Page B3 February 28,2001 S urtlan ò (Phsettier ÿUwrUanô (Ohseruer Metro/Sports Fortiani» ©bsertrer’s Men’s Basketball All Stars 1st Team PIL All League Ben Polas, Franklin Deon G ates, Roosevelt Ervin Sims, Franklin R o b ert Beasley, Roosevelt T ravis Breidenbach, Franklin D arren C ooper, Benson Drew D ukeshire, Benson C harles W oodruff, Roosevelt Neal Zum w alt, Lincoln Keith C arroll, W ilson Aaron Miles, Jefferson Sean Sosnovec, Lincoln R obert W illiams, W ilson M ichael Lee, Jefferson C hris S trachan, Lincoln C hris Stephens, M adison D om inique DeW eese, Lincoln C hris Rogers, W ilson C hris Botez, M adison 2nd Team PIL All League Jerem iah H ow ard, M arshall Andy Beehler, M arshall M arquis N orris, Benson M ike Spiropoulou, M arshall M artin “J r ” M oore, Benson Ju n io r K argb, Cleveland Tony M arx, Roosevelt PIL Player of the Year A aron Miles, Jefferson PIL Coach of the Year M arshall Haskins, Jefferson Justin Glover, G ra n t Adam W hitehead, G ra n t lefferson High School Coach i Marshall 1 Haskins has I been voted the I Portland I Observer's Coach o f the Year as his Democrats look to win their second straight state championship. C urtis Lincoln, Jefferson B randon Lincoln, Jefferson Isiah Jackson, Jefferson Honorable Mention Paul Forsythe, Cleveland Miles was named Tuesday to the final 2001 McDonalds All-American High School Basketball Team. He takes his team to the state championship tournament next week. (©hseruer TMI a b o r t s A AUTO » T O M (Photo by David Glezyng/Portland Observer) Miles Voted All-American Jefferson Senior Joins Likes of Michael Jordan, Magic Johnson Aaron Miles o f Jefferson High School has been recognized as one o f the nation’s top 24 High School Senior boys basketball play­ ers through his selection to the final 2001 McDonald’s All Ameri­ can High School Basketball Team! Aaron was first nominated as one o f 1,600 prep basketball standouts in the nation. The team was then narrowed to 24 players who will play in the M cDonald’s All American High School Bas­ ketball Game on W ednesday, March 28, at Cameron Indoor Stadium, home o f the Duke Uni­ versity Blue Devils. The game will be broadcast live on ESPN during primetime at 9:00 p.m. (EST). M cD onald’s All Am erican alumni includes such current and former NBA superstars such as Michael Jordan (retired), Magic Johnson (retired), Grant Hill (Or­ lando Magic) as well as Shane Battier (Duke), Kenny Gregory (Kansas), Marcus Griffin(Illinois), Brendan Haywood (North Caro­ lina), and many others. All proceeds from the game will benefit the Ronald McDonald HouseCharities ofNorth Carolina. A aron’s teammate, Michael Lee was also selected as a nomi­ nee to the All-American High School Basketball Program. Aaron is the son o f Mike and Amelia Miles o f Portland. JOIN THE JAMMIN 9 5 .5 NIKE CHARITY BASKETBALL TEAM SATURDAY MARCH 17™ AT 7PM AT S.E.I. 3 9 2 0 N. KIRBY, PORTLAND IK E BIG BALLE v s . The J.Iortlanh ©bsertrer CORY COUGARS $3 Admission Children Under 8 F R E E Proceeds To The"3oyce Washington Foundation Scholarship Fund. Brought to you by The Portland Observer GI Joe’s and JAMMIN 95.5 W h ita k e r M id d le S c h o o l ---------- A u d i t o r i u m ---------------- Halftime Entertainment Provided by J A M M I N 95.5 * IT’S NOT TOO LATE * WHICH INCLUDES ENTERTAINMENT AND PRIZES. t