Page 12 February 28, 2001---------------------------- * F O C U S ------------------------------ W ©h««.« The First Black American President A Local Historian Uncovers A Government Secret B y J oy R amos T he P ortland O bserver Based on shocking evidence, there were eight presidents before G eorge W ashington. O f th at gro u p , JoHn H anson w as black! Very little is know n about this A fri­ can A m erican w ho ran oui country' for one year. L.C. Oddie, a local authority on the subject, will present his findings in abookcalled “T heM issing President," w hich will b e available at the end o f the year. O ddie's research began in 1992 after hearing about this hidden truth on television from D ickG regory,a famous civil rights activist and nutritionist. N early ten years later, after digging through governm ent docum ents, ob­ taining copies o f portraits, uncovering a letter and even obtaining currency which features the past p resid en t does O ddie have the evidence needed to back his historical claims. Throughout the interview w ith the historian, he kept mostly confidential about the informa­ tion contained in his book because o f a legal agreementwith his publishingcom- pany, Pine Orchar d. Based on research b y O ddie, the Continental Congress in 1781 voted John H anson to lead the country as President o f the United States in C on­ gress Assem bled H ew asam ixofSw ed- ish andblackdescent A fter his one year stint as president, seven others fol­ low ed H anson in the office: Richard Henry Lee, Elias Boudinot, Thom as M ifflin, John H an co ck , N athaniel Gorfiam, A rthur S t Clair, and Cyrus Griffin. A s president, he w as granted governing pow ers as defined by tlie Articles o f Confederation. H e had the authority to correspond and negotiate with foreign governments. H anson gave orders to the m ilitary forces tow ard the end ofthe American Revolution. Under him, the U. S. Treasury D epartm ent and the Foreign Affairs D epartm ent was formed. H anson has been credited for approving the Great Seal o f the United States and leading the fight to guaran­ tee the statehood o f the w estern territo­ ries beyond the A ppalachian M oun­ tains that had been controlled b y som e o fth e onginal thirteen colonies. O f the docum ents found by Oddie, one was signed b y the black president to create the 13 colonies and another was to 5 0 3 /2 8 4 -2 4 3 5 Fax 5 0 3 /3 3 1 -1 4 4 2 1 6 1 5 N .K . K illin g « w o r th P o r tla n d , O regon 97211 S to r e H o u rs: Mon S a t. 10 AM - fc PM J o h n H a n so n is c la im e d io b e A m e r ic a 's f i r s t b la c k p resid en t. A c c o rd in g to th e a u th o r o f “D irty L ittle Secrets, ” th ere h a ve been se v e r a l p re s id e n ts o f b la ck a n c e stry a fte r G eo rg e W a sh in g to n 's presid en cy. boycott British ships im porting their goods. A portrait o f John Hanson sh o w s h im w ith W ash in g to n and Jefferson. HecollaboratedwitliJeffeison and a group o f other w riters to pen the fam ous D eclaration o f Independence. H anson’s great contributions w ere rec­ ognized in 1981 w hen the U nited State Postal Service issued a stam p com ­ mem orating th e200* anniversary ofthe appointm ent o fH an so n as President o f the United States Assem bled. Black History Month Special $14.99 “We give you the service you deserve” For a lot of little reasons. And some very big ones. Like your security, health and comfort. And of course, safety and convenience. That's why you'll find us constantly inspecting and upgrading our lines to keep our delivery system ahead of demand. And why we're always looking to develop new resources. We even offer advice to help you save energy and money without giving up comfort. You're all the reason we need. > PACIFIC POW ER Making it happen. 02001 Paci f ¡Corp