Committed to Cultural Diversity March 7, 2001 Fans to Clyde: ‘Thanks for the Memories’ Paintball Fund-Raiser Join in the Paintball com petition th a t’s open to all on Sunday, A pril 1 at the Splat A ction P aintball Park. Proceeds from the event w ill go tow ards the fight against illiteracy. F or m ore inform ation and to reg­ ister, callC asi o r B u d at 503/771 -5752. Community Energy Project C om m unity Energy Project offers a free w eatherization w orkshop. H om e ow ners and renters are w elcom e. Free m aterials are available to households that qualify based on incom e. T he next m eeting will be on Saturday, M arch 10, from 11 a . m . - 1 p.m. at 422 NE. A lberta. P re-registration required. Call 503/284-6827. Weekend Green Tour Guides Portland Parks & R ecreation needs dedi­ cated people to lead w eekend plant w alks in city parks betw een April 1 and N ovem ber 1. These guides w ill be trained to talk about the various plants - from trees to sm all flo w ers - in L au relh u rst, M t. T abor, S ellw ood, D uniw ay, G rant, P eninsula, South W aterfront, and F orest Parks and at H oyt A rboretum . A ll tours w ill be held on Saturdays a t 10 a.m . - noon. T raining is offered. Call 503/823-3601. Vanport Flood Film A free show ing o f “B irddog” - a film about the V anport flood in 1948 - is sched­ uled M arch 8 at Fi ffh A venue C i nem as. The film ’s w riter and director K elley B aker will be there to answ er questions. This presen­ tation w ill be given on T hursday, M arch 8, from 6:30 p .m .- 8 : 3 0 p.m. at Fifth A venue C inem as, located at 510 S W Hall. Call 503/ 823-7740. b rin g p e a c e to th e m se lv e s a n d others. (P hoto by M ark W ashincton /P ortland O bserver ) We Are Our Sisters Keepers Events designed to inform and empower young women Forty-five young at-risk girls were recently brought together to celebrate sisterhood. They attended a Feb. 24 conference, entitled “W e Are O ur Sisters Keepers”, the first in a series ofevents designed to inform and empower young women o f the future. Assisting the group were representatives from Youth Gangs Outreach, the AsianFamifyCenter.NortheastCoalitionofNeigh- borhoods, Victory Outreach, Portland Police De­ partment Crisis Response Team, Youth Opportu­ nity Center, Alternative Pathways, and Melles Counseling andConsulting. Workshops included “Keeping It Real”, “Letting Go”, and “Drama' Relationships”. Each workshop included presen­ tations by leaders in the community and group discussion. Keeping it Real, highlighted choices, andhowthosechoicescanaffectalifetime. Letting Go alio wed the girls to discuss the barriers in their life that keep them from feeling at peace with themselves and with others. Drama/Relationships was about making good decisions regarding rela­ tionships, with friends, significant others, and family members. The conference ended with an affirmation by the girls o f what negative issues in their lives they want to discard. Some o f these issues included negativity, bad habits o f not going to school, hatred and bitterness. When asked to evaluate the session, one young lady said “I came inhere with a Sown onmy free and I’m leaving with a smile.” We Are Our Sister Keepers, a celebration o f women, the similarities and uniqueness o f one another, was the first step in teaching and sharing sisterhood. It is a bond that allows women to revel in and respect one another. L earn the seven habits o f highly effec­ tive teens in a seven-w eek course held by John O da, Ph.D . Y our teenager w ill leam such things as turning fear into m otivation and action; take control o f their em otions; develop a plan o f action that supports their outcom e, and m uch more. The sessions will be held at W ells Fargo C enter in Portland, starting on T uesday, A pril 10, from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. Call 503/471-2954. Wild in the City P ortland Parks and R ecreatio n ’s O ut­ door R ecreation Program , in collaboration w ith The A udobon Society ofPortland. will visit S um m er Lake Park, a 24-acre com m u­ nity park dedicated to the city as a condi­ tion o f developm ent o f the Sum m er Lake and A ri G reen subdivisions. C all 503/823- 5132. Evening Indoor Park Protect the Salmon in Your Yard A free “N aturscaping for C lean R ivers” w orkshop w ill be held on S aturday, M arch 10 at the A lbina Youth O pportunity School. T he w orkshop focuses on natural land­ scapes and w ater-friendly gardening prac­ tices. Each participant receives a w ork­ book and a native plant to start his o r her ow n natural garden. The free workshop will be held at the A lbina Y outh O pportunity School, located at 3710 N. M ississippi, f r o m 9 a .m .- 1 p.m. Call 503/797-1842. Kayak/Canoe Tualatin River Tour Portland Parks and R ecreation’s O ut­ door R ecreation Program , in collaboration w ith The A udobon Society ofP ortland and T ualatin R iverkeepers, will host a leisurely kayak or canoe paddle along the T ualatin River. T his is a great trip for the novice paddler to explore the riparian forests along the river, as the w ater is calm and the distances are short. Participants provide their own boats. Call 503/823-5132 for more inform ation and to register. < (P hoto by M ark W ashincton /P ortland O bserver ) Stein Quits Commission, Prepares for Governor’s Race Turn Your Teen Around T he only evening indoor park in Port­ land - p erfect for w orking parents! Join us every T uesday through M arch 1 3 ,6 -8 p .m . at Rice School and enjoy slides, trikes, balls, and cars in this parent-supervised play tim e. F or 50-cents per child, children up to age 6 can enjoy a safe, relaxed, coop­ erative playtim e. Rice School is located at 6433 NE. Tillamook. Call 503/823-3661. Trail Blazer fans fill a thank you banner with signatures at Pioneer Place Monday to honor former all-star guard Clyde Drexler whose number 22 was retired by the Blazers during halftime ceremonies Tuesday night. Drexler played 12 seasons in Portland and is the club s all-time leader in 11 o f 20 career statistical categories Multnomah County Chairwoman Beverly Stein (right) is joined by her scheduler Lyne Martin at a news conference Monday to formally announce her plans to resign from county government in order to run fo r Oregon Governor. ( P hoto by M ark W ashincton /P ortland O bserver ) (AP) - M ultnomah County Chair­ wom an Beverly Stein resigned from her position M onday so she can devote m ore tim e to the 2002 governor’s race. ”My passion right now is to prepare for a new leadership challenge and th a t’s what I’m going to do,” she said at a news conference at the M ultnomah County Library. Stein, 53, is the sec­ ond Dem ocrat to seek the state's top jo b , following former state Treasurer Jim Hill o f Salem. A nother possible candidate is U.S. Rep. Peter DeFazio, who said Monday that he w on’t make a decision until later this year. ”I ’ve been soliciting opinions from people around the state. I ’m giving it serious consideration,” DeFazio said. State Labor C om m issioner Jack R ob­ erts and Portland lawyer Ron Saxton have announced th ey ’ll try for the Re­ publican nom ination in the May 2002 prim ary election, and more candidates are expected. The governor's race is wide open because incum bent D em ocrat John Kitzhaber is stepping down in 2002. after serving the maximum two terms. "The governor's chair looms empty before us, and Oregon is going into some tough budget years,” DeFazio said. “We need strong leadership.” At her press conference, Stein em ­ phasized her leadership skills and listed the things she got done during hereight years as chairwom an, such as improv­ ing the library and getting more kids im m unized,” I believe my accom plishm ents in M ultnomah County prepare me very well to lead,” she said. “ I look forward to going around the state and telling people about those accom plishm ents.” Stein avoided questions about her platform and how it would appeal to a rural population th at’s never heard of her. Stein said she would have those answers when she form ally begins her campaign in May. S tein 's chief of staff, Bill Farver, will lead M ultnomah County until a May 15 election. Parade Will Celebrate St. Auction Support for Charities Johns Library Reopening M u sic, c ra fts , a p a ra d e a n d p u p p e t show w ill c e le b ra te th e o fficial reo p en in g o f the St. Jo h n s B ran ch L ib rary on S atu r­ d ay , M arch 10. A c tiv itie s are free and o pen to th e p u b lic. T h e lib rary is at 7510 N. C h a rlesto n A ve. T he ac tiv itie s w ill b eg in at 10 a m. w ith “ R ondo, A T rio o f F lu tes" p erfo rm in g . At 12:15 p.m . local sc h o o lch ild re n , library s ta f f , c o m m u n ity m e m b e r s a n d th e M cM en am in s M arch in g B an d w ill g ath er at the St. Jo h n s C o m m u n ity C en ter, 8427 N. C entral A v e., an d p arad e to th e library. A t 1 p in an o fficial ce rem o n y w ill w el­ co m e the n eig h b o rh o o d back to its library At 2p.m . “ 11 T ea tro C alim ari” w ill present the “T h ree B illy G o ats G r u f f ' puppet show . T h ro u g h o u t th e d ay , ch ild ren can d ec o ­ rate th eir o w n co m m em o ra tiv e b o o k bags an d refre sh m e n ts w ill b e saved. V o lu n ­ teers also w ill o ffe r h elp w ith co m p u ter tech n o lo g y . St. Jo h n s B ran ch L ib rary reo p en ed Feb I 13 afte r an ex ten siv e y ear-lo n g renovation. T he b u ild in g now has 854 m o re sq u are feet o f space, ex p an d ed c h ild re n ’s area an d a la rg e r m eeting room for p o p u lar sto ry tim es and art classes. O th er im p ro v em en ts in clu d e u p d ated p lu m b in g , electrical, h eatin g and air c o n d i­ tio n in g , new interior fu rn ish in g s an d lig h t­ ing an d restoration o f the b u ild in g ’s o rig i­ nal 1913 w indow s an d o ak w all trim . N ew com puters allo w v isito rs o f all ages to lo cate books an d o th er item s in the library catalog. Som e co m p u ters also h av e ed u catio n al softw are to teach co m p u ter, m ath and reading skills. T he St. Johns B ran ch L ibrary re n o v a ­ tion is p art o f a m u lti-y ear p ro ject funded by a general o bligation bond ap p ro v ed b y voters in 1996. St. Jo h n s B ranch L ib rary is o p en S u n ­ day from 1-5 p.m. T u esd ay - T h u rsd ay from 10 am - 9 p.m . and F rid ay an d S atu rd ay from 10 am 6 p.m . Susan Stanley o f Providence Health Plans bids on an item to raise money fo r charitable groups Employees o f Providence raised more than $13,000 Thursday during the group's annual charity auction With money from a silent auction not yet tallied, the total will be matched by the health plan and donated to Food for Lane County Family Dinner Program, Providence Child Center, The Boys and Girls Aid Society and Kinship House.