Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, February 28, 2001, Page 12, Image 12

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February 28,2001
(Cip? ÿtorthtnit (ßbseruer
B Metro/Religion
■ M
Warner Pacific’s Fazio Receives Award
Dr. Jo h n F azio , p ro fesso r o f
d e v e lo p m e n t p s y c h o lo g y a t
W arner Pacific C o lleg e, receiv ed
a “ C h ris tia n S e rv a n t A w a rd ”
from the N o rth w e st C h ristia n
C o m m u nity F oundation, during
February' 27 through March 13,2001
c e r e m o n ie s h e ld F e b . 9 a t
P o rtla n d ’s L loyd C e n te r D ouble
T ree. P resented by television per-
so n ality , Paul L innm an, the a n ­
nual aw ards are d e sig n e d “ to re c ­
og n ize o u tsta n d in g in d iv id u a ls
w ho ex em p lify “ S erv ice and H u­
m ility in G o d ’s W o rk .”
In reco g n itio n and a p p re c ia ­
tion o f F a z io ’s serv ice, the fo u n ­
dation m ade a gift o f $ 5,000 to
W arn er P a c ific C o lle g e . C o n ­
g ratu latio n s cam e q u ick ly from
Jay. A. B arber, Jr., p re sid e n t o f
the co lleg e, w ho said, “ I am d e ­
lighted that Dr. F azio, has been
s e le c te d f o r th is s ig n if ic a n t
aw ard. “ S ervant le a d e rsh ip ’ is at
c o re o f o u r valu es at W arn er
P acific but seld o m , does it r e ­
ceive public reco g n itio n .
The N orthw est C hristian C o m ­
m unity F oundation is to be c o m ­
m ended for highlighting the faith ­
ful serv ice o f a n um ber o f d e d i­
cated C h ristian servants, in c lu d ­
ing Dr. F azio, a 2 3 -year v eteran
o f the W arner Pacific C o lle g e
faculty, w as honored in p a rtic u ­
lar for his recent efforts to e x ­
p a n d d is a s te r r e lie f s e r v ic e s
around the w orld.
T hrough his sk ills and e n c o u r­
a g e m e n t, N o rth w e s t M e d ic a l
T eam s now includes professional
m inistry to the victim s o f e m o ­
tional and psychological traum a
in their disaster relief efforts w'hen
appropriate. He has journeyed to
Albania and K osova to assess the
need for stress and trauma re lie f
and to begin m eeting those needs.
Dr John Fazio receives Christian Service Award
Faith Community Looks to Reduce Global Warming
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The first priority o f the group is
to educate approximately 50 con­
gregations and their members
about the dangers o f global warm­
ing and how they can slow its
environmental impact by partici­
which will work to involve con­
acked by a strong sense
gregations in reducing global
o f environmental stew
ardship, Ecum enical
The program was recently
Ministries o f Oregon has created
lau n ch ed w ith an ev en t at
a new faith-based initiative, Or­
Portland’s First Unitarian Church.
egon Interfaith Power & Light,
pating in renewable power pro­
grams. As the Program partner,
PGE is supporting OIPL with a
$25,000 contribution and educa­
tional materials for participating
Church Week Addresses HIV/AIDS
Observes the Black Church Week of Prayer For The Healing of AIDS
C ity , th a t a s s is ts c h u rc h e s
th roughout the U .S ., C a rib ­
bean and A frica to becom e
com m unity centers to AID S
education and com passion.
A cco rd in g to R ev. P ack,
black churches have p o w er
and resp o n sib ility to change
the course o f the A ID S e p i­
dem ic.
“O ur goal is to provide lead­
ership, com passion and in fo r­
m ation to help the fam ilies in
our congregation and com m u­
n ity w ho are fa c in g H IV /
A ID S ,” Pack said
Fellow ship M issionary B ap­
tist C hurch w ill host a series
o f program s related to A IDS
issues. T here w ill be guest
HIV. F or B lack w om en the
ellow ship M issionary
rate is one in 160.
B aptist C hurch and its
T he B lack C hurch W eek o f
P a sto r R ev. Jo h n n y
ra y e r fo r th e H e a lin g o f
Pack IV w ill m ark the “ B P lack
A ID S , a n a tio n a l p ro g ra m
C hurch W eek o f P rayer for
s p o n so re d by th e B alm in
the H ealing o f A ID S” w ith
ilead, a n o t-fo r-p ro fit o rg a ­
special w orship and education
n izatio n based in N ew Y ork
program s beginning Sunday,
M arch 4th.
The church at 4009 N. M is­
“Our goal is to pro­
souri Ave. jo in s thousands o f
vide leadership, compas­
churches across the nation in
sion and information to
an effort to stop the tra n sm is­
sion o f H IV /A ID S and p ro ­
help the families in our
vide com passion for people a f­
congregation and com­
fected by the disease.
munity who are facing
AIDS is the leading cause
o f death for black A m ericans
ages 25 to44. Out o f every 50
Black m en, one is living w ith
s p e a k e r s d u r in g S u n d a y
School and the 11 a.m . w or­
ship serv ice. On W ednesday,
M arch 7, there w ill be a spe­
cial noon day p ray e r at the
church and the ch ild ren o f the
church’s youth departm ent will
hold a candlelight vigil Friday,
M arch 9 at 7 p.m . and w alk
th rough the com m unity.
On S aturday, M arch 10th,
th e c h u rc h ’s m usic d e p a rt­
m ent, u n d er the directio n o f
sister L orene W ilder, w ill host
an e v en in g o f gospel m usic.
T hese program s are free and
refresh m en ts w ill be served.
For m ore inform ation co n ­
tact siste r L aV erne G reen at
Catholics Prepare for Evangelization Effort
Our history shows that African
American women are at greater risk
of dying from breast
cancer than all other
is the title o f the American Bishops’
National Plan and Strategy forCatho-
lic Evangelization. A rchbishop
Vlazny, with the support o f the priests
o f the Archdiocese invited the Paulist
National Catholic Evangelization
Association to Portland to begin a
five-year process o f renewal and en­
The Archdiocese o f Portland be­
gan a year o f preparation for Dis­
ciples in Mission in January 2000
with an extensive training session for
the 3 7-member archdiocesan leader­
ship team.
Parishes then began to sign up to
participate in the process. At this
time 91 parishes and missions plus
two special ministries in western Or­
egon are planning to participate in
Catholics in western Oregon have
begun an evangelization effort known
as Disciples in Mission which inte­
grates Sunday liturgies, small faith­
sharing groups, catechesis, family
activities, and parish planning into a
parish wide experience o f evangeliza­
It is designed to help parishes
integrate the liturgical, catechetical
and social ministries already existing
in the parish with a true call to evan­
When Archbishop John G. Vlazny
came to western Oregon, and began
his ministry as the tenth Archbishop
o f Portland, he adopted the phrase
“Go and make disciples” for his motto.
This phrase, which is taken from the
28,hChapterofSt. Matthew’sGospel,
Disciples in Mission.
Parishioners will be encouraged to
sign-up for small faith sharing groups
that will begin during the Lenten sea­
Disciples in Mission is designed
to be an inclusive process for Catho­
lics. Materials are available for En­
glish. Spanish, and V ietnamese seek­
ing groups. M aterials are being
adapted for the Catholic deaf commu­
nity and for other people with dis­
There are materials for teens, for
African American Catholic faith shar­
ing groups, and for cross cultural
participation. After Easter, parishio­
ners will come together to reflect upon
their parish, it ministries and evange­
lization efforts.
New Software Helps Disabled
Adults Become Job-Ready
• Learn Breast Self-Exam (It only
takes a few minutes)
• Talk to a doctor about breast cancer
• Get a mammogram /
The earlier you find breast cancer the
longer you'll live.
For informaiion and support:
African American Health Coalition,
To find out if you qualify for
services, including a mammogram:
Multnomah County - (503) 988-4043
Clackamas County - (503) 557-0446
Washington County - (503) 840-2814
and change the course of history.
Sponsorud liy
T r
The African American Health Coalition, Inc.
The Oregon Breast and Cervical Cancer Program « a s
, 4
O ffice professional, and W in­
dow s M illennium . The co m ­
pany also donated $15,000 in
cash through its C onnected
Learning Community grant pro­
“This generous donation by
M icrosoft is a trem endous gift
to our organization,” says St.
Vincent dePaul Rehabilitation
Service CEO, Roy Soards. “To
e ffe c tiv ely train people for
today’s job, we need to use the
latest software that will find in
the workplace. M icrosoft’s do­
nation o f software frees up our
W ith a donation o f nearly
$ 2 0 0 ,0 0 0
s o f tw a r e ,
M icro so ft is help in g ad u lts
w ith d isa b ilitie s to learn the
latest co m p u ter skills as they
tra in for em ploym ent.
T he do n atio n was m ade to
St. V incent dePaul R e h a b ili­
ta tio n S e rv ic e at 4050 NE
M artin L uther K ing Jr. Blvd.
A Portland-based nonprofit or­
ganization that provides tra in ­
ing and work opportunities for
people with disabilities.
The gift includes M icrosoft’s
W indow s 2000 p ro fessional.
resources to focus directly on
training and em ploym ent.”
St Vincent dePaul Rehabili­
tation Service provides com ­
puter, software, and skills train­
ing for people with disabilities,
and organizations. Through its
technical/skill training schools
in P o rtlan d and S alem , St.
V incent’s served over 400 stu­
dents last year. A State o f
O regon Q u alified R e h a b ilita ­
tion F a c ility , St. V in c e n t’s
em ploys adults w ith all types
o f d isa b ilitie s and qualify in g
m edical conditions.