Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, March 07, 2001, Page 2, Image 2

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    March 7, 2001
Page A2
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Police News/Vancouver
Teenager Kills Classmates Near San Diego
S A N T E E , C A L IF . (A P )
y ear-o ld b o y w h o had b een picked
on and had talk ed ab o u t shooting
classm ates alleg e d ly o p en ed fire in
a high sch o o l b ath ro o m M onday,
killin g tw o p eo p le and w ounding
13 in the n a tio n ’s d ead liest school
attack sin ce C o lu m b in e
O n e stu d e n t said the b o y had a
sm ile o n his face as h e fired aw ay
w ith a pistol at S antana H igh School
in this m id d le-cla ss S an D iego su b ­
urb. T he b o y , a fresh m an w h o se
n am e w as n o t re le a se d , su rre n ­
dered in th e b ath ro o m , d ro p p ed his
gun and said he ac te d alo n e, tellin g
officers: " I t’s ju s t m e ,” acco rd in g
to s h e r if f s o fficials. T h ey said h e
w ill be ch a rg ed as an ad u lt w ith
m u rd e r, a s s a u lt w ith a d e a d ly
w eap o n a n d g u n p o ssessio n .
Both o f the d ea d w ere stu d en ts,
and at least o n e o f the v ic tim s w as
a cam p u s su p e rv iso r. S h e riff W il­
ev er k n o w w h y .”
F ello w stu d e n ts an d a n ad u lt
acq u ain tan ce said th ey h ad h eard
the b o y ’s th reats o v er th e w eek en d
but th o u g h t h e w as jo k in g an d d id
not rep o rt h im to au th o rities.
“ H e w as p ick ed o n all th e tim e ,”
student Jessica M o o re said. “ H e
w as p ick ed o n b ec au se h e w as o n e
o f th e sc ra w n ie st g u y s. P e o p le
called h im freak, d o rk , n erd , s tu ff
like th a t.”
Has Bush View on
Racial Profiling
Changed?.................. A4
Team Copes With Life
This Week
in History
M a rc h 7 1 9 6 5 , a m arch by civil
rights d e m o n stra to rs w as b ro k en
up in S elm a , A la., b y state troop­
ers and a s h e rif f s posse.
M arch 8 1917, R u ssia’s Febru­
ary R evolution (so called because
o f the O ld Style calen d ar used by
R ussians at the tim e) began with
rioting and strikes in St. Petersburg.
M a rc h 9 1862, during the Civil
W ar, the ironclads M onitor and Vir­
ginia (form erly M errim ac) clashed
for five hours to a draw at Ham pton
Roads, Va.
Mostly Cloudy
Partly Cloudy
60°F High
40°F Low
44°F Low
Partlv Cloudy
Scattered Showers
55°F High
40°F Low
Mostly Cloudy
59°F High
42°F Low
58°F High
42°F Low
57°F High
39°F Low
The farmer may only be planting a seed, but if
he opens his eyes he is feeding the whole world.
—Omaha Bee
M arch 10 1985, K onstantin U.
Chernenko, Soviet leader forjust 13
m onths, died at age 73. His death
w as announced on M arch 11th.
P o litb u ro m e m b er M ik h a il S.
G orbachev was chosen to succeed
M a r ch 11 1941, P re sid e n t
R oosevelt sig n ed into law the
Lend-Lease Bill, providing war sup-
Police investigated three bombing
incidents in Hillsboro that damaged
property Sunday night. Luckily, no
one was nearby when the bombs ex­
ploded, so there were no injuries.
Police said two bombs madeofplas-
tic soda bottles exploded and a third
bomb fizzled out before it blew up. O f
the two that exploded, one blew a hole
in the window o fa house and the other
destroyed a flower p o t Police found a
fourth unexploded bottle - made o f
glass — several blocks away in the
street Police believe the incidents were
connected. They searched for a sus­
pect described as a man in his late teens
or early twenties who was seen getting
into a dark mini- van around the time o f
the explosions. Police said there could
be at least one more suspect
Crime Stoppers
Through the Weekend
Artist Perspective on
Black Celebrities.... B2
Youth Baseball
Clinic...................... B5
Community Honored By
Blazers.................... B6
liam K o len d er said. O n e stu d en t
also su ffered m in o r in ju ries in a ca r
accid en t w h ile fleeing th e 1,900-
stu d en t school.
“ I kn o w in y o u r m in d s is the
o v errid in g questio n : W h y ?’” D is­
trict A tto rn ey Paul P fin g st said.
"T h e su sp ect has m ad e statem ents.
I w ill n ot sh are the co n ten ts o f th e
sta te m en ts w ith you at this tim e,
b u t th ere is no real answ er. I am
n ot su re in an y real w ay w e w ill
Bombs Damage
Hillsboro Properties
plies to countries fighting the Axis.
M a rch 12 1947, P re sid e n t
T rum an established w hat becam e
know n as the T rum an D octrine to
helpG reeceandT urkeyresistC om -
M arch 13 1868, the im peach­
m ent trial o f President A ndrew
Johnson began in the U nited States
Woman Wanted for Theft, Forgery
ortland Police B ureau
fraud investigators, in
cooperation w ith C rim e
Stoppers, are asking for your help
in locating and apprehending Carol
M ayetta Crane.
A no-bail felony arrest w arrant
is on file charging C rane w ith
parole violation on an original
charge o f first degree theft. C rane
has an extensive history o f fraud,
forgery and theft.
C rane is described as a 38-
Carol Mayetta Crane
year-old black female. She is 5 ’2”
tall with black hair and brow n
eyes. She has lived at num erous
locations in northeast and south­
east Portland and is know n to
frequent establishm ents offering
Crim e Stoppers is offering a
cash rew ard o f up to $ 1,000 for
inform ation, reported to Crim e
Stoppers, w hich leads to an arrest
in this case or any unsolved felony
crime, and you can rem ain anony­
mous. Call Crim e Stoppers at 503-
Woman Wanted in Theft Cases
T h e B ellev u e, W ash. P o lice D e ­
p a r tm e n t, in c o o p e r a tio n w ith
C rim e S to p p ers, is ask in g fo r y o u r
help in lo catin g an d ap p reh en d in g
S hanna L u ree P eterson.
F elo n y arrest w arra n ts a re on
file ch arg in g P eterso n w ith n u m e r­
ous crim es in W ash in g to n S tate,
including th eft in K ing C ounty.
In v estig ato rs b e lie v e P eterso n
m ay h av e fled to O reg o n , a n d co uld
b e liv in g in th e P o rtla n d area.
S h an n a L uree P ete rso n is a 33-
year-o ld w h ite fem ale. S h e is 5 ’8”
tall w e ig h in g 125 p o u n d s, w ith
b ro w n h air an d b ro w n eyes. She is
d escrib ed as w ell g room ed, articu ­
late, an d w ell v ersed in o ffice skills.
S h e is k now n to u se the nam es or
aliases o f S hanna B ell, S hanna
C lark an d S h an n a Perry. C rim e
S toppers is o fferin g a cash rew ard
o f up to $ 1,000 for inform ation,
rep o rted to C rim e S toppers, w hich
lead s to an arrest in th is case o r any
u n so lv e d felo n y crim e, an d you
can rem ain ano n y m o u s. C all C rim e
S toppers at 503-823-H E L P.
Shanna Luree Peterson
Sheriffs Deputies Seek Citizen Assistance
Identifying Suspects in Highway Assault
M u ltn o m a h
C o u n ty
S h e r if f s O ffice seek s assistance
in locating tw o suspects in a h ig h ­
w ay s related assau lt on T uesday,
Feb. 20 b etw een 4 and 4 :3 0 p.m .
on U .S. H ighw ay 30 at m ilepost 16
a d ja c e n t to th e W ild w o o d G o lf
C ourse. T h e v ictim in this assault
w as driving a red sed an from St.
H elens to w ard P o rtlan d w h en one
o f th e su sp e c ts, id e n tifie d as a
w hite fem ale in h er early 4 0 s, 5 ’6 ” ,
v ery thin b u ild , w ith v ery few teeth,
w earing a dark flannel shirt and
dark trousers, flagged th e v ictim s
dow n, feigning distress.
U p o n sto p p in g to render assis­
tance, the v ictim , w as accosted by
a w h ite m ale 20 - 30 years, 6 ’3 ”
ap p ro x im ately 160 lbs., w ith a very
thin b u ild (tall & skinny), w ith red
h air an d a long red beard. H e w as
w earin g a flannel shirt an d dark
trousers. T h e M ultnom ah C ounty
S h e riff O ffice is seek in g any and
all in fo rm atio n from citizen s w ho
m ay h av e w itn essed so m eo n e at­
tem p tin g to h alt m o to rists around
the sam e tim e. C itizen s w ith in fo r­
m atio n are u rg ed to call D eputy
Jo h n L ittle at 5 0 3 -2 5 5 -3 6 0 0 , ex ­
ten sio n 420.
Counterfeiting Operation Broken Up
Detectives o f the V ancouver
Police D epartm ent’s m ajorcrim e
team , FBI, Secret Service, and
deputies from the C lark C ounty’s
S h e riffs D epartm ent served a
search w arrant M arch 1 at 4407
N E 54th Street in Vancouver.
A rrested w as D avid K enneth
W arren Jr. on 14 felony counts
includingtheft, burglary, attempted
theft and forgery.
Recovered during the search
w arrant w ere over 100, passable
quality, counterfeit U .S.currency
in denom inations o f$ 100s, $20s,
$ 10s, and $5 s, in addition to com ­
puters, printers and other equip­
m ent believed to be used in the
Evidence from burglaries o f
local credit unions, stolen travel­
ers checks and burglar tools were
also recovered. T w o v ehicles
w ere seized and additional evi­
dence item s w ere recovered. This
investigation is continuing and
police are looking for at least two
other suspects.
Crime Mapping Now on the Internet
M ayor Vera Katz and Police
C h ief M ark K roeker have an­
n o u n c e d th e a v a ila b ility o f
CrimeMapper on the Internet Avail­
able on the Portland Police Bureau’s
w e b site
www.portlandpolicebureau.com. it
crime analysis tool to better under­
stand the public safety needs o f
their neighborhoods.
C hief Kroeker said the tool will
be a vital com m unication link be­
tween neighborhood watch block
captains, neighborhood crime pre-
vention specialists and senior neigh­
borhood officers.
“Timely information, combined
with good analysis and partner­
ship, will help people to make a
difference in our neighborhoods,”
said Kroeker.
Man Pardoned by Reagan Accused of Killing Wife
M b n d a y th ro u g h S aturday: 7am to 10:30a m
(A P )— A Washi ngton County man
accused ofkilling, dism embering and
burning his w ife’s body, once received
a presidential pardon from Ronald
S unday: 7am to 1 1:30am
Robert W endell W alker Jr., 53, had
been given a pardon by President
Reagan in 1981 for an attempted bank
robbery and by Oregon Gov. Bob
Straub in 1977 for two shoplifting con­
5 7 3 6 NE 33r<l • P ortlan d , O r eg o n
(5 0 5 ) 2 4 9 - 3 9 8 3 • w w w .m r m e n « im in s.r « m
allows users to map the locations
and density o f eight major crime
categories, and includes definitions
and links to resources and pro­
grams. M ayor Katz said she is
pleased that the bureau and the
com m unity are creating this new
It is unknow n why Reagan granted
the pardon, one o f 393 he granted
during his eight years in office.
W alker was arrested Nov. 3 at the
hom e he shared with his wife and their
tw o school-age sons. He w as accused
o f shooting his wife Terrie Lee W alker,
45, and burning her body in a barrel
behind their 3,200-square-foot home.
N eighbors said that alm ost every
night for a week they had seen flames
spewing from a barrel in the couple’s
yard and smelled a “pungent, awful
odor” that they thought was yard de­
A county medical examiner called it
the m ost gruesome crim e he had seen.
W alker, w ho is in the W ashington
County Jail awaiting trial in May, told
detectives he shot his w ife in self-
defense Oct. 17 when she charged at
him w ithaknife.
M ore than 30 years ago, W alker
tried to rob First National Bank o f O r­
egon in dow ntow n Portland, a federal
felony offense. M onths later he was
arrested for reckless driving, posses­
sion o f m arijuana and tw ice for shop­
lifting, in Portland and Eugene.