Page 4 February 28, 2001 white m ales’ were allow ed in the service. W hen the need arose again in the w ar of 1812, black soldiers made up nearly tw enty percent of the Navy. I heir bravery w as cred­ ited to the w inning of the Hattie at New O rleans. th ro u g h o u t this country’s history, black soldiers were only allow ed in the service when we needed them . A m erica was not af raid in the nineteenth century and early tw entieth century to send A frican A m ericans to the Ir< >nt I ines to die and then ban them for duty as Focus soon as the w ars w ere over. D espite m any w ell-docum ented acts o f bravery and com bat leader­ ship, most A frican A m erican offic­ ers were excluded from active duty, following WWI. T his exclusionary cam paign also spread to m ost Na- tionalG uard Units. Early in W W II, the United States Arm y started taken steps tow ard racial integration. The main catalyst was the clear w aste o f m oney and space in having all tw enty-four o f it’s O fficer C andi­ date Schools having duplicate fa- HARTLEY OIL, INC Celebrates Black History Month KEEPING FAMILIES OF THE COMMUNITY WARM IS OUR BUSINESS Fuel oil • Furnace Repair 506 NE Alberta St. Portland OR 97211 (503) 331-3442 cilities for w hites and blacks. O ther branches o f the service gradually fell in line, integrating and encour­ aging A frican A m ericans to m ake a career out o f the service. Since WW I I, m any black men and women have been prom oted to high-rank­ ing officers in the m ilitary. Literature and Language Someone once said so many black w om en w rote during the late nine­ teenth century because hav­ 1 ing the freedom to w rite w as a w ay theycould finallyexpress them selves. A fter great ora­ tors like H arriet Tubm an and S o jo u rn e r T ru th , A fric a n A m erican w om en began put­ ting their speeches on paper. A fraid they m ight be harassed or punished for standing out vocally in front o f crow ds, m any black w om en learned to read and write fluently so their m essages could be carried on through the pen. Slave narra­ tives becam e a m ethod o f true expression and silent rebellion. Feelings w ere expressed in poem s, songs, letters, essays, and other text forms. Religious conversions helped A frican A m ericans feel they had the “pow er” to speak out on paper with G od behind them. (pije ÿïarUatth (Observer reotypical w riting, they seem ed re­ bellious. T hey celebrated A frican art and culture, surprising w hites w ho often thought Black A m eri­ cans had forgotten about their A f­ rican “ roots.” A s the G reat D epression deep­ ened, and the H arlem Renaissance started to fade aw ay, Richard W rig h t’s N ative Son was said to have started a new era in A frican A m erican L iterature. Poets such as G w endolyn Brooks, M elvin B. T o lso n , M arg aret W alker and R obert H ayden w ere noted for u sin g “ classica l and m ythical them es” in their work. Brooks w o n aP u litzerP rize in I95 0 fo rh er book A n n ie Allen. T he w ritin g so f this new breed o f A frican A m eri­ can w riters was said to be “ met w ith acceptance in the university com m unity.” O ne o f the m ost outstanding William L ie d e sd o rff was an A frican A m erican novelist, poet, educator a n d businessm an. H e an d a n ti-sla v e ry le ctu rer w as built San F ra n cisco 's fir s t public Frances I lien W atkins I farper. Her school a n d first H o tel (C ity parents died w hen she was only Hotel). L e id e sd o rff Street, which three. She lived with an Uncle who runs through the c i ty ’s fin a n c ia l was R everend W illiam W atkins, district in the sh a d o w o f w ho ow ned and taught at a free Transam erica Budding, p a ys school for blacks. A lthough she tribute to him w ent to w ork as a dom estic helper at age thirteen, she continued her iam W ells B row n, F ran ces W. I larper or H arriet A. Jacobs felt their education on her ow n at night. In w ritings w ere m ore political than 1845, at only tw enty years old, her collection o f verse and prose, titled anything else, trying di fferent styles ofw riting. B reakingaw ay from ste­ F orest Leaves was published. In The H arlem R enaissance began around 1920 and continued on into the G reat D epression years. Black writers, m ale and fem ale, from al­ m ost every state in the country par­ ticipated. W riters exam ining the works o f Frederick D ouglass, Will- Safeway Joins CL he Ulortíatth O bserver in Honoring Black History month