February 21,2001 Page A2 tìortianò (Dbsrr ÿtartkutù (Dheeruer BLACK BISTDfty rnoniLi Police News/Vancouver Weather Inside-A Interstate Avenue Station Area Revitalization RP mod Community Work Session #3 - Design Alternatives TMN$raiam Through the Weekend Letters to the Editor.........................A4 Entertainment Guide........................ A5 The Doctor's Comer....................... A6 Join this all day hands-on session for community members. You will have professional architects, designers and planners there for you, while you work to set priorities for what will happen, where, and how it fits your goals and visions. Portland Blvd. Metro- Garden Saved From 1-5 Construction............ BI Better People Program Fights Crime........... B3 Forum to Help People Stay in Homes.........B4 This Week Community members will be working on design alternatives for all five station areas; Lombard. Portland Blvd., Killingsworth, Prescott and Overlook. These pictures and drawings show' some residents' ideas for the Portland Blvd. (above) and Prescott (below) station areas. in History February 21 1965, former Black Muslim leader Malcolm X was shot and killed by assassins iden­ tified as Black Muslims as he was about to address a rally in New York City; he was 39. February 24 1868, the United States House o f Representatives impeached President Johnson following his attem pted dis­ missal o f Secretary of War Edwin M. Stanton; Johnson was later acquitted by the Senate. February 25 1870, Hiram R. Prescott Revels, R-Miss., became the first black member of the United States Senate as he was sworn in to serve out the unexpired term o f Jefferson Davis. February 28 1993, a gun battle erupted near Waco, Texas, when Bureau o f Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms agents tried to serve war­ rants on the Branch Davidians; four agents and six Davidians were killed as a 51 -day standoff began. February 29 1968, President Johnson’s N ational A dvisory Commission on Civil Disorders (also known as the Kemer Com­ mission) warned that racism was causing America to move ’’toward two societies, one black, one white — separate and unequal.” Crime Stoppers Man and Woman Sought in Robbery Portland Police Bureau Robbery Detectives, in cooperation with Crime Stoppers, are asking for your help in locating and appre­ hending the individuals responsible for a pedestrian robbery and forg­ ery. On Thursday, Dec. 21, at about 8:20 p.m., a man and woman got out of their car in the 3500 block of Southeast 11 th Avenue. A man armed with a handgun and wearing a black bandana over his face ap­ pro ach ed them and took the woman’s purse. A short time later, a male and female attempted to use a stolen credit card from the purse at a Milwaukee department store. The suspect attempting to use the card was described as a Hispanic male in his 20s, 5’ 10” tall, husky build, closely shaved head, goatee and numerous tattoos on his hands and arms. He was dressed in a black jacket with trim, black t- shirt, black pants, and black and white athletic shoes. A Hispanic female accompanied him in her 20’s, 5 ’5” tall, with a medium build. She was wearing a blue hip length jacket with white sleeves, blue jeans and dark colored shoes. Crime Stoppers is offering cash reward o f up to $1,000 for infor­ mation, reported to Crime Stop­ pers, which leads to an arrest in this case or any unsolved felony crime, and you can remain anony­ mous. Call Crime Stoppers at 503- 823-HELP. When: Where: Time: All day Saturday, February 24, 2001 Ockley Green Middle School, 6031 N Montana Avenue 9:00 AM - 9:30 AM (Updating and refreshments) 9:30 AM - 5:00 PM (Work session with lunch provided) Who: Art Pearce, (503)823-7791 E-mail: art@trans.ci.portland.or.us For information, updating materials, and language interpretation. Childcare provided bird EXCLUSIVE EVENT A merican D ance T heater JU D IT H JA M IS O N , ARTISTIC DIRECTOR • Masazumi Chaya, Associate Artistic Director TUES. , & WED. FE B . 27 & 28 Surveillance video captures two suspects accused o f using a woman's stolen credit card in a Milwaukie store after robbing the woman at gunpoint. 7:30 PM ARLENE SCHNITZER CQNCERT HALL DIFFERENT PROGRAM EACH NIGHT WITH AILEY’S MASTERPIECE “ REVELATIONS" AS THE FINALE! Body Found in Basement of Home Youth Arrested in North Portland Homicide o lic e arre ste d an 18-year-old m an fo r the m u rd er o f a m an w h o se body was found in th e b asem en t o f a w o m a n ’s h o u se at 623 N. B landina Sunday. M ic h a e l J a m e s J o n e s was held w ith o u t bail at the M ultnom ah C ounty D e­ ten tio n C e n te r.T h e victim w as d e sc rib e d only as a L atino m an in his m id-30s. P olice spokesm an Lt. M ike H efley said he had lived as a guest at the hom e for about a w eek. The victim had been beaten and w rapped in p lastic, a P o rtlan d TV station rep o rted . Jones lives in the neighborhood and is an acquaintance o f the w om an w ho d is ­ covered the body, H efley said. P » 1 TICKETS SI 7 50-S65 DISCOUNTS FOR GROUPS OF 8 OR MORE/ STUDENTS 'SENIORS 62 AND OVER FRED MEYER FASTIXX (503) 824-8499/(800) 992-8499 OR ORDER ONLINE WWW WHITEBIRD ORG INFORMATION AND GROUP SALES (503) 245-1600