Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, March 07, 2001, Page 12, Image 12

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    M arch 7, 2001
Page B6
(Elje ÿtorttmih (0h«m w r
Community Advocates Honored by Blazers
The Blazers have put the spc^tlight on
seven local African A m erican heroes.
Each indiv idual was chosen based on
their dedication and service to the com ­
m unity, as well as their com m itm ent to
m aking a difference to individual lives
The honorees received $ 5 0 0 to donate
to the charity o f their choice. In addition,
the Blazers donated $5,OCX) to scholarship
funds at ‘"Bridge Builders” and "L inks,"
tw o local African A m erican organiza­
The first honoree, Ron Herndon, has
been the directorofthe A lbina H ead Start
program since 1975 and is the current
president o f the National H ead Start
Association. H e is a former teacher, coun­
selor, college instructor and V IST A vol­
unteer. He also had a hand in founding
m any com m unity-based organizations
including the Black Education Center,
Black United Front OiegonHumanRights
Rainbow Coalition, B lack U nited Fund,
N E C om m unity D evelopm ent Corp.,
Y outh Gang Task Force and the NE
Economic Development Alliance. Healso
helped develop the N ational H ead Start
Training A cadem y at Texas T ech U ni­
A ndrew Shoals, student body presi­
dent at G rant H igh School, w as the sec-
ond o f the seven individuals honored
during the celebration o f B lack History
Month. Shoalsm au«ainsa3.94G P A and
isrank ed 3 2 n d in asen io rclasso f4 0 7 .H e
is a m em ber ofSU PE R SA C , an advisory
council o f students that report to the
distnct superintendent, sings with the
Royal Blues, G ran t’s elite perform ance
choir, is a m em ber ofthe G rant Jazz Band
and has participated in num erous stage
productions at the school. Shoals is also
the vice president o f Perspective Gents,
an organization for A frican A m encan
youth that perform s com m unity service.
Rosie D ean has been a Trail Blazer in
her ow n right for years. In 1987 she
opened D oris’ C afe w ith the goal ofcre-
atinga few jobs forneighborhoodkids. In
the last ¡3years, she’sb eco m eaco m m u -
nity advocate, hired and trained disad­
vantaged kids and is know n for her tradi­
tion ofdelivering Thanksgiving m eals to
hundreds o f elderly and handicapped
Willie Mae Hart
Ron Herndon
Randy Corradine
out room . D ixon is also a foster parent to
ois grades at school. He is tire past
president ofthe K eystone Youth Leader­
ship Club, and lias represented the Boys
& Girls C lubs ofPortiand in regional and
m other did. S he’sb een a fosterparent for
eight years, dedicating her life to helping
kids w ho are the victims of physical and
emotional abuse and neglect To date,
she’s cared for nearly 72 children.
Willie M ae H art an85-year-oldnorth-
four boys.
Randy C orradine is the current Boys
& Girls Clubs o f Portland Y outh o f the
Y ear.A m em beroftheB oys& G irlsC lubs
since he w as seven, he is their youth
A n th o n y ‘T ’ D ixon truly believes in
givingbacktothecom m unity’sehildren;
am bassador for the entire organization
Last year, he helped lead the Blazers
C om m unity Builders Y outh Corps in
donating $ 10.OOOtocharitiesoftheclubs’
h e’s dedicated his life’s w ork to i t D ixon
w orks at the Albertina K err C enter for
severely abused children. H eisatru eg ift
to Albertina K en , the kids are inspired by
choosing and helped in several com m u­
nity service projects. Corradine helped
raise his younger siblings w ith the help o f
his grandm other w hile m aintaining hon-
his actions, em ulating him and even act­
ing outjustto hang out w ithhim in the time
Rosie Dean
Anthony "T" Dixon
Two Years
of the
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Stay informed and stay in touch.
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national leadership conferences.
A ngela Jefferson grew up in a hom e
where hundreds ofkids passed through;
her m other w as a foster parent w ho took
care o f children w ho needed help. N ow
Angela, 29, is helping others ju st like her
east Portland resident, rem em bere the
day theO regonLegislaturem ade it illegal
todiscriininateon the basis ofrace. It w as
1953, and then new state Representative
® Classifieds/Bids
Financial Aid Director
Program Advisor
position at Warner Pacific College
to: direct and coordinate student
financial aid programs; prepare fi­
nancial aid packages; conduct in­
terviews & conferences; research
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Requires: BA (MA preferred); 5 yrs
experience in financial aid,
financial aid packaging, and
FAFSA preparation; knowledge of
Pell grants, Perkins & Stafford
loans, SEOG, PLUS. CWSP, and
federal Title IV programs;
excellent communication and
supervisory skills.
WPC is an accredited, Christian,
liberal arts college serving over
700 students for 64 years.
Send cover letter, resume, and
personal statement of faith to: HR
Director, Warner Pacific College,
2219 SE 68th Ave,, Portland,
97215; fax: 517-1213; e-mail:
ASUO Multicultural Center
University of Oregon
Oversight of Multicultural Center.
Required: B a ch e lo r's degree;
knowledge M ulticultural issues
significant to UO Student commu­
nity; administrative, and Organiza­
tio n a l s k ills ; e x p e rtis e in
multicultural programming.
Complete job announcement on
web site at http://hr.uoregon.edu/
employment. Application review
begins March 28, 2001. Contact
information is ASUO, Suite 4 EMU,
1228 University of Oregon,
Eugene, OR 97403;
(541) 346-3724.
AA/EO/ADA institution committed
to cultural diversity.
General Help Wanted I
Part Time Work
NOT Business Opportunity
Equal Opportunity employer.
Put it to Work!
"Providing Affordable Housing For The Community”
* Newly Constructed
* 2 bedroom house, 5317 NE 24th, $546, Sorry No Sec 8
*2 bedroom house, 5323 NE 24th, $546, Sorry No Sec. 8
2 bedroom house, 5028 NE 26"’, $650, Sec 8 ok
1 bedroom apt, 1815 NE Dekum, $430, Sec 8 ok
3 bdrm house, 7246 NE 9th $750, Sec 8 ok
2 bdrm house, 7028 NE 6,h $600 Sec 8 ok
2 bdrm house, 5033 NE 26'h, $550 no Sec 8
1 bdrm studio, 4066 NE Grand #4, $385
1 + bdrm upper duplex, 5029 NE 7’", $425, sorry No Sec 8
1 bdrm apt upper duplex, 5403 N Mississippi “ B ” , $500, sorry No
Sec 8
2 bdrm apt, 9 39 N Alberta “C” , $550, sorry No Sec 8
1 bdrm - 5 plex, 4066 NE Grand #2, $400, Sec 8 ok
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Portland, Oregon 97211
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Advertisement For Bids
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NovmJber 29.3300
Subscription Form Contact Information
Last Name.
Begin your Tri-Met career with this
entry level position. You will as­
sist Finance Administration, Finan­
cial Services, Financial Analysis
and the Grants Management de­
partm ents with various clerical
duties, including filing, photocopy­
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High school education or equiva­
One year’s experience in general
office tasks.
Or any equivalent combination of
experience and training.
Excellent benefit package and hir­
ing range of $ 9 .2 6 -$ 1 1 .1 2 .1 2 /
Qualified candidates must submit
a Tri Met application and resume
no later than March 2nd to the Hu­
man Resources Dept.,
4012 SE 17th Ave., Portland, OR
97202. You may call (503) 962-
7635 for information or visit our
w ebsite at h ttp ://tri-J n e l.o rg /
Now Renting
Soon To Be Available
Mansion Lights
Up for the
M ark Hatfield w as behind thebill. W illie
M ae w as one o f hundreds o f A frican
A m ericans w ho drove to Salem in a cara­
van to support the bill, and w as there
w hen it passed. H art is involved in volun­
teer and church organizations, and re­
m ains active in the com m unity.
Each o fth e seven honorees is m aking
a di fference today, e veiyday, in the Port­
land comm unity.
The Metropolitan Exposition Recreation Commission (MERC) is solic­
iting written bids for armored car services at the Oregon Convention
Center, Portland Center for the Performing Arts and Portland Exposi­
tion Center.
The successful bidder will be responsible for providing all services
outlined in the attached Request for Bids packet. Terms of the con­
tract shall be for three (3) years, with MERC held options to extend for
two (2) additional terms o f one (1) year each.
All bids are to be made using the attached Pricing Sheet. All bids are
due into the MERC Administrative Office, Attn: Joe Barrett, at 777 NE
M artin Luther King, Jr., Blvd., Portland, Oregon 97232, no later than
11:00 am Pacific time on March 16,2001. Any bids mailed or couriered
must arrive in the MERC offices no later than 11:00 am Pacific time
on March 16, 2001. No faxed or e-mail bids will be accepted.
How we get there matters.
Tri-Met is an equal opportunity
Development Director
Western States Center is seeking
an experienced development pro­
fe s s io n a l w ith a s u c c e s s fu l
fundraising track record to plan,
im p le m e n t
m anage
fundraising strategies and cam­
paigns. The successful candidate
will be a passionate fundraiser,
possessing excellent communica­
tion skills. This is senior manage­
ment position in a fast growing,
progressive organization with an
annual budget in excess of $1.3
million. Excellent benefits. Salary
Send resume and cover letter to:
Administrative Director,
Western States Center,
PO Box 40305,
Portland, OR 97240.
Advertise in
The Portland
call 288-0033 ;?