February 28, 2001 F n r iic is considered to be the first grand­ father clock m ade in the United States. Later, he and the Q uaker’s sons w ere selected to lay the plans for our natio n ’s capitol, W ashing­ ton DC. T hus he was the first A fri­ can A m erican to receive a presiden­ tial appointm ent, but also the first black civil engineer. Prior to the Civil W ar,ablackm an by the nam e Jam es Forten becam e one o fth e few African A m ericansof that era to becom e extremely wealthy from his invention. Forten m ade a device that helped guide ship sails. H e used the m oney to expand his sail factory. • A nother great black inventor o f this tim e w as Jan M atzeliger. He came to the United States from South A m erica in 1877. N oticing the te­ dious procedure by which soles were attached to shoes, he invented a shoe lasting machine. By the tim e he got his patent in 1883, the equip­ m ent was so successful that shoe m anufacturers throughout the world clam ored for his invention. In 1884, a black m an nam ed G ranville T. W oods invented an im proved steam boiler furnace. In his C incinnati, O hio electrical shop, W oods built a “ better boiler” to the am azem ent o f the heating industry. T hree years later he patented som e­ thing called a “ Synchronous M ulti­ plex R ailw ay T elegraph, an induc­ tion type telegraph m achine. His invention allow ed railroad train per- than sixty valuable inventions, in­ cluding an air brake that was sold to the W estinghouse C orporation and an incubator. Military As with other areas o f A m erican life, the m ilitary was no exception A frican Am ericans have been dis­ crim inated in the m ilitary since the H enry F lip p er was a M ilitary C om m ander who was the fir s t b lack to g ra d u a te fr o m the U.S. M ilitary A ca d em y in W est P oint in 1877 a n d the fir s t b lack to b e a ssig n ed to a co m m a n d p o sitio n in a black u nit fo llo w in g th e C ivil War. earliest days o f the anned forces. Besides w orrying about Indian war­ fare, the co u n try ’s biggest concern was an insurrection by slaves. How­ ever, during the Revolutionary War, black soldiers with white Americans against the British in the battles o f L exington and Concord, the first battles o f the war. An A frican Ameri­ can by the nam e o f Salem Poore, Page 3 fought in the Battle o f Bunker Hill and was credited with firing the shot that killed the com m ander o f the British Force, M ajor John Pitcairn I le also fought with G eorge W ash­ ington at Valley Forge. C onve­ niently, once the war was over with, A frican Americans were once again banned from being allow ed in the military. Only freeablc-bodicd white CELEBRATE BLACK HISTO RY M O N T H ! MUSIC MILLENNIUM sonnel to com m unicate with w ork­ ers on o ther trains w hile in motion. In addition, he invented an over­ head trolley electrical system for s tr e e tc a r s a n d ra ilro a d tra in s. W oods w as a prolific inventor and becam e know n as a “ Black Edison.” He ended up with patents to m ore TH E LEGENDARY M C M E N A M IN S W H IT E EAG LE CAFE, SALOON and ROCK & RO LL HOTEL HOTEL ROOM RATES Queen $45 Full $35 Bunk $25 European-style lodging with shared baths. Room rates are the same for single or double occupancy. AiW 11.5% ciMiiity r«Mtni t.ix. F o r in fo rm a tio n call to ll-fre e I-866-27I-3377 or from Porll.imf 5 0 3 - 3 3 5 - 8 9 0 0 McMENAMINS W HITE EAGLE 836 NORTH RUSSELL • PORTL \NI) • (503) 282-6810 w w w .m c m c n a m i n s .c o m H ip -H o p * B l u e s «S o u n d t r a c k s N e w A g e * W o r l d * B l u e g r a s s - C o u n t r y * E a s y L i s t e n in g * O l d i e s * C a j u n / Z y d e c o * L o u n g e * L o c a l * B r o a d w a y C a s t «C l a s s ic a l a n d M uch M o r e ! THIS COUPON GOOD FOR 15% OFF ANY REGULAR* PRICED CD, TAPE, OR LP IN STOCK 'EXCLUDES RED TAGGED ITEMS. OFFER GOOD THRU MARCH 1ST. OFFER NOT GOOD WITH OTHER OFFERS. NO UMIT.