_ •*, .•< - F o c u s ®íje -jîurtlanb (Observer cert will be held at the Arlene and 31 Schnitzer Concert Hall, Port­ “Chinese Take-Out” is an land. innovative and imaginative The concert will also show­ theatre production for adults, case the winner of the an­ will be perform ed at the nual concerto competition. Deloris Winningstad Theatre The evening promises to de­ located at 1111 SW. Broad­ light the whole family with way. The show varies with wonderful music presented what the audience chooses by some of the area’s finest to “takeout.” Our host takes young musicians. Call 503/ our order from a menu of 239-4566. Chinese food names, and then serves the order in the form Poems Over of several vignettes. It Broadway is a brilliant conceptual Friday, March 9 piece, unique and fully Poets of all ages, styles developed. The pieces •and skill levels are invited to range from whimsical to read their work in a comfort­ bawdy. Call 503/248- able, non-confrontational set­ 0557. ting. Poetry lovers can sit in Oscar Night and listen as well. Barnes & Noble Booksellers, located at America NE. 13th & Broadway (Lloyd Sunday, March Center) will be hosting “ Po­ 25 ems Over Broadway” on Fri­ Through Volunteers day, March 9 at 7 p.m. For of America Oregon’s 5th more information, call 503/ Annual O scar N ight ' 335-0201. America Gala will be Women’s History Month Book Party Saturday, March 24 Women’s His­ tory Month cel­ ebration and book launch for the new edition o f “The Radical Women Manifesto: Social­ ist F em inist Theory, Program and O rg a n iz a ­ tional Structure.” Festivities include a presentation on • the radical roots of the fight for equal rights, atrib­ ute totrailblazing foremothers and readings from the book. This event will be held on Saturday, March 2 4,6 p.m. at Radi­ cal Women, lo­ cated at 819 N. K illin g s w o rth . C all 503/240- 4462. Chinese Take-Out Saturdays, March 24 held on March 25 at the Portland Art Museum, D ow ntow n P o rtlan d . February 28,2001 . í ■ — Page 11 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- --------------------------------------- The only Portland Academy Awards gala event officially sanctioned by the Academy of Motion Pictures Arts and Sciences - will offer Port­ land movie fans a chance to celeb rate O scar night in grand style, view a live broadcast o f the Annual Academy Award Ceremony over a four-course dinner and bid on fantastic items like a Mercedes 380 SL and a 17’ School and da Vinci Middle School have celebrated the Art Show and Sell. Anyone wanting to check out the latest art in the region The 11th Annual Art is invited to attend. This is a show of over one Show & Sell hundred distinguished, pro­ Sunday, April 6 & fessional artists from the community. Monday, April 7 Call Emily Crawford at April 6 and 7 will mark the eleventh year that Buckman 503/636-8319 or Tia Regan A rts M agnet Elem entary at 503/287-3223. Sun Ray Ski Boat. The VIP reception starts at 3 p.m. and the live broadcasts of the Academy Awards from Hol­ lywood begins at 5 p.m. A in s w o rth Your Neighborhood Pharmacy Salutes: Black History 3002 NE A insw orth St. P ortland OR 9721 1 503.282.0787 • 866.333.0787 w w w . a in s w o r t h d r u g .c ! J Saluting Portland’s First’s for Black History The African Am erican Church w as the key force in advocating for social, political, eco­ nomic and educational rights for African A mericans in Portland throughout history. In 1964,thepastorofB ethel A M E ’sC hurch spoke out on the school segregation issue w hich proved very instrumental. A fter graduating from college, Dr. Hugh Bell m oved to Portlandtobecom e Portland’s first African A m erican dentist. His clinic on N. U nion still stands today, but is now know n as M artin Luther King Jr. Blvd. M cCants Stewart m oved to Port­ land, O regon and w as admitted to the bar in 1903. In 1919, Stewart wasPortland’sfirstAfrican Amen- can Attorney. His special interest w as voting rights for blacks. Sponsored in part by CliafviÂiïmnes tmooth j a t t Phone Reconnections In 3 to 4 Days NO GET M O R E FOR YOUR MONEY fiBK) CALL WAITING OS# CALL FORWARDING HUKi 3 WAY CALLING 0»] UNLIMITED *69 I] CONTINUOUS REDIAL . . . AND M O R E (©bseruer Deposits Credit Checks Turndowns Just $59.99 a Month! Available Only at: 8040 NE SANDY BLVD, STE 100B Hours: Mon - Fri 10am to 6pm. Just $45 Gets You Connected with our Affordable, Fast. Friendly, Reliable S e rvice - offer valid in QWEST and VERIZON service areas . j i