bum. Vee and Fonz possess an un­ someone responded to what heard tenderness that translates it­ they were saying, like a con­ self on their debut album Mars/Ve- versation.’ So that’s when it hit nus quite well. Ask Koffee Brown me. When anyone needs to what they want most out o f life and talk, no matter how big or small they’ll both tell you straight up: to the conversation, they always have the world feel our music. Entertainment Guide T he L uv Jonz E very T h ursday E ven in g The Luv Jonz is Portland’s Thursday night lounge which features live hip-hop/jazz by the David Parks Panic Project, live poetry and music d.j. ’ed by O.G. One. This is for adults 25 and over only. No sneakers, jeans, baseball hats or athletic wear of any kind. The lounge is located at The House o f G ro o v es, 13 NW . 13"1 & Burnside in downtown. Ascending the Cosmic Mountain: Wednesday, March 14 - June 3 The Portland Art Museum, lo­ cated at 1219 S W. Park Avenue will be offering an exhibition o f a selec­ tion o f Tibetan religious art and artifacts from Portland private col­ lections. The event is part o f the “Tibetan Arts and Culture Festi­ val,” which will run prior and con­ currently to the Dalai Lama ’ s visit in mid-May and includes Tibetan film,