Page A4 ÿkuUanh (ßbseruer ü Opinion purttani) £ M a rc h 7, 2001 * Has Bush’s Views on Racial Profiling Changed? (Elje ÌJnrt lattò (Dbserwcr B y K jmberlin L ove D emocratic N ational C ommittee During his campaign, Presi­ dent George W. Bush opposed federal intervention to end ra­ cial profiling and as a Senator, John Ashcroft refused to let leg­ islation on racial profiling leave his com m ittee. Now that Republicans need m inorities to win elections, has this “conservative duo” truly found compassion for the cause? T h e se d o u b ts stem from years o f expressed hostility by USPS 959-680 Established 1970 these men toward attem pts to end racial profiling, from Candi­ date B ush's opposition to an executive order to end racial profiling, to Attorney General A shcroft's attempt to kill legis­ lation sponsored by Rep. John Conyers (D-MI) and Sen. Russ Feingold to study this issue. “ In 2001 it is inexcusable for people to be singled out for ar­ rest, search, or traffic stops ju st because o f the color o f their skin. After years o f denial and refusal to act on this pertinent issue, President Bush and At­ torney G eneral A shcroft say they finally see the tragedy o f racial profiling,” DNC Chair­ man M cAuliffe said. “ I hope that in the com ing months we will see their decision to ad­ dress this issue as an authentic sign o f com passion toward the thousands o f people who each day encounter this form o f rac­ ism and not another insincere exhibit o f m inority outreach aimed at the upcom ing elec­ tions.” Bush's Own Words The f o llo w in g is a te x t o f th e sp e ec h P re s id e n t G eo rg e W'.Bush g a v e la st w eek to th e C o n g ress o f th e U n ited S ta te s re g a rd in g ra c ia l p ro filin g : “ A s g o v ern m e n t p ro m o te s c o m ­ p assio n , it also m u st p ro m o te j u s ­ tice. T o o m a n y o f o u r c itiz en s h av e ca u se to d o u b t o u r N a tio n ’s ju s tic e w h en th e law p o in ts a fin g er o f su sp icio n at g ro u p s, in stead o f in ­ dividuals. A ll o u r citiz en s are cre ate d eq u al an d m u st b e treated equally. E arlier to d a y I ask ed A tto rn ey G en eral A sh cro ft to d ev elo p sp ecific re c ­ o m m e n d atio n s to en d racial p ro fil­ ing. It is w ro n g an d w e m u st en d it. In so d o in g , w e w ill n o t h in d e r th e w o rk o f o u r N a tio n ’s b ra v e p o lic e o fficers. T h ey p ro tec t us ev e ry d ay , o ften at great risk. B ut b y sto p p in g th e ab u ses o f a few , w e w ill ad d to th e p u b lic c o n fi­ d e n c e o u r p o lice o fficers earn and d e s e rv e .” STAFF E d it o r P C in h ie f , u b l is h e r C h a rle s H. W a sh in g to n E d it o r Larry J. Jackson, Sr. B u s in e s s M anager G ary .Ann T aylor A sst . P ublisher M ichael L eighton C opy E d it o r Jo y R am os C r e a t iv e D ir e c t o r Letters To The Editor---------------------- Freedom Socialists Support Women A s a feminist, I am appalled by B ush’s first action in office to slash funding for family planning abroad, and put w om en’s health around the world at risk Fortunately, a few days before, the Freedom Socialist Party, the only feminist party in the state o f Oregon, w on their case against the O regon Secretary o f State to run can­ didates under their own party name. Given Bush’s all out attack on w om en’s rights, it is heartening to know that I will soon be able to vote for a party that stands up for all people, especially poorwomen and womenofcolor. Hardy M yers, O regon’s Attorney General, could appeal this victory on b eh alf o f the Secretary o f State. It’s time to let Hardy Myers know that the D em o­ crats and Republicans do not repre­ sent the needs o f w om en and we want the right to vote foraparty that will, the Freedom Socialist Party. KrisDeMaria SE Portland Survivor Cruel to Animals L ast sum m er, "Survivor" produc­ ers w ere taken to task for allow ing the gam e sh o w ’s contestants to cruelly kill rats, and chickens-and CBS was in hot w ater for broadcasting their an ­ tics. W h en S urvivor II began shoot­ ing in the A ustralian outback, CBS officials m ade sure that the anim al abuse continued in the n etw ork’s sham eless pursuit o f ratings. R e­ cently, view ers w ere stunned and sick en ed to w atch as contestants stabbed a pig to death, then sm eared h er b lood on his cheeks. A ustralia’s A nim al Protection A ct makes it illegal to torture, m istreat, or bait any anim al or to instigate such acts. IfS urvivorproducerM ark Burnett and C B S p laced a tam e pig on the scene, separated a w ild pig from her fam ily group, o r baited o r corralled the pig so she could be attacked, they are 1 ikely to have to have violated the crim inal code. “ Instigating” cruelty is an offense equal to stabbing an animal. C B S ’s relentless pursuit o f ratings is as bloodthirsty as the S urvivor contestant w ho w as apparently ch o ­ sen because he w as w illing to stab an anim al to death in pursuit o f money. W hile C B S is earning a reputation as the netw ork o f anim al haters, grow ­ ing num bers o f form er fans are turn­ ing o ff Survivor-and visitingP E T A ’s W eb site P E T A for a free vegetarian starter kit. For m ore infor­ mation on the investigation into w hat really happened in Q ueensland or for hu m an e, h ealth y v eg g ie recip es, please contact us. Karin Bennett * People for the Ethical Treatment o f Animals Vote Carrie Adams for School Board I am w riting to ask you to support m y friend and colleague Carrie Adams in her race for the Portland Public School Board. F or the past decade, C arrie has served our schools as a volunteer on num erous groups. A single m om o f three, C arrie has volunteered in o u r schools for over 10 years. In addition, she has served on her local PTA B oard as vice presi­ dent, secretary and volunteer coordi­ nator. She w as a R egional A dvisory C om m ittee representative, served on her local Site Council and has been an L SA C m em ber for eight years. T oday, C arrie runs the T echnol­ ogy C enter at the A lbina H ead Start program. I’m supporting C arrie because she understands how im portant it is to fix the problem s in o u r under-perform ­ ing schools w here student perfor­ m ance lags behind the rest o f the district. B ecause o f her longtim e in­ volvem ent in o u r schools, C arrie is a great choice to tackle these prob­ lems. C arrie is com m itted to pushing the district to provide for a quality educa­ tion for all students. H e r# l priority is to close the achievem ent gap that exists for low -incom e students and students o f color. I hope you w ill jo in m e in support­ ing Carrie A dam s for Portland Public Schools. Jamie Partridge Northeast Portland R o b e rt P a r k e r 4 7 4 7 N E M a r t in L u th e r K in g , Jr. Blvd. P o rtla n d , OR 9 7 2 1 1 5 0 3 -2 8 8 -0 0 3 3 Fax 5 0 3 -2 8 8 -0 0 1 5 e-m ail n ew s@ p o rtlan d o b m ad s@ po rtlan d ob m P ostmaster : Send address changes to Portland Observer PO Box 3 1 3 7 Portland, OR 9 7 2 0 8 Periodical Postage paid in Portland, OR Subscriptions are $60.00 per year D E A D L IN E S FOR ALL SUBMITTED METERIALS: ARTICLES: Monday by 5 p . m . ADS: Friday by noon The Portland Observer welcomes freelance submissions. Manuscripts and photographs should be clearly I labeled and willbereturned lfaccom- I pam edbyaselfaddressed envelope. I All created design display ads be- I come the sole property o f the news- I paper and cannot be used in other I publicationsorpersonal usage w ith­ out the written consent ofthe general manager, unless the client has pur­ chased the com position o f such ad. © 1996 TH E PO R T LA N D O B ­ SER V ER . A L L R IG H T S R E - S ER V ED . R E P R O D U C T IO N IN W H O L E O R IN P A R T W T IH O IT P E R M IS S IO N IS P R O H IB IT E D . The Portland O bserver-O regon’s Oldest Multicultural Publication—is a member o f the National Newspaper A ssociation-Founded in 1885, and The National Advertising Represen­ tative Amalgamated Publishers, Inc. New York, NY, and Ihe W est Coast Black Publishers Association • Serv­ ing Portland and Vancouver. Civil Rights Leader Dies ( A P) — V erdell R utherford, a civil rights leader who fought to pass O re g o n ’s 1953 civil rig h ts law , died F e b .27. She w as 88. R u th e rfo rd w as se c re ta ry o f the P ortland c h ap ter o f the N A A C P from the late 1940s to 1962. H er husband, O tto R utherford, w as the c h a p te r’s p resid en t for tw o term s in the 1950s. T ogether, the couple w orked c lo sely w ith form er U .S. Sen. M ark H atfield to pass civil rights legislation that had failed in 17 p revious le g ­ isla tiv e sessions. The 1953 law th e R utherfords fought for o u t­ law ed discrim ination in hotels, m otels, resta u ra n ts and re c ­ reatio n al fac ilitie s on the b a ­ sis o f race, religion or national origin. “ T here should be a school nam ed for them , in stitu tio n a l­ izing th eir con trib u tio n to our s ta te ,” said Sen. A vel G ordly, D -Portland. “ Every school stu­ dent should learn about the life and tim es o f V erdell and O tto R utherford. T h eir work really uplifted the hum anity o f all o f u s.” V erdell R utherford used the o ffice equipm ent o f Dr. D eN orval U nthank to do v o lu n te e r N A A C P w ork and as a resu lt, Dr. U nthank hired her as a m edical secretary. She w orked for him for nearly 20 years. She w as the first secretary o f the new ly reb u ilt Bethel A .M .E . C hurch from 1959 to 1962. She was a m em ber o f the N .E .Y .M .C .A . Board, the P .T .A ., th e U rb a n L eag u e, and th e O regon A ssociation o f C o lo red W o m en ’s C lubs. She receiv ed the w om an o f th e Y e a r A w ard from the O regon A ssociation o f Club W om en, an affiliate o f the N ational A ssociation o f C ol­ ored W om en’s Clubs, in 1958. She w as a m em ber o f the C ulture C lub, a social and civic club, for m ore than three decades, serving in m any of­ fices. R u th e rfo rd ’s greatest in­ terest was her collection o f new spaper articles and m aga­ zines that chronicled the story o f people o f A frican descent. She considered h e rse lf a lo­ cal h isto ria n . P arts o f her c o lle c tio n h av e b een d is ­ played, am ong o ther places, at national NA ACP confer­ en ces, annual m eetin g s o f A.M .E. Churches, and at vari­ ous program s for B lack H is­ tory M onth throughout the y e a rs. R u th e r f o r d w as b o rn V e rd e ll B u rd in e in W ain ­ w rig h t, O k la. H er fam ily m oved to Bend shortly after h e r b i r t h a n d liv e d in M arshfield, now Coos Bay, for seven years before m ov­ ing to Y akim a, W ash. She m arried O tto R uther­ ford in 1936. He died in Au­ gust. R utherford is survived by a daughter, a son, two sis­ ters, six grandchildren and 11 great-grandchildren. A nother son died in 1974. A m em orial w as held on Saturday in P ortland. In tern ­ m ent is in Tahom a C em etery in Y akim a, W ash. C o n t r ib u t io n s in h e r m em ory m ay be m ade to the N A A C P Legal D efense and E ducational Fund, Inc., Suite 1600,99 H udson Street, New York, NY 10013. 7/. K S sted tiene una familia que lo respalda Imagínese: hoy cambia todo. "Yo" da paso a "nosotros". "Nuestro" sustituye a "mió". Y vivir feliz el resto de la vida es una meta, no un hecho. ¿Está nervioso? Para.'Viada. Usted cuenta con el apoyo de una familia sólida American Family Mutual Insurance. Cuando esté construyendo un futuro, la confianza lo es todo; 70 años de experiencia en el campo de los seguros es lo que ambos necesitan para sentirse seguros. En cuanto a compromiso se refiere, American Family mantiene el rango A+ (Superior) que otorga A.M. Best la respetada autoridad en la puntuación de agencias de seguros. Eso lo dice todo. Sólo llame y, con mucho gusto, uno de nuestros amables agentes le d a rá m ás información. Ahora, respire profundo. Luego... ¡aviéntese! N o s o tro s lo protegemos. 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