Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, March 14, 2001, Page 11, Image 11

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    March 14, 2001
In Loving Memory of Inez Allen
Sunrise July 14, 1913
Sunset March 9, 2001
Inez Allen was bom July 14,1913
in Cass County, Linden, Texas to
Mark and Mary Allen.
At an early age she confessed her
life in Christ. She became a member of
Pleasant Hill Baptist Church, Rev.
R.A. Granger, pastor.
Her maiden name was Allen and
she married R.P. A llen who preceded
her in death.
In 1960 she came to Portland, Or­
egon. In 1961 she u n ited w ith
Vancouver Ave. First BaptistChurch.
She was a faithful member o f the
E liz a b e th C irc le M issio n a ry
Ministery until she became disabled.
She leaves to mourn her passing,
two sons, Willis A llen and James
Allen; three grandchildren; and five
great grandchildren. She also leaves
five sisters, Eula A llen and Georgia
M atha Ellett
A funeral was held Friday, March
9,2001, in New Hope Baptist Church
in Portland for M atha Ellett, who
died Feb. 27 at age 68. M rs. Ellett
w as b o rn A u g . 2 6 , 1 9 3 2 , in
Hollandale, Miss. H er maiden name
was Atkins.
She m oved to P ortland in 1955
and was a housekeeper in private
hom es for about 30 years, retiring
about 1985. She was a m em ber o f
the church. In 1956, she m arried
M . Allen ofPortland; Vinola Birdsong
ofLinden, TX, and Catherine Mosby
and Luevenia Lucien o f Los Ange­
les; a brother, Norman Allen o f Dal­
las, TX and a host o f nephews, nieces
and friends.
Services will be held at 1 p.m. Fri­
day, March 16 at V ancouver Avenue
Baptist Church.
John W. Ellett; they divorced
Survivors include her daughters,
P en n y A. E lle tt, S av an n ah E.
G annon and A nita D. Ellett; sons,
M ark A., John W. Jr., M atthew C.,
Luke C. and Tim othy C.; sisters,
Ruth L. A kles and A lm a Young;
b ro th e rs, C laren ce A tk in s Jr.,
LeRoy Atkins and David P. Atkins;
26 grandchildren; and 20 great­
grandchildren. Interment is in Lone
Fir Pioneer Cem etery. A rrange­
m ents are by K illingsw orth Little
Chapel o f the Chimes.
Portland Man Dies of Cancer
Joe L. Johnson
A funeral was held Friday, March
2, 2001, in Morning Star Baptist
Church in Portland for Joe L. Johnson,
who died Feb. 25 o f cancer at age 45.
Mr. Johnson was bom Oct. 25,1955,
in Portland, where he lived all his life.
He graduated from Grant High School,
attended C lark College and served in
theU.S. Army. He was a maintenance
supervisor for Freightliner for the past
eight years and was a member o f the
Survivors include his mother,
Beatrice Brown; sister, Vertie Raines;
and brother, Sammy.
Interment is in W illamette National
Cemetery. Arrangements are by Rose
City Funeral Home.
Albina Ministerial
Alliance Turns 50
The Albina Ministerial Alli­
ance will celebrate 50 years
of services for children and
families with a dinner and auc­
tion on April 24.
The event will be held at the
Sheraton Airport at 6:30 p.m.,
with donations going to sup­
port the services provided to
the community through the
ministerial alliance’s social
services department.
Your church, company or
organization can help in this
effort by becoming a major
sponsor, co-sponsor, major
contributor or contributor.
Supporters can also help by
placing an ad in the program
booklet, donating an item for
the auction and purchasing
tickets. Sponsorships and ads
should be submitted as soon
as possible, but no later than
April 2.Auction items should
be donated as soon as pos­
sible to give the alliance an
opportunity to write up and
print the item descriptions.
Attendance reservations are
encouraged as soon as pos­
sible, however tickets may be
purchased as late as April
20lh. Seating will be based on
a first paid basis.
If you have questions or
need additional information,
call Kaye Molden, event co­
ordinator, at 503-285-0493,
extension 205.
Personal Advertisement
Bernard Shaw, known for his
news anchor work on CNN, has
been selected to receive Wash­
ington State University’s annual
Edward R. Murrow Award.
Shaw, who recently retired, is a
20-year netw ork veteran and
CNN s principal Washington, D.C.
Shaw will receive the award
April 18 when he delivers the Ed­
ward R. Murrow Symposium ad­
dress. The 7:30 p.m. event, set for
Beasley Performing Arts Coli­
seum, is open to the public with­
out charge.
In January 1991, Shaw was one
o f three CNN reporters who broad­
cast to a worldwide audience of
more than one billion with con­
tinuous coverage o f the first night
o f the Allied Forces’ bombing o f
Baghdad during Operation Desert
Storm. As a result o f that cover­
age, Shaw has received numerous
national and international awards.
His regular broadcast assign­
ments include coanchoring “In­
sid e P o litic s ” and “ CN N
W orldview,” a half-hour intema-
Notice Of Opportunity For Public Hearing
Sub-Bids Requested
Tri-Met intends to apply to the Oregon Department of Transportation
for a Special Transportation Discretionary Grant to improve senior
and disabled transportation services in the area. If approved, this
grant will finance operations, planning, and/or capital assistance in
Washington, Clackamas, and Multnomah counties. Copies of proposed
projects are available from Tom Mills at 503-962-4883.
Oregon Convention Center Expansion
Tri-Met invites any interested party to comment on the proposed
projects at a meeting of the Special Transportation Fund Advisory
Committee Steering Group scheduled for April 13, from 8:00 a.m. -
5:00 p.m. in the Auditorium of the Portland Building 1120 SW Fifth
Avenue, Portland, Oregon. Time will be set aside between 10:00
a.m. and 11:00 a.m. for public comment. Or, written comments may
be sent to Tom Mills at Tri-Met, 4012 SE 17th Avenue, Portland, Or­
egon 97202.
A sign language interpreter will be available at the meeting.
Bruce Harder
Executive Director
Finance & Administration
Notice O f Change - Budget Committee Meeting
A public meeting of the Budget Committee of the Tri-County Metropoli­
tan Transportation District (Tri-Met), Clackamas, Multnomah and Wash­
ington Counties of Oregon, to discuss the budget for the fiscal year
July 1, 2001 to June 30, 2002, will be held in the Town Hall Room,
Tigard City Hall, 13125 S.W. Hall Blvd, Tigard, Oregon 97223. The
meeting will take place on the April 4, 2001 at 9:00 a.m. the purpose
of the meeting is to receive the budget message and to receive com­
ments from the public on the budget. A copy of the budget document
may be inspected or obtained on or after April 4 at 4012 S.E. 17<b
Avenue, Portland, Oregon between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00
p.m., Monday through Friday.
This is a public meeting where deliberation of the Budget Commit­
tee will take place. Any person may appear at the meeting and dis­
cuss the proposed programs with the Budget Committee.
Please note a Notice of Budget Committee Meeting was published
February 28 indicating this meeting would take place on March 28,
2001. This Notice cancels that prior publication; the date of the meeting
has changed from March 28 to April 4, 2001.
Bruce Harder
Budget Officer
im portant things to me fo r the rest of my
life is to tell you how sorry I am and to ask
Solicitation O f Architectural Services
contacted him. (Ha! Ha!) So, I guess I w on’t
fo r you r forgiveness.
It'sam azing what it takes
able to talk to you, but I under­
som etim es fo r a man to re ­
stand how you must feel. It'sam az­
alize howwrong he has been.
ing how clearly a man can think
Every day and night since
y o u ’ve b e e n g o n e I'v e
searched my soul to find
w ho I really am. I d o n ’t like
what I'vefound. I didn 't know
you o r realizing I’ve been
lost myself all these years.
All o f my life has counted
after being alcohol, cigarettes and
drug free fo r alm ost 2 months.
Only the power of Jesus Christ have
enabled me to do this. I know that
if you were to talk to me you could
here the difference in my voice. I
wish I could make up to you fo r a
lifetim e of bad choices, but that is
up to you. I can only offer you my
for so little and I feel so bad fo r the influence
new heart and my sincere hope that God will
I’ve had on you tha t has keep you r life from
som e how let you know that this is real.
counting fo r so tong. I'd give anything if I
I fell such peace and if ever d o call me
could d o it all over. But I know th a t’s not
I knowyou will sense this new found peace
possible. What is possible however is to
in me. I miss you everyday and I would give
s ta rt ove r new from th is day forward.
anything if you could see this change in me.
Whether you ever com e back o r not, my life
I love you very much and count you as
will never again be the same, because I have
my best friend.
given my life to Jesus Chnst. It is because
Your loving husband,
o f tha t fact th a t I recognize what a mess of
Bid Package: #4 - Parking Garage Finishes
(Pavement Marking, Site and Street Furnjshings, Masonry, Metal Fab­
rications, Metal Stairs, Rough Carpentry, Coatings and Joint Systems,
Doors and Windows, Gypsum Board, Ceiling Panels, Floor Coverings,
Painting, Louvers, Metal Lockers, Fire Specialties, Toilet Accessories
and Parking Bumpers)
Pre-Bid Meeting: March 14“, 2001 at 10:00 am
Bids Due April 3rd, 2001 at 2:00pm
10% MAVBE and ESB Contracting Goal
Bid Documents-Willamette Print & Blueprint (503/223-5011)
Telephone: (503) 221-8811 - Bid Fax: (503) 221-8888
805 SW Broadway, Suite 2100 - Portland, OR 97205 - OR CCB #28417
We are an equal opportunity employer and request sub bids from all
interested firms including disadvantaged, minority, women, disabled veterans
and emerging small businesses enterprises.
Other Subcontracting Opportunities - Internet http://www.hoftmancorp.com
I--------------------------------------------------------------------------- —---------------------
Sub-Bids Requested
From certified MBE/WBE/ESB Subcontractors & Suppliers for:
McMinnville Municipal Airport Taxiway A
Construction and Safety Area Modifications
(Survey, Electrical, Paving, and Pavement Striping)
Submit Bid By: March 15, 2001 @ 3:00pm
Eudaly Bros. Excavation
6920 NE 42nd Ave. Portland, OR 97218
Telephone (503) 288-7469 Fax (503) 288-7460
EMAIL: EudalyBrosfg compuserve.com
CCB# 63295
We are an equal opportunity employer.
I ju st g o t off the phone talking with your
It is agonizing to me not to be
ttonal newscast, both airing each
weekday evening.
.“ We are absolutely delighted to
have ajoumalist ofBemard Shaw’s
caliber as this year’s recipient,”
said M urrow C om m unication
School Director Alex Tan. “He is
right out o f the Murrrow mold for
the straightforward, quality jour­
nalism this award has come to rep­
Shaw joins a distinguished ros­
ter o f Murrow Award recipients,
including A1 Neuharth, USA To­
day founder; ABC Sports com­
mentator and WSU alumnus Keith
Jackson; CNN founder Ted Turner,
Seattle Times publisher Frank
Blethen, and Sam Donaldson, ABC
Sym posium events will again
include a C areer D ay w here
N o r th w e s t c o m m u n ic a tio n
alum ni counsel university and
high school students interested
in the profession.
Panel discussions involving
WSU communication faculty, stu­
dents and regional professionals
also are planned
annual Edward R. Murrow Award.
father. He seemed real pleased th a t I
things I have made. One o f the most
do th a t anym ore.
CNN News Anchor Bernard Shaw to
Receive 2001 Murrow Award
City Of La Center
Public Notice
Dearest Diana,
which hurts worse, losing
Page B5
ÿk* rt Untò © hsm w r
In conformance with RCW 39.80 the City of La Center, Washington, is
soliciting statements of qualifications and performance statements
from architectural firms for providing design, plans, specifications,
furnishing recommendations and construction management services
for the remodel of the 1,900 square foot La Center City Hall and the
conversion of an existing 2,600 square foot building to serve as the
City's Police Station.
These qualifications and performance statements will be reviewed
and used as a source to select one qualified applicant for a detailed
proposal relating to the above project and award architectural ser­
vices for the project to the firm.
The City of La Center is an Equal Opportunity Employer and encour­
ages minority and women-owned firms to submit Statements of Quali­
fications. Each firm is required to submit three (3) copies of the State­
ments of Qualifications.
Questions regarding this solicitation should be directed to Jim
Gajkowski, Public Works Director, 360-263-7665.
Responses of interested firms are due by noon on Monday, March
Submittals should be mailed to:
Janice K. Fillman, Clerk/Treasurer
City of La Center
214 East 4,h Street
La Center, WA 98629
This is a correction to the Consolidated Plan Action Plan 2001-2002
ad, that was ran in February, 2001.
The Location has changed to:
The Portland Building,
Meeting Room C
1120 SW 5th Ave.
Portland, OR 97204
5:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m.
Sub-Bids Requested
M ultnomah County Temporary Booking Facility
BP#2-Sie and Building
Pre-Bid Meeting & Site Visit: March 15, 2001 at 10:00am
Concrete Bids Due: March 22, 2001 at 2:00pm
All Other Work Bids Due: March 29,2001 at 2:00pm
Bid D ocum ents- Willamette Print & Blueprint (503/223-5011)
Telephone: (503) 221-8811 - Bid Fax: (503) 221-8888
805 SW Broadway, Suite 2100 - Portland, OR 97205 - OR CCB #28417
We are an equal opportunity employer and request sub bids from all interested
firms including disadvantaged, minority, women, disabled veterans and
Other Subcontracting Opportunltlea - Internet http://www.hoffmancorp.com
emerging small businesses enterprises.