Page 8 February 21,2001 ©If e ©beertier Black History Month Events Black Pioneers o f the Oregon Country February - March 14 The End o f the Oregon Trail Inter­ pretive Center will feature the exhibit “ Black Pioneers ofthe Oregon Coun­ try” w hich runs throughout Febru­ ary until M arch 14 in honor o f Black History Month. The Pioneer Fam ily o f the M onth exhibit is on the H am ­ m er Fam ily. The W illam ette Trades & C raft W orkshop has hands-on activities; presenters w ill focus on m edicine, sew ing and toys. Visitors can see old medical instruments and salves and can practice m aking old fashioned splints. The End o f the Oregon Trail Interpretive C enter is located at 1726 W ashington St. in OregonCity. Call503/657-9336, e x t 0. T h e ir w e b s ite a d d re s s is PGE African American "Network Wednesday, Feb. 21 AD PG E employees and local com ­ m unity are invited to attend a talk on the A frican A m erican perspective in the media. Local television, radio broadcasters and new spaper jo u r­ nalists (including Renee M itchell and M ichael O ttey o f the “ O rego­ nian”) are scheduled to attend. This event w ill be held at T w o W orld T rade C enter plaza, located at SW F irst and Salm on, from noon - 1 :3 0 p.m. Federal Agency Celebrates Black History Month Wednesday, Feb. 21 Roy Jay, president and chief execu­ tive officer o f the Oregon Convention and V isitor Services Network will speak. Featured entertainment will be the Grant High School gospel choir, the Bridge Builders Prospective Gents Club cane team and vocalist Lunora V inson. This event will take place on W ednesday, Feb. 21 in the Robert D uncan Plaza, 333 S W First Ave. This y ear’s theme is “C reating and D efining the A fri­ can-A m erican Com m unity; Family, C hurch, Politics and C ulture.” Harvest hands near Moro, Oregon. (Photo courtesy o f OHS) Annual Soul Food Dinner Thursday, Feb. 22 Bon Apetit will present the annual Soul Food D inner on Thursday, Feb. 2 2,5 p.m. at Ix w is & C lark College, 0615 SW Palatine Rd.; Fields Dining Room , Tem pleton Student Center. T he m enu will include B B Q ribs, chicken, red beans and rice, fried okra, catfish, and other items. Cost for the dinner will be $8, and is open to the public. Form ore information, call Ray W arrenat503/768-7051. Grant High School Royal Blues Friday, Feb. 23 M ichael A llen Harrison, one ofthe N orthw est’s m ost loved music com ­ posers, arrangers, pianists and per­ formers, will play a benefit concert Friday, Feb. 23 at the G rant High School A uditorium in Portland. The concert begins at 7:30 p.m. The C e­ lebrity Concert will benefit the G rant H igh School Royal Blues, the re­ now ned 31-voice choir o f this di­ verse Northeast Portland school. The Royal Blues, w ho will jo in Harrison and Julianne Johnson on stage, are raising fu n d s fo r th e ir d rea m o f a 15-day c o n c e rt to u r th is su m m er in E ngland an d S cotland. C all 503/ 916-5160, ext. 468. B r e a k f a s t . . . S e v e n D a y s a W eek M onday th ro u g h F riday: 7:00am to 10:30am S a tu rd ay: 7:00am to 11:30am • S u n d ay: 7:00am to 12:30pm 5736 NF 33r