Page Bö ( J u r t la u ù (Hbsrruer February 28,2001 ¿ntje flortiaub (Öbserurr Classifieds/Bids P AR K IN G FACILITY O PERATO R Immediate opening for t'u11 and Pan­ tim e attendants w ith P o rtlan d 's leading parking Co. We are seeking dependable indi\ iduals with a neat appearance and a Positive attitude S8.00 starting wage Huge overtime p o te n tia l A dvancem ent opportunities Medical. Dental. 401 K available Applicants must submit to drug test and background check. Apply in person daily betw een 12-1. Monday Friday 130 SW STARK Portland. OR Community Organizer Job Announcement Southeast Uplift Neighborhood Pro­ gram , a neighborhood coalition office that provides organizational support, technical assistance and promotes citizen activism seeks to hire 2 (1.0 FTE and 0.5 FTE) expe­ rienced community organizers to implement neighborhood revitaliza­ tion projects. 3 years exp. Com ­ munity organizing, grant writing, p ro g ra m / c o m m u n ity d e v e lo p ­ m ent. B ach e lo r's degree pre­ ferred. Salary range: S27-31K DOE + benefits. Send cover letter and resum e to 3534 SE Main, Portland, OR 97214 by Feb 28 at 5:00 PM. Women and people of color en­ couraged to apply. OREGON STATE LIBRARY Inform ation System s Specialist 5 L ibrary System s Analyst Oregon State Library is looking for a leader, innovator, and unit coor­ dinator in the library system s and electronic se rvice s area, Auto­ mated System s Unit, in Govern­ ment Research and Electronic Ser­ vices. Salary range is $38,952 to $53,712 annually. For more in fo r m a tio n , v is it w w w .Q S l.s ta te .o r.u s /a d in in / jo b s.h tm l, or call Ferol Weyand at (503) 378-4243, ext. 221. The Oregon State Library is an AA/EOE committed to workforce diversity. Apply by March 30, 2001. Oregon Education Association a professional labor organization, is seeking full-time experienced person for secretarial position in Tigard. Need self-starter who can work independently, demonstrate a service attitude, has ability to work accurately with detailed infor­ mation, and meet deadlines while m aintaining professional attitude and flexibility. Main duties: Assist Adm inistrative Manager with HR duties and Research/lnformation Tech M anager collect, com pile, copy/publish/distribute materials and statistical data, & data input/ output. Required: type 55 wpm, advanced M icrosoft Word for W indows, Ac­ cess, & Excel, with an aptitude and w illingness to learn new pro­ grams, excellent grammar & punc­ tuation skills with attn, to detail, & ability to operate various office equipm ent. Depending upon ex­ perience, starting salary begins at $ 2 6 ,6 8 4 -$ 3 2 ,8 1 8 . B e n e fits : paid vacation, FF m edical, dental & vision, retirement, ect. Minority applicants encouraged to apply. Send resume by March 7 to: Karyl Gothe, OEA, 6900 SW Atlanta St., Portland, OR 97223, or fax to 503-624-5814. Visit our web site at Job Position #1: Family Advocate FT. Resp for assist. Families re­ ferred to the K ellogg's Student Attendance Initiative (SAI) proj. in overcom ing barriers to school at­ tendance. Req'd assoc degree or equivalent, min of fo u ryrs exp. In h u m a n sv c o r re la te d fie ld . $10.50-12.00 p/h with benefits. Apply in person at Portland Impact, 4707 SE Hawthorne. Questions call 503-988-6000. C O O R D IN ATO R OF IN T ER PR ET A T IO N ’ FILE CLERK N O T IC E O F B U D G E T C O M M IT T E E M EE TIN G AND TRANSLATION Begin your Tri-Met career with this entry level position. You will as­ sist Finance Administration. Finan­ cial Services, Financial Analysis and the Grants Management de­ partm ents with various clerical duties, including filing, photocopy­ ing. telephone back-up coverage and other general duties. A public meeting of the Budget Com m ittee of the Tri-County Metro­ politan Transportation District (Tri-Met). Clackamas. Multnomah and Washington Counties of Oregon, to discuss the budget for the fiscal year July 1. 2001 to June 30. 2002. will be held in the Town Hall Room at the City of Tigard. 13125 S.W. Hall Blvd., Tigard. Oregon. The meeting will take place on the March 28. 2001 at 9:00 a.m. The purpose of the meeting is to receive the budget message and to receive com m ents from the public on the budget. A copy of the budget document may be inspected or obtained on or after March 28 at 4012 SE 17th Avenue, Portland. Oregon between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m.. Monday through Friday. SE R V IC E S F O R T IT L E I PORTL AND PUBLIC SCHOOLS Bachelor's degree in field directly related to communication or for­ eign languages. Minimum of 3 years experience with facilitation of translation and interpretation services. Experience working with organizations and/or systems for producing professional transla­ tions and interpretations in multiple languages. Fluent in at least one the following; Spanish, Vietnam­ ese, Russian. Excellent oral and written communication skills in English. Proficiency with Microsoft Word, Excel, Outlook and Publica­ tions programs. Experience secur­ ing funding for translations and interpretation services from a va­ riety of resources including, but not limited to public/private partner­ ship, businesses, grant funds, etc. This is a 210-day work year posi­ tio n w ith a s a la r y ra n ge o f $ 2 9 ,5 0 1 -$ 3 6 ,8 5 5 , top range $44,209. For more information please contact Portland Public Schools, Human Resources De­ partment, 501 N. Dixon, Portland, 5 0 3 .9 1 6 .3 5 4 4 , e -m a il: tion and position announcement, PPS web site: w w w AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY E M P LO Y E R - A D R U G -F R E E / SMOKE FREE WORK PLACE The M ultnom ah County Health Department is currently recruiting for the following positions: Fiscal A ssistan t - B ilingual Spanish C linical H ealth A ssista n t- Bilingual Spanish Laboratory Specialist M edical R ecords Technician Apply m aterials and formal job announcements are available at: w w w .co.m ultnom, in person or by mailing a self-ad­ dressed stam ped envelope re­ qu e sting application form s to: M ultnom ah County Human Re­ sources Division, 1120 SW 5th Avenue. First Floor Lobby, PO Box 1 47 00 , P o rtla n d O R, 9 7293- 0 7 0 0 . A s s is t e d a c c e s s to Multnomah County job information and w eb s ite is a v a ila b le at Multnomah County Libraries. Multnomah County Health Depart­ ment is actively recruiting persons from various ethnic and cultural backgrounds to enhance service to our diverse com munities. Bilin- gual/bicultural candidates are en­ couraged to apply. An Equal Opportunity Employer S U R \ E Y T E C H N IC IA N II Public Land Corners 2,953 - $3,577 / month Closes March 9, 2001 M ANAGEM ENT A N Y A LY STII (Public Information Officer) $3,743 - $4,548 / month Closes March 9, 2001 Call (503) 846-8606/TTY (503) 846-4898 for information. County application and supple­ mental application forms required. Women, minorities, and people with disabilities are encouraged to apply. APPLY TO: Washington County Human Resources Division 155 N. First Avenue, Suite 320 Hillsboro, OR 97124 Oregon Education Association a professional labor organization, is seeking full-time experienced person for secretarial position in Tigard. Need self-starter who can work independently, demonstrate a service attitude, has ability to work accurately with detailed infor­ mation, and meet deadlines while maintaining professional attitude and flexibility. Main duties: Assist Administrative Manager with HR duties and Research/lnformation Tech Manager collect, com pile, copy/publish/distribute materials and statistical data, & data input/ output. Required: type 55 wpm, advanced Microsoft Word for Windows, Ac­ cess, & Excel, with an aptitude and willingness to learn new pro­ grams, excellent grammar & punc­ tuation skills with attn, to detail, & ability to operate various office equipment. Depending upon ex­ perience, starting salary begins at $ 2 6 ,6 8 4 -$ 3 2 ,8 1 8 . B e n e fits: paid vacation, FF medical, dental & vision, retirement, ect. Minority applicants encouraged to apply. Send resume by March 7 to: Karyl Gothe, OEA, 6900 SW Atlanta St., Portland, OR 97223, or fax to 503-624-5814. Visit our web site at Housing Affordable Housing Development- Project Manager. Assist nonprofit developers and their funders, ar­ chitects & contractors to create new/rehab housing. Experienced construction mgr with strong finan­ cial skills preferred. Valid Drivers License req'd. Competitive salary, exc benefits. Women & minorities stro n g ly encouraged to apply. Cover Itr. & resume due by March 2 to: Project Mgr, HDC, 2627 NE MLK Jr. Blvd, Portland, OR 97212 O R EG O N LEGISLATURE PREVENTIVE M A IN T EN A N C E W O R K ER $2,563 - $3,609 C lark C ounty, W ashington Job O pportunities We are seeking qualified candidates to be part of our dynamic public service organization. Judicial A ssistant • Operate Chiller and Boiler Systems • Preventative Maintenance of • Mechanical Equipment • Plumbing and Fabrication • Full Time, Continuing Posi­ tion For Application Inform ation Contact: Karen Hupp Employee Services 900 Court St NE Rm 140-B Salem OR 97301 (503) 986-1373 Job Line: (503) 986-1375 http://www. ;eg. Deadline: 3/7/01 $12.83>-$16.39/hr. DOQ Legal Secretary II $13.04 $16.62/hr. DOQ Requirements: High school education or equiva­ lent. One yea r's experience in general office tasks. Or any equivalent com bination of experience and training. This is a public meeting were deliberation of the Budget Comm ittee will take place. Any person may appear at the m eeting and discuss the proposed programs with the Budget Comm ittee. Excellent benefit package and hir­ ing range of $9.26-$11.12.12/ hour. Qualified candidates must submit a Tri-Met application and resume no later than March 2nd to the Hu­ man Resources Dept., 4012 SE 17th Ave., Portland, OR 97202. You may call (503) 962- 7635 for information or visit our w e b site at h ttp :/ / tri-m e t.o rg ; Where Your Heart and Mind Go To Work At the .American Red Cross, you bring your tools to work everyday. Nurse Manager Full-nine posiuoii io ctkxtndv nuiugt* blood collection ojHTadoib and skill io result in supenor donor. sponsor. Aolunicvr and paid stall ex|x*nenee and sueeesstulh aclucxc collevuon goal Requires graduation troni accridncd schix»l ol nursing, possession of current RN license and prior supeivison expenence. blood banking experience helpful Collections Staff Nurse Full time position available to perform health histones, determine donor eligibilm and venipuncture Requires cur­ rent RN or LPN license, excellent customer service and die desire to save lives Skill RN/LPN - Apheresis Partner with healdiv donors to save lives Full-time nurse needed io perform healtli histories, venipunctures and use high-tech cell separators io collect bkxxl components Requires etliciencv. detail onenuuon. and good cus­ tomer service skills Form a real connection widi regular platelet donors and help save lives Pheresi.x platelet donaoons help patients with Leukemia and other cancers Positions include varying work schedules, overnight travel for eollecuons nurses and liillv-paid S weeks training program Competitive salary and benefits package including medical, dental, life, paid Dine oil and reorciueni Bilingual mdividuals encouraged to applv Drug test administered Stall nurses belong to OX \ I moil Please visit us m person. on die web or call to request an application How we get there matters. Tri-Met is an equal opportunity American Red ( toss 3131 N. Vancouver Ave.. Portland. OR 9722'* Hotline (503) 2MM-t*-« • Fax (503) 280-1-<80 Accountant i0 0 p d i'b @ u s a .rt'd iro s .v .o rg CareOregon is a progressive Med­ icaid managed care health plan committed to the values of diver­ sity, empowerment, and open com­ munication. Team members work in an environm ent that encour­ ages decision-m aking initiative, flexibility, and creativity in meeting the needs of our plan members and their communities. + An equal opportunity employer. M/F/D/V American Red Cross W e’ll be there. Sub-B ids R equested Multnomah County Temporary Booking Facility We are currently recruiting for an Accountant to join our Accounting/ Finance team. BP#1 - Doors, Frames, Hardware/Low Voltage & Security Bids Due: M arch 13, 2001 at 2:00pm Our Accountant will process ac­ counts payable, general ledger, daily deposit preparation. Bank reconciliation, and other banking duties. Successful can­ didates will have a Business or Accounting degree or any work experience and /or training that would likely provide the ability to perform the essential functions of the position. Normal hiring range is $24,177 to $32,276. H O FFM A N C O N ST R U C T IO N COM PANY O FO R EG O N Bid Documents - Willamette Print & Blueprint (503/223-5011) Phone: (503) 221-8811 - Bid Fax: (503) 221-8888 8 0 5 SW B roadw ay, S u ite 2 1 0 0 - P o rtla n d , OR 9 7 2 0 5 - CCB L ic e n s e # 2 8 4 1 7 We are an equal opportunity employer and request sub bids from all interested firms includirg disadvantaged. minority, women, disabled veterans and emerging small business enterprises. Other Subcontracting Opportunities - Internet © Please send your cover letter and resume to CareOregon-HR-Actg., 522 SW 5,h Ave., Suite 200, Portland, OR 97204, or fax to (503) 416-3720. Posi­ tion may close at any time. EEO/AA PORT OF PO R T L A N D ( areer O pportunities Information about career opportunities with the Port o f Portland can be obtained by calling the Job I lotline at (503) 944-7480. Hearing impaired applicants may call I DD, (503) 944-7485. Applications are available by v ¡siting the Port s website at or by calling (503) 944-7400 or by visiting the Port’s ott’iee, located at 121 NW Everett Street. Portland. Social Services Community / Family Specialist The Port o f Portland is an Equal Opportunity Employer Become part of the solution to ending abuse neglect! Create, develop and maintain posi­ tive relationships between com ­ mon bond; a com munity action parent child center and local com ­ munity agencies to serve fam ilies in N/NE Portland. Must have pro­ ficiency in Spanish language & culture. Em ploym ent Property Technician $12.06-$15.36/hr. DOQ Job information, applications, and benefits information are available from: Clark County Human Resources 1013 Franklin St, Vancouver WA Job Hotline: (360) 397-6018 TDD: (360) 397-6032 VOA Oregon is a great place to work for appreciation and support. Send a letter and resume to Vol­ unteers of America of Oregon. Inc., 537 SE Alder Street, Portland, Or­ egon 97214, referencing common bond Equal Opportunity Employer. 4 i Oregon, opportunity means a variety of careers available statewide, com petitive salaries and great benefits Currently, openings exist in the following agencies: Staff Assistant Office Specialist 2 The Oregon Economic and Community Development Department invites application for a Staff Assistant with the International Trade Division. This is a permanent position located in Portland. The Staff Assistant provides administrative and clerical support for the International Trade Division Director Equal Opportunity Employer B U SIN E SS O PPO R T U N IT Y / FR ANC H ISE Printing/Graphic Franchise: Per­ sonal Reasons Must Sell Immed. Full Service Center w/accts. No Exp. Nec., Co. Training Support, Low Invest. (800) 645-3006 on International Trade Commission meetings and for Trade Managers on trade missions, visits from Work At Home overseas delegations, and other special events. This position is responsible for processing invoices, contracts and other fiscal documents of the Division and provide general secretarial assistance for Earn $300 - $500 a week Over 380 companies hiring to work at home. Send $24.95 to: Full Listing Division staff. This position is also responsible for coordinating the placement process for Division interns. Salary range is $1.730 to $2.384 a month with excellent benefits Announcement »LE 1000109. C ontact the Human Resources Office at (503) 986-0095 for the required application packet or visit at Closing date is March 2, 2001. 1004 PO Box 17152 Portland O R 97217 .y 'h e s e are just a few of the current Job openings available with the State of Oregon. A more complete announcement listing, application forms, and additional Job Information are available at: a) local Employment Department field offices, or b) the Oregon Jobs page at: The State of Oregon and all Its divisions are proud to be equal opportunity employers. t »