Page B3 February 21,2001 © b semer Metro/Sports Tech Girls Race To The Finish Class 4A Girls Subtournament Tuesday A: C lac k am a s at B end B: C h u rch ill at W est A lbany C: C e n te n n ial a t R ed m o n d D: G ra n t at St. M a ry ’s E: T u a la tin at A sh la n d F: K lam ath at G resh am Thursday A at B en so n B a t G len c o e C a t W illa m ette D a t T ig a rd E at S o u th S alem F at S ilv erto n G: L ak e rid g e at Je fferso n Saturday The B enson H igh School Techsters g o to the line in a victory o ver Jefferso n la st week. Both team s q u a lified f o r A at B arlo w B at S o u th M ed fo rd C at L ak e O sw eg o D at P en d le to n E a t S h eld o n F a t C o rv allis G a t B e av erto n the C lass 4A Girls State Tournam ent that began on Tuesday. (P hoto by M ark W ashington /P ortland O bserver ) Benson and Jefferson Prepare for Matchup C e n te r . T h e 5 ,0 0 0 - s e a t a r e n a com es close to selling out for ev ­ ery gam e. “ It’s given us a chance to be on both sides o f the fence,” s a id J e ff e r s o n c o a c h M a rs h a ll H askins, w ho took over before the 1998-99 season. “T he first year I w as h ere, th e y w ere th e b e tte r team . Last year, w e w ere the best. O n W ednesday, No. 1 Jefferson w ill play No. 3 B enson at the Chiles C e n ter for the second tim e this seaso n . Je ffe rso n w on the first m eeting 74-65 on Jan. 19. A ssum ing Jefferson beats W il­ son at hom e T uesday and Benson beats M arshall, a w in over Benson (1 8 -4 , 15-1 P IL ) w ill g iv e th e D em ocrats (20-2, 16-0) their sec­ ond co n secu tiv e PIL ch am p io n ­ ship. I f Benson w ins, it will force a third m eeting betw een the team s for the PIL title this weekend. By D ave C harbonneau W hen Jo n T in n o n tran sferred from Benson to Jefferson before h is ju n io r year. Jo n h elp ed the D em ocrats to a state ch a m p io n ­ ship« 1999/2000) “ J o n w a s th e d i f f e r e n c e ,” B en so n c o a c h D on E m ry said . “T hey w o u ld n ’t have w on it w ith ­ out Jon. “T h a t’s w hen the rivalry started, in m ore w ays than one.” O ver the last three seasons, there has been no bigger regular-season g a m e in th e s ta te th a n w h e n Jefferson and B enson meet. T he gam es alw ay s have been crucial in w hat has becom e a tw o- team race for the P ortland Inter­ sch o lastic L eag u e ch am p io n sh ip the last three seasons. T he gam es have gotten too b ig for the sc h o o ls’ g y m s and, sta rtin g la st se aso n , have been m o v ed to th e C hiles Psychologist: Rasheed’s Problems Will Only Get Worse E y L a MDOCLH a LUAP It w as the m ost explosive outburst ofR asheed W allace’s 5 1/2-yearNBA career: Late in the Portland Trail Blaz­ ers’ victoiy over Phoenix on Feb. 1, W allace w as ejected by referee Gary Benson and becam e so incensed that he charged at the official and threw a tow el that grazed his face. The image ofW allace spewing pro­ fanity at Benson, held back by team ­ mates and coaches, w as surprising, even considering the player’s turbu­ lent history. W allace w as suspended for two gam es and fined $ 10,000. But two weeks later the Blazers, with the best record in the W estem Confer­ ence, dism iss the incident as no big R a sh eed W allace deal. ”I f he cares too m uch and is too excited about it, that’s part o f his m akeup,” Portland president and gen­ e ra l m a n a g e r B o b W hitsitt says. “But (for) all these people that decide that they’re psy­ ch o lo g ists an d c a n ’t even spell the w ord — and I ’m not saying I am either — these are not n ew su b jects. R ig h t now w e’re a first-place basketball team . B ut they always w ant to find things they d o n ’t like.” O thers, how ever, in­ cluding som e real psy­ chologists, see deeper problem s with the talented yet volatile player. W allace’s inability to control his anger threatens the stability o f his team and even his playing career, they say. Furthermore, his recent blowup — and the relatively light punishm ent he received for it— could signal worse trouble to come. “Itd o esn ’tsto p ato n e level. It escalates,” said Tom Tutko, a respected sports psychologist and re­ tired professor at San Jose State Uni­ versity. ”I f you’re not going to be punished for this kind o f behavior, it just m oves up a notch. N ot only am I going to throw a towel in the official’s face, I’m going to deck the official. If they’re ju st going to slap me on the wrist for something this serious, why not keep doing it?” ’ A former col­ league o f Tutko’s is Bruce Ogilvie, f 9S.S JOIN THE JAMMIN 95.5 NIKE CHARITY BASKETBALL TEAM Kevin Garnett to commitfive turnovers in Portland’s 109-88 rout o f M inne­ so ta , w h ich sn a p p e d th e T im berw olves’ 11-game w inning streak. Then there’s the dark side. W allace has 27 technical fouls, ahead o f the pace to break the NBA record o f 38 he set last season. H e’sbeen ejected three times, and during his suspension, the Blazers lost to the L. A. Clippers, 90-89. ”Y ou always worry about being at risk for him getting thrown outofthe game,” coach M ike Dunleavy said after the Phoenix game. W allace’s teammates unequivocally support him, praising his selfless play and desire. B ut even they hint that he needs to chill out. who was the B lazers’ team psycholo­ gist from its first year, 1970, until coach Jack Ramsey left in 1986. Ogilvie, 80, said Wallace clearly needs anger-man­ agement counseling. ”If I was his shrink, I’d be working with him one-on-one. I’dbe seeing him at least five times a w eek to see what ’ s going on,” he told The Oregonian. Between the lines, Wallace, 26, is having his finest season. The 6-foot- 11 pow er forward’s averages o f 19.3 points and 8.2 rebounds are career highs. Last Sunday he played in his second straight All-Star game. On Tuesday night, he had a typi­ cally solid game: 18 points, eight re­ bounds and six assists, while forcing j I 1 TAKE PRIDE IN HONORING SATURDAY MARCH 17™ AT 7PM DAMON STOUDAMIRE MY ANCESTORS. AT S.E.I. 3920 N. KIRBY, PORTLAND MY HERITAGE, MY HEROES. IT IS THROUGH THEIR COURAGE IKE BIG BALLER AND SACRIFICE vs. THAT I AM ABLE TO The ^orfianh ©bscrue FULFILL MY DREAMS.” DAMON STOUDAMIRE CORY COUGARS $3 Admission Children Under 8F 1 Proceeds To The Joyce Washington Foundation Scholarship Fund. Halftim e Entertainment Provided by JAMMIN 95.5 WHICH INCLUDES ENTERTAINMENT AND PRIZES. PORTLAND TRAIL BLAZERS GUARD a COMMUNITY ADVOCATE 6 M IACKIE ROBINSON ROSA PARKS AT \ HARRIET TUBMAN , DR M ARTIN LUTHER KING JR HONOR THE TRUE TRAIL BLAZERS IN BLACK HISTORY. BLAZERS