Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, February 28, 2001, Page 24, Image 24

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February 28,2001____________________ FOCUS
‘g f o r t k t t t b ( O h s C r l U r
Music Lessons
af Ellias» Fnc.
Portland1« Nonprofit Music Center
Or W / » Bra,
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© 01-
T h e W y s i F o u n d itio n
H o o v e r F a m ily F o u n d a t io n
Rose R . T u c k e r C h a rita b le T ru s t
Isortnc Satis Higgins Charuabl« Trust
Roosevelt's P G E F/iron Comnututy 101
Oregon Food Bank
salutes our community
for fighting hunger every day.
... because no one should be hungry.
Black History Month 2001
(503) 282-0555
o f “ G one W ith the W ind.” and 25
A dolph H itle r is invading
E v ery S u n d ay , th e O ld
Poland, and B rooklyn-bred C hurch C oncert Hall, located
Joe Farkas is m aking inroads at 1422 SW. l l ,h will be hav­
at the D ixie B edding C om ­ ing th eir Jazz Series offering
pany. But the big new s in the artistic ja z z in an elegant se t­
ex tended F reitag fam ily - ting with food, w ine and beer
A dolph, Reba, Boo, Lala, and available before and during
Sunny - is w h o ’s taking who the perform ance.
to B allyhoo, the social event
Proceeds benefit the res­
o f the season.
to ration o f The Old C h u rc h ’s
A w itty rom antic com edy stained glass w indow , “ C on­
w ith serious undertones o f sider the L ilies” by the Povey
race and p rejudice, this Tony B rothers Studio, circa 1892.
A w ard w inner by the author For m ore info., call Sandy
o f “D riving M iss D aisy” is Stallcup at 503/636-0198 or
one you w o n ’t soon forget. v is it t h e i r w e b s ite att
Preview s o f this play w ill be w w w .o ld ch u rch .o rg .
at the Portland A ctors C on­ Whiskey Dinners in
servatory, located at 1436 S W
the Ballroom
M ontgom ery St. C all 503/
Thursday, March 8
On T h u rsd ay , M arch 8,
29th Street Writers
M c M e n a m in s E d g e f ie ld
Sunday, March 4
s e rv e s th e Ja m e so n Irish
On Sunday, M arch 4, at 7 W hiskey D inner in the B all­
p.m ., m em bers o f the 29th room.
S tre e t W rite rs w ill be at
Seating begins at 7 p.m .,
Subud H ouse, located at 3185 as E x e c u tiv e C h e f C h ris
N E . R eg en ts D r., rea d in g B erning prepares a special
from th eir work.
m enu o f four courses, each
The 29,h Street W riters b e­ paired w ith a Jam eson w his­
gan 13 years ago and has key and M cM enam ins Dry
recently added two new m em ­ Irish Stout. For reservations,
bers. The 29th Street W riters call 503/669-8610.
are a P ortland literary in sti­
Columbia River
tu tio n . Som e w rite poetry,
som e w rite prose and all are History Program
ex citin g to listen to and p ro ­ Friday, March 9 &
vide a stim ulating evening o f Saturday, March 10
cerebral entertainm ent.
On Friday, M arch 9 and
Call Ila Suzanne at 503/
S a tu rd a y , M arch 10, r e ­
n o w n e d N o rth w e s t a r tis t
March Pledge
L illia n Pitt and E liz a b e th
W oody will com bine im age-
and the spoken word to e x ­
Sunday, March 4
press th eir persp ectiv es o f
“ C o u p le s” - a d y ­
Colum bia River Basin history *
nam ic w indow into the
T his FREE program e n ­
relationship lives o f six­
“ M emory and O ther Fa­
teen people launches
m iliar W ords” w ill begin at
th e M a rc h P le d g e
7:30 p.m . on both nights.
D rive on the stations
The C enter for C olum bia
o f O re g o n P u b lic
R iver H istory is located at
B roadcasting, M arch 4,
0 . 0 . H ow ard H ouse, Suite
from 2 p.m . - 6 p.m.
D; 750 A n d e rs o n S t. in
The five part series ex­
V a n c o u v e r, W a s h in g to n .
plores the conflict and con­
C all 360/992-1821.
nections of eight couples
during an intensive work­ Metropolitan Youth
shop facilitated by Drs. Symphony Spring
Bennet Wong and Jock Concert
Sunday Jazz at
the Old Church
Sundays on
March 4, 11, 18
Friday, March 9
The M etropolitan Y outh
Sym phony will present a con­
cert for spring on F riday,
M arch 9. The 7:30 p.m . con-