Page A4 February 21, 2001 he P o rtlan d (Observer Hi O Letter To The Editor ®I|C ^ a rtla n h (©hserrier suppose a tree fell through your garage to n ig h t... W H O W O U LD C O M E TH R O U G H FOR YOU TO M O RRO W ? Questions Bush’s Agenda D e a r M r . B ush: USPS 959-680 E stablished 1 9 7 0 STA FF E d it o r P C in h ie f , u b l is h e r Charles H. Washington Eo i T o R Larry J. Jackson, Sr. B u s in e s s M anager Gary Ann Taylor A sst . P ublisher Michael Leighton C E opy d it o r Joy Ramos C r e a t iv e D HIGIÜHH RinniR ir e c t o r Robert Parker 4 7 4 7 NE M a rtin L uther King, Jr. Blvd. Portland, OR 9 7 2 1 1 5 0 3 -2 8 8 -0 0 3 3 Fax 5 0 3 -2 8 8 -0 0 1 5 You haven’t been in office for m ore than a month I ’m writing to you, not as a D em o­ crat or Republican, ju st as a concerned citizen. Pardon me for being candid, but you’re al­ ready doing some things that make me question your agenda for my country. You dance at a black church and donate big dollars to the congregation to show you’re all for the black com m unity, then you select an A ttorney General known for endorsing a segrega­ tionist magazine and fighting de­ segregation o f schools in St. Louis. You say you want fairness for all people and want the coun­ try to unite, but y o u ’re pushing for laws that give practitioners o f Christianity political strength in our schools and social ser­ v ic e s a g e n c ie s. M y ag en cy doesn’t practice that religion, so does that m ean w e’re going to get shortchanged from funds in the future? N ow don’t get m e wrong, I ’m not against any form o f religion, but giving one political power to decide how others live is dan­ gerous. C heck your history. Y ou’ve already made it clear you intend to fight any right-to- die initiatives, even though Or­ egon voters have twice passed it through legal legislation be­ cause the Oregonian quoted you as saying, “I t’s not the Christian thing to do.” Then you claim you’re for peace and start beefing our m ili­ tary up, even through w e’re the most powerful army in the world already. Y ou’re already looking at ways to kick Saddam out o f power in Iraq. And to top it, you want us to spend another zillion dollars on a nuclear defense system , regardless o f the cost to working class folks. Yeah, that sounds about as peaceable as a Doberman. I wonder how you can say y o u 're concerned for all human life, then cut funding to third world countries that helped them fight AIDS and overpopulation. T hat’s like a death sentence to those agencies that serve India, Africa, etc. Take a look at a w o m an in S u d an ; so m alnutritioned she can’t even produce milk for her infant. Or the welfare m others right here in A m erica’s ghettos. If you think they should be forced to have m ore kids, than I ’ve got an idea: you and your friends can help feed and raise them. Big oil doesn’t own you? How come they were your biggest campaign contributor and what’s up with you already pressing for dredging Alaska for oil? Please, Mr. President, w e ’re not that stupid. About your tax-cut proposal. It’s nice the working man gets a hand up, but the people making over $900,000 a year get the most. So pardon me if I don’t really jum p for joy, because the working minorities in this coun­ try deserve help a little more than your rich friends do. Hopefully I ’m wrong. Maybe you’ll even prove me so. But since I predicted the outcome o f the Florida recount long be­ fore it ended on a hunch, I ’m not betting on it. N either should the rest o f us. i l You’re inside y our house, safe from th e big sto rm . W hen, b o o m '. L ightning strikes. N ext th in g you know , th e re ’s a tree all th e way th ro u g h y o u r garage roof. T aking care of claim s like th is is w hat A m erican Fam ily In su ra n c e is all ab out. O ver 70 y ears o f experience m ean s fast, efficient service an d hom e p ro tectio n you can tru s t. Life is u n p red ictab le. T h a t’s w hy it’s good to have a h om eow ners in su ran ce policy you can co u n t on. If a sto rm sh o u ld p u t a tre e th ro u g h y o u r garage to n ig h t, it’s com forting to know you can d epend on Fam ily to com e th ro u g h for you tom orrow . Call o n e o f o u r know ledgeable, friendly agents today. O r visit o u r w ebsite at w w w . a m f a m . c o m . F ind o u t all th e w ays “Fam ily” com es th ro u g h for you! ■ m i V y i r r a t=l __ A M E R IC A N F A M IL Y AUTO HOMI BUSINESS HEALTH U f i 3KS5I A ll Your P rotection U nder One Roof. 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