Page A6 ^¡ortlanò »rrurr February 14,2001 ÿUnrtlanô ©bseruer fiL flC R niSTDRy ÍTIOÍITR Entertainment The Siletz Tribe Holds its 4th Annual Pow Wow Competition IN C O L N C IT Y - T he T ” C o n fed erated T rib es o f L iletz Indians o f O regon C ity, M arch 24 & 25. O ver the p ast four years it has becom e evident that this is one o f the m ost exciting N ative events o c ­ c u rrin g e a c h s p rin g in th e northw est. H istorically Pow W ow s have been a tim e to g ath er for trade, com petition, socializing and just plain fun. N ative A m erican arts and crafts vendors, co m p eti­ tion dancing, and a blend o f w ill h o ld th e ir4 ,h A nnual Spring C om petition Pow W ow at C hi- nook W inds C asino in L incoln N o rth w e st N a tiv e A m eric an culture to g eth er create a fes­ tive atm o sp h ere for e v e ry o n e to en joy. F o r th e first-tim e pow w ow a tte n d e e , an u n fo rg e t­ ta b le e x p e rie n c e a w a its. I t ’s fun, frie n d ly , e d u c a tio n a l, and a te rrific fa m ily e v e n t. T he m e sm e riz in g e ffe c t o f th e b eat o f th e d ru m s p e rm e a tin g th e room a n d th e e x c ite m e n t s u r­ ro u n d in g th e d a n c e c o m p e ti- N AFRICA N A M E R IC A N MEN S CLUB, IN C . Annual % Featuring the Sound of: Saturday, February 17, 2001 9:00 pm - 2:00 am S tarts F riday , F eb r u a r y J ó 5 0 3 -2 2 5 -5 5 5 5 * 4 6 1 9 C LA C K A M A S I 5 0 3 -2 2 5 -5 5 5 5 *4 6 2 7 TIG ARD H IL LT O P 9 REG AL C IN E M A S REG AL C IN E M A S J 5 0 3 -2 2 5 -5 5 5 5 *4 6 2 5 I / F A M IL Y T H E A T R E S 5 0 3 -2 2 5 -5 5 5 5 *4 6 2 3 k / 1/ 5 0 3 -2 2 5 -5 5 5 5 *4 6 2 1 t/ SHERWOOD 10 ¡ 1 1 (COENS •JunMUUMICHril f t / 5 0 3 -2 2 5 -5 5 5 5 * 4 6 1 5 8235 N.E. Airport Way 5 0 3 -2 2 5 -5 5 5 5 *4 6 3 0 CORNELIUS Tickets Available at REG AL C IN E M A S REG AL C IN E M A S REG AL C IN E M A S JSheraton - Airport - Hotel 5 0 3 -6 5 3 -9 9 9 9 ' OAK GROVE 8 '¡EVERGREEN PARKWAY j '¡M O VIES O N TV I REG AL C IN E M A S 5 0 3 -2 2 5 -5 5 5 5 * 4 6 0 3 STARK STREET REG AL C H E M A S R E G A L C IN E M A S 1/ 5 0 3 -2 2 5 -5 5 5 5 *4 6 2 4 5 0 3 -2 2 5 -5 5 5 5 *4 6 0 6 ' DIVISION ST. 13 L / 3 6 0 -3 9 7 -5 5 5 5 *4 6 3 1 , WILSONVILLE 9 ¡¡C IT Y CENTER 121 REG AL C IN E M A S ■ / REG AL C IN E M A S E-Z N a il- 288-3110 Cannon's Rib Express 503/288-3836 i’ Fastixx - 224-8499 Hair Crealions - 503/281-1185 "One Stop Music, Ino. - 284-2435 Any AAMC Member Shoescape1 - 503/282-4444 t io n , a re e n h a n c e d b y th e sp le n d o r fo u n d in re g a lia w orn b y th e p a rtic ip a n ts . T h e c o l­ o rs in c o rp o ra te d into th e h an d ­ m a d e g a rm e n ts g iv e new m e a n in g to a “ K o d a k m o ­ m e n t.” D a n c e c o m p e titio n s w ill in c lu d e A d u lts, T e e n s, Y o u th , an d G o ld en A ge in T ra ­ d itio n a l, G ra s s e s s , J in g le and F a n c y D a n c e c a te g o rie s . T h e P o w W ow w ill b e h eld at Empire of the Sultans Ottoman Art from the Khalil Collection at the Portland Art Mu­ seum Empire of the Sultans: Ottoman Art from the Khalili Collection, a spectacular exhibition highlighting the rich artistic heritage of one o f the most impressive world powers in the history o f Europe and the Middle East, opens this month and runs until April at the Portland Art Museum. Over 2000 objects rang­ ing from Holy K’urans, arms, and armor to rich textiles, treasury ob­ jects, and tilt manuscripts, this ex­ hibition embraces every aspect o f Ottoman art and a dynasty which spanned more than six centuries. The works are drawn from the Nasser D. Khalili Collection o f Is­ lamic Art, one of the largest collec­ tions o f its kind. Empire o f the Sultans marks the first time this important collection has been seen in the United States and also pre­ sents a number o f objects that have never before been displayed pub­ licly. Among the treasures on view will be calligraphic medallions in g ild ed w ood th at d eco rated mosques, brilliantly decorated ir- mor and jewel-encrusted weapons used in battle by Suleyman the SPECIAL ENGAGEMENT • NO PASSES • CALL THEATRE FOR SHOWTIMES Bus it t o L in c o ln City. F ro m th e R o se City. Take our FREE bus to Chinook Winds Casino. Call us to reserve your seat and to determine w hich location is most convenient fo r you. You’ll get a FREE Casino Fun Book full o f great discounts and offers. So call us, to bus you, to the coast’s only casino, Chinook Winds Casino. Monday ft Sunday Beaverton Hillsboro Bus transportation is for Casino patrons only and is not to be (2 n d M ond ay a l the m onth only) Newberg McMinnville Tigard Patrons must play a minimum of $10 per trip using their Winners Circle Card Chinook refuse service to anyone This program may b e changed or cancelled at any rime. Oregon City Tualatin C hinook WI nds C asino 6 used as public transportation Winds reserves the right to Tuesday, Saturday Clackamas ft Sunday Gateway Vancouver Friday C O N V E N T IO N C h in o o k W in d s C asin o & C o n ­ v en tio n C e n te r w h ich is o w ned a n d o p e ra te d by th e C o n fe d ­ e ra te d T rib e s o f S ile tz In d ian s o f O re g o n . T h e fa c ility stan d on la n d th a t w as in h a b ite d by a n c e s to rs o f th e S ile tz T rib e sin c e th e tim e o f b e g in n in g , la te r to b e c o m e re s e rv a tio n a n d a llo tm e n t lan d , w h ich is to d a y o n c e a g a in p a rt o f th e S ile tz R e s e rv a tio n . C EN TER Call 1-877-594-4627 for reservations and schedule. •Must be 21 yean or older O N THE BEACH O N LINCOLN CITY, OREGON w w w .c h in o o k w m d s c a sin o .c o m Magnificent, exquisite Persian car­ pets, and painstakingly illustrated albums and books. The exhibition also features nu­ merous copies of the Holy Kur’an which, for Muslims, is the literal Word of God as received by the Prophet Muhammad. The memori­ zation of the Kur’an, and the copy­ ing and embellishment of its text, are among the highest expressions of piety and considered some of the most beautiful works of Ottoman medallions, scrolling arabesques, and floral motifs in bright colors. The Ottomans were warriors of Islam and expanded their empire into both Christian Europe and Shi ’ ite Iran. Their army on campaign - virtually a palace on the move - made a brilliant and awesome sight. On view in Empire of the Sultans are silk banners enriched with metallic threads, steel war masks with en­ graved decoration, as well as armor and “turban” helmets; jewel-en­ crusted horse armor; beautiful forged daggers and sheaths; and pistols and flintlock rifles inlaid with bone, ivory, gems, and gold. As the Ottoman army advanced, able administrators were recruited to document and enforce the sultan’s conquests, and on view are decorated endowment deeds, illustrated accounts of the sultan's reigns and genealogy and imperial decrees. Second only to their religious architecture, the Ottomans are per­ haps best known for their decora­ tive arts, particularly ceramics and carpets. Early examples of poetry produced in Iznik demonstrate the sultan’s demand for tableware to augment the Palace holdings or early Ming Yuan porcelain, and thus the exhibition contains flasks, ewers, and dishes whose surfaces mimic those of Chinese wares. An array of domestic objects in silver, brass, and glass, including jugs, incense burners, coffee-pots, a ladle, and a scent-dropper employ shapes and designs influenced by artistic trends from across the empire and parts of Europe. O f all the decorative arts in the exhibition, however, none is more essentially Ottoman than the “star Usak” car­ pet created in the late 15* or early 16* century, a brilliantly colored example of the traditional, eight- pointed, star medallion. Book bind­ ings and examples of decoupage (cut-out work) reached the height o f virtuosity during the rule of Suleyman the Magnificent and the exhibition includes important ex­ amples of these. The Portland Art Museum is located at 1219 SW. Park Avenue in downtown Port­ land. For more information on this and other Museum exhibitions, please call 503/226-2811 or visit the M useum ’s web site at www .portlandartmuseum .org. 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