Page 8 February 28, 2001 first woman to try. African Americans and women of all color began involving them­ selves at increasingly high rates in politics. Shirley Chisholm ’s contribution to politics were with the Demo­ cratic Party. She will forever go down in history as “one of those who fought to open the doors for the rest of us.” Carol Moseley Braun CarolMoseley Braun was the first African American woman elected to the U.S. Senate in 1992. The "Chicago Tribune " observed that she "earned her victory through determination, an honest message, and a confidence in her ability to win." took a deep breathy graced them with her al- ways-gorgeous smile and stepped foreword. A white male voice an­ nounced her ap p o in t­ ment. She was the first Black woman in Con­ gress. As member of the House of Representatives from 1969 to 1983, Ms. Chisholm showed them it could be done by a Black woman. In 1972, she sought the Demo­ cratic nomination for the Presidency of the United States. Although she did not win, Shirley was the ® ije Focus W hile Shirley Chisholm broke through the previously locked door into big time poli­ tics for blacks and women, a skilled lawyer ran through it behind her. In 1992, less than a decade after Chisholm re- tired from C ongress, Carol Moseley Braun became the first African American woman in the Senate. Braun, a former law­ yer and assistant U.S. attor­ ney had also served in the Illi­ nois House o f Representatives from 1979-1989. Her seat in Congress came available when Clarence Thomas gained Sen­ ate confirmation as a Justice of the Supreme Court o f the United States. Braun almost lost her chance to be seated in Congress when Thomas was charged with sexually harass­ ing Anita Hill, a former aide to Thomas. Thomas beat the charges, joining the Supreme Court and Braun went on to join the Democrats in the Sen­ ate. Braun, a liberal, received great support from women vot- ers. Along with Senator Dianne Einstein, they became the first © b se ru e r women to serve on the power- ful Senate Judiciary Commit- tee. ORTLAN 0 5 I TOB&TAN Com* and «xpertenc« Portland's premiere Moi TubWitp By-The-Haur We teaure p rim e Hot Tut» complete «rtth shower, lowed, and muak 8 0 ‘ at Start • 256-4TAN S3 off HotTubbing with this ad T in n in g Tubbing H i l r Care M ange (expires March 21,2001 ) Saluting Black History Month Linda and Lilian Sevier R.D. Sevier & Son, Inc., Garbage Service 1101 NE Alberta Portland OR 97211 287-0262 Gerald M. Chase Richard L. Weil CHASE & WEIL, LLP if ★ 4 Ä 4 * Attorneys at Law 722 S.W. 2nd Avenue, Suite 240 Portland, OR 97204 503-294-1414 Pays Tribute To Black History Month * <5? HwaaiMisaa» Delicious Pub Fare Weekly Specials Handcrafted Ales & Wines 8203 N Ivanhoe Street • Portland • (503) 283-8520 Food, ales an d wines available to go.