Page B2 M a rc h 7,2001 (Tlie 'JJorUanò (Oh s mu» r iT h e Focus on Art ■ M H H H R M ii A Talented Young A rtist’s Perspective on Prom inent Black Celebrities by C olleen L oue * P arker American and celebrity paint­ ings, E d w a rd ’s efforts to con­ tinue produc­ ing beautiful, bold and ironic s y m b o lis m s represented in his p aintings h av e been som ew hat thwarted, how­ ever, when the compressor in his airbrush broke. In spite o f this obstacle, he was very interested in producing a picture o f Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., during the month of January 2001, around the time o f Dr. King’s birthday. He was motivated enough to spend tedious hours try­ ing to repair his compressor, and he did use it in it’s malfunctioning state. Our readers may have noticed the subtle inclusion o f some o f Edward M artin’s artwork in our last issue. Edward, a versatile young African- American family man who currently Urban Artist Edward Derell Martin resides in Illinois, is an extremely tal­ ented artist, specializing in African- W h e n e v e r the airbrush would b e c o m e o v e r­ heated. he would have to “ shut­ off” his artistic flow, so to speak, and se t the airbrush aside to cool off. After it w o u ld co o l down, he began the task again o f doing Dr. King’s portrait, m uster­ ing up w ith in him self once again that artistic flow that had been toyed with as much as his painting tools had been. The portrait was produced, and he was not as satisfied as he had anticipated. Nevertheless, he pressed onward and completed the portrait; and after­ wards he began to work on a portrait ofhis two little girls. In tliis issue, we are providing samples ofhis artwork We are hoping to showcase further samples o f his artwork in future is­ sues o f The Portland Observer. At the present time, Edwards mother Mary has been battling cancer, and is coming out on the winning side. She support to her only son, Edward, and his little family. Mary is a fine i role model, and never speaks ill o f | anyone. Those who support Ed-1 ward in his artistic endeavors are | currently working on the construc­ tion o f a Web page featuring his work. As a struggling artist, he is open to accepting assignments, based on commission. We feel that his work is remarkable. Some ofhis work is featured in this issue ofThe Portland Observer. Reader’s com ­ ments or questions are welcomed, and can be addressed to R. Parker, r and Shapiro Creative Director, The Portland Ob­ server. His wife, Dana, and their two entrants for the best father contest daughters, Jasmin and Mercedes, sponsored by Parents Magazine in are very happy to see Daddy coming 1998. His wife, a writer/poet, submit­ home every evening after his day in ted a letter to the magazine listing his the rat race. Why? Because he not fine qualities as a husband and fa­ only manages his own retail video ther. The magazine sent staff to the store, bringing home special movies Martin home, taking pictures and in­ for the little ones each weekend, but terviewing his wife in preparation for he was also voted 2nd best o f five their Fathers Day edition. Michael Jordan is a businesswoman, owns her own beauty salon, and is an active mem­ ber o f her church in Rock Island, Illinois. She is a true giver, providing continuous emotional and spiritual Young Artist Garners Celebrity Attention Portland Artist’s Works Ex- elusive to Yoshida’s Fine Art Gallery Continu ing their tradition of sup­ porting the local up-and-coming artist, Yoshida’s Fine Art Gallery is currently featuring the unique landscape oil paintings of 17-year- old artist, Dm itry Leontyuk. Leontyuk, an immigrant o f the Ukraine, is quickly earning recog­ nition in the Northwest among art Edgewater Restaurant and Lounge Featuring •9 Televisions •Event Specials •Live Entertainment Friday through Sunday •Convenient Parking Red Lion Hotel Coliseum 1225 NThunderbird Way Tel (503) 235-8311 17-year old artist, Dmitry Leontyuk. Relax in our riverfront Restaurant and sample our Northwestern fare, or dance the night away to live entertainment in the Edge- water Lounge. Either way you’re sure to have a relaxing and memorable time at the Red Lion Hotel. Tue-Fri 10 am-4 pm Sat-Mon and after 4:30 by appointment only Corner of Russell and MLK above the Albina Coffee House •Receive 15% off any order of $30 or more And •Receive an additional 10% off any order placed within 30 days Opens at 4:00 PM Dancing (Fri-Sun) courses, his language skills im­ proved. However, it was not until Leontyuk developed a close rela­ tionship with Keith Biggs, a teacher at Reynolds Middle School, that he took interest in painting. Biggs encouraged Leontyu, by supplying him with his first collec­ tion o f paints, brushes, assorted art supplies and a canvas. His n atu ral tale n t w as in stan tly apparent,a nd his languageclasses evolved into art lessons. His first customers were his teachers who purchased his acrylics and oil paintings as quickly as he com­ pleted them. Leontyuk prefers painting the outdoors, and living in Oregon provides the perfect, nature-fi lied environment. “I love watching the clouds, their shapes and different 1 ) 1 ? 6:00 AM 10:00 PM Lounge 4 ri oil painting by D mitry Leontyuk called "Prelude. ' OPENING ’¿A Restaurant collectors and celebrities includ­ ing Richard and Jeramie Dreyfus. The third child in a family of nine boys, was bom on May 20, 1983 in the Ukraine. Leontyuk’s family moved to Oregon in 1993, following rela­ tives who had discovered a better life in America. Initially, Leontyuk experienced difficulty mastering the English language and his grades reflected his struggle. But, with the aid o f two English as a Second Language (ESL) 9:30PM-i:30AM Walk-in always welcome, 10% discount to all Non-profit organizations, 0AM E & LiTip Member discounts, Call for more information or current location Situated on the Willamette River, across the street from the Memo­ rial Coliseum and Rose Garden Arena. “Blazer Headquarters” For all home games. 333 NE Russell, Suite 201 Portland, OR 97212 Tel: 503-493-3391 ration Date: 03/23/01 Music Lessons at Etfcos, inc. K i 5X51515151515151515150 51 «TI IF? PORTLAND IlU B à T A N U Forti! incl'j Nonprofit Music Center colors at different times o f the day or year,” he said. “I just sit and think how shad­ ows fall differently across the ground as the sun moves across the sky.” “In fact," he continued “I’m always amazed at new pos­ sibilities and new ways to use color,a nd find myself anxious to complete each painting so that I can create another o ne.. .and an­ other one.” Yoshida ’ s Fine Gallery, located at 411 E. Historic Columbia River Hwy in Troutdale has a year- round display o f Leontyuk’s art­ work. Their gallery hours are Monday through Saturady from 10 a.m. - 5 p.m., and Sundays from 12 p.m. - 5 p.m. For more in fo rm a tio n , call K ristin a McMorris at 503/872-8485. Happy 2nd Birthday A ’¿ f a Com» and « » p trtrx « Portland's pnmier» Hot Tuctto< Ry-ThwHour We feature prhate Hot Tub» cotnpfeu with shower, towed, and ma* '<5>ZCO/>, 80'“ sc Surt • 25A-4TAN $3 o ff HotTubbing with this ad (expires March 21,2001) • • • • Tanning Tubbing Hair Care Massage 05 I T h e W y i i F o u n d » tip o H o o v e r F a m ily F o u n d a t io n Ro»e E . Tucker C haritable Trust Ixirenc Salla I Iiggjna Charuabl» Trun RooscvdfS PGE l'nmn Com mm tr 101 NATIONAL ÍN D 0 W M ÍN T W , POR THI ARTS t Jahaud Lamondre Washington I Love You, Dad