March 7, 2001 ^lortlanò ©bsertter The Original Cats are Back Entertainment Guide Saturday Storytime Every Saturday Every Saturday, we read your favorite ch ild ren ’s books aloud for children and their adult com ­ panions. Specifically for children ages 0-6, Saturday Storytim e al­ ways features refreshm ents and a coloring activity,as w ell. This month, w e’ll also have Storytimes featuring books about Irish H eri­ tage M onth and W om en’s H is­ tory Month. Call 503/335-0201 for inform ation about this w eek ’s title. Whiskey Dinners in the Ballroom Thursday, March 8 On T h u rs d a y , M a rc h 8, M cM enam ins E dgefield serves the Jam eson Irish W hiskey Din­ ner in the Ballroom . Seating be­ gins at 7 p.m ., as Executive C hef Chris B erning prepares a special menu o f four courses, each paired w ith a Jam eson w h isk ey and McMenamins Dry Irish Stout. For reservations, call 503/669-8610. Columbia River History Program Fri. March 9 & Sat. March 10 On Friday, M arch 9 and S atur­ day, M arch 10, renow ned N orth­ west artist L illian Pitt and E liza­ beth W oody w ill com bine image and the spoken w ord to express their perspectives o f Colum bia R iver B asin history. This FREE program entitled “M em ory and Other Fam iliar W ords” w ill begin at 7:30 p.m . on both nights. The C enter for C olum bia R iver H is­ tory is located at O.O. Howard House, Suite D; 750 A nderson St. in V ancouver, W ashington. Call 360/992-1821. Metropolitan Youth Symphony Spring Concert Fri. March 9 The M etropolitan Y outh Sym ­ phony w ill present a concert for spring on Friday, M arch 9. The 7:30 p.m. concert will be held at the Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall, Portland. The concert w ill also show case the w inner o f the an­ nual concerto com petition. The evening prom ises to delight the whole family with wonderful mu­ sic p resented by som e o f the a rea’s finest young m usicians. Call 503/239-4566. Concert to Benefit Domestic Violence Survivors Saturday, March 10 Michael Allen Harrison will be giv­ ing a piano concert to benefit Human Solutions’ work aiding survivors of domestic violence. The concert will be followed by a small auction. Hu­ man Solutions’ programs include services to families affected by do­ mestic violence and pregnant and parenting teens. The event will be on Saturday, March 10, 7 p.m. at the Persimmon Country Club, located at 500 SE. Butler Road in Gresham. Call 503/674-3385. 30th Annual Instrumental Jazz Festival March 16 & 17 o rtland’s Most Leg “ S w eet B a b y ” Jam es endary Musicians Get B enton - V ocals. “Sweet Together for Regular Baby” started his career when Gigs The Original Cats he are joined the Frank Martin trio Portland’s treasure o f jazz for 4 years and then continued musicians. Their live show can as a prominent member of the consist o f be-bop, straight, legendary west coast vocal swing, blues; any genre, any jazz groups The DelTones and time. Not only are “The Origi­ The Audios during the Will­ nal Cats” a link to another age iams St. heyday during which in America and specifically he rant he famous “backyard” Portland, “The Cats” are play­ after hours nightclub. Mr. ing as good as ever! These Benton continues to be in de­ guys still have something to mand and his work on the lat­ say. And w e’re still listening. est Mel Brown release 'M is­ Members of the group in­ ter Groove’ showcases his clude: timeless, soulful vocals. B ob b y B ra d fo r d - Bob H ernendez - Saxo­ T ru m p e t. For the last 40 phone. After spending 35 years, Bobby has been con­ years in Las Vegas and be­ sidered one of Portland’s most fore that time spent in New important musical influences. York, New Orleans, Los An­ Recently Mr. Bradford was geles, a nd Monterey as a pro­ co ax ed up on stag e by fessional musician; Bob has Branford Marsalis to sit in been a Portlander since 1986. during a date here in town He has performed and re­ Bobby spend his early years corded with such acts as Billy playing and touring with such Eckstine, Rosemary Clooney, acts as Illinois Jacquet, Charlie L ionel H am pton, Ella Barnett, Jabbo Smith, Ray Fitzgerald, Jack Constanzo, Charles and Quincy Jones. X avier Cougat, and Louis C le v e W illia m s - Prima. F r a n k de la R o sa - T ro m b o n e. A first cousin of Bobby Bradford’s, Cleve B ass. Frank has played and has been a fixture on the Port­ to u red w ith such h eav y ­ land scene since he and his weights as Harry “Sweets” cousin arrived here from Ar­ Edison, Ella Fitzgerald, Sarah kansas more than 40 years Vaughn, and Ernie Andrews. ago. Mr. Williams has sat in Mr. de la Rosa was a high-in­ and toured with such heavy­ demand session player in Los weights as Billie Holliday, D inah W ash in g to n , Fats Domino, Ernestine Anderson, and lo cal g re a ts W arren Bracken and Roscoe Weath­ ers. P gather at Clackam as Com munity College for the 30,h annual Instru­ mental Jazz Festival on March 16 and 1 7 .The b esto fm id d le,ju n io r high and high school bands from O regon, W ashington, C alifornia and Idaho will compete. The com ­ petition begins about 8 a.m. each day in the Randall Gym. Final com petitions will be held at 7:30 p.m. on both Friday and Satur­ day. Call 503/657-6958, ext. 2434. Women’s History Month Book Party Saturday, March 24 W om en’s H istory Month cel­ ebration and book launch for the new edition o f “The R adical W om en M an ife sto : S o c ia list Feminist Theory, Program and Or­ ganizational S tructure.” F estivi­ ties include a presentation on the radical roots o f the fight for equal rights, a tribute to trailblazing forem others and readings from the book. This event will be held on Saturday, M arch 24, 6 p.m. at Radical Women, located at 819 N. Killingsworth. Call 503/240-4462. Chinese Take-Out Sat. March 24 & 31 “Chinese Take-O ut” is an in­ novative and im aginative theatre production for adults, will be per­ fo rm e d at th e D e lo ris W inningstad Theatre located at 1111 SW. Broadway. The show varies with what the audience chooses to “ takeout.” Our host takes our order from a menu o f C hinese food nam es, and then serves the order in the form o f several vignettes. It is a brilliant conceptual piece, unique and fully developed. The pieces range from whimsical to bawdy. Call 503/248- 0557. * JJ * A ngeles for 30 years and was a m em ber o f the backing band for Frank Sinatra and the original “R a t______ P ack ” the HHH Sands Hotel in Las Vegas. is honored to p resen t “ The O riginal C ats.” Catch local jazz legends play at Berbati’s Pan, lo­ cated at 231 SW. Ankeney St., from W ednesday, March 7 through May 2. They will also do live perfor­ mances at the Paragon Restau- rant, located at 605 “Sweet Babv " James Benton NW. 13th St., from 8:30 p.m. - 11 p.m. on Thurs­ on these acts, or to book them for an event, call Tim Gallineau day, March 29 and Thursday, at 503/232-1556. April 26. For more information Scan's Barbfv & löcautp /ètiop 213 N E Hancock Portland. OR 97211 Horace Simpson A. D. Williams 282 2920 ^ ìo rtla rtò AFFORDABLE LOCK & KEY 503-284-9582 INVITE YOU AND A GUEST TO A SPECIAL SCREENING FULL LOCKSMITH - SERVICE RE-KEY AND INSTALL LOCKS LOCKED OUT7-WE MAKE KEYS FROM SCRATCH HOUSE, OFFICE OR CAR STATE FARM INSURANCE COMPANIES Poems Over Broadway Friday, March 9 Poets o f all ages, styles and skill levels are invited to read their w ork in a com fortable, non-con- frontational setting. Poetry lov­ ers can sit in and listen as well. Barnes & N oble B ooksellers, lo­ cated at NE. 13,h & Broadw ay (Lloyd C enter) w ill be hosting “ Poems O ver B roadw ay” on F ri­ day, M arch 9 at 7 p.m. For more information, call 503/335-0201. Page B3 Off.: (503) 286-1103 Fax: (503) 286-1146 H O M E O F FIC ES B LO O M IN G TO N , ILLINOIS E R N E S T J. HILL, JR . * Agent 6527 NE MLK, Jr. Boulevard Suite A Portland, OR 97217 * * i /A l * , * <%> . t f î H i a D elicious Pub Fare W eekly Specials H an d crafted Ales & W ines Pick up a complimentary pass for Two at 8203 N Ivanhoe Street • Portland • (503) 283-8520 Ino ft, tiles tint! wines aviiilitble to go. Talented young jazz m usicians from around the N orthw est will U (Tliv P o r t i a n i » ( Û l i s c r u c r 4747 NE MLK Blvd (One Block South o f Alberta) Flic Brothers Opens Nationally Friday, March 23'