February 28, 2001 Page 9 (Ebe ^Jnrtlanb © bseruer S u n d a y , M arch 4 Entertainm ent Guide P o rtla n d Youth P h ilh a r m o n ic W ed n esd a y , F eb . 28 The Portland Youth Philhar­ monic, underthedirection ofMusic Director and Conductor Huw Edwards, will present a preview performance o f the Winter Con­ cert o f its 77th season Wednesday evening, Feb. 28, at George Fox University’s Newberg campus. Free to the public, the concert begins at 7:30 p.m. in George Fpx’s Bauman Auditorium. “Voices From The Kitchen” The American Jesus Christ B y D on W ilson G levs Interstate Firehouse C ultural Center 5340 N. Interstate March 2nd, 2001 7:00 p.m. reception 8:00 p.m. performance Tickets available at the door (Benefits for United Negro College Fund Pacific NW ) Legendary Cellist Janos Starker Friday, March 2 - Sunday, March 4 In a true example of “leaping from tradition” Oregon Ballet Theatre presents a new collec­ tion o f three original James Canfield ballets to launch its spring season o f dance in Port­ land. The evening concludes with the premiere of Canfield’s newest and most avant garde day residency in the PSU D e­ partm ent o fM u sic , M arch 2- 4 w here he will perform in concert on M arch 4 and w ork w ith young m usicians in a m aster class on M arch 2. S ic k and T w isted F estiv a l o f A n im ation F rid a y , M arch 2 - S a tu rd a y , M arch 24 Spike and M ike, the guys who first brought you B e a v is and B utthead, South Park, R ugrats and W allace & G rom it, are back and ready to unleash their 2001 fe a tu re len g th co llection o f bizarre, s h o c k in g and distrubingly grotesque anim ated short film s. Spike and M ik e’s Sick and Twisted Festival of Animation is not forthose with an overly refined ar­ tistic palate. For screen- ingtimes,callCinema21, located at 616 NW. 21st Ave. at 503/223-4515. Jam es Canfield B a lle ts One o f the great cello so 1 oi st s S a tu rd a y , o f the century, Janos Starker, com es to PSU for a three- M arch 3 - work o f the season. Be pre­ p.m. on March 4. Call 503/227- pared for the hallmark Canfield 0977. style that has raised eyebrows, The Last Night o f stimulated discussion and built B a lly h o o new audiences for the future of dance in the Northwest. The T h ro u g h S u n d ay, event will take place at Keller M arch 4 Auditorium, located at SW 3rd It’s C hristm as 1939 in A t­ and Clay in downtown Portland lanta. C lark G able is five at 7:30 p.m. on March 3 and at 2 m iles away at the prem iere | j J I KARDINAL OFFISHALL j j j j I LOS NIE« PISTOLS DEL NORTE THE CHOSEN SAT. FEB. I I 9PM/ALL AGES MARCH 12 8PM/ALL AGES Geneva’s Shear Perfection Barber - Beauty Salon Ju n gle B ro th ers Dahlia N A T IO N A L L Y R E C O G N I Z E D B u sin e ss A w ard o f E x c e lle n c e B e st o f P o rtla n d (W illia m e tte W eek) Celebrates Black History Month www.genevas.net E-mail:paulsr@genevas.net E cho f O .K . A . S o m m «! S « c rc **O M j Hair - Nails • Pedicure Facials • Shoe Shine L ' V' . - 5 6 0 1 M E M L - t o g B Iv d . vs. D J W ic k e d 14 F ri» M a r c l t 1 6 Hours: 9-6 Mbrt-Fri; 8-6 Sat ( ¿ J / 503-285-1159 “We Do All Type Hair” CHÂHBIH TICKIÎ 224-TIM