February 14,2001 Page A4 (Elp? 'Parttani* (fìbseruer ßLACR OISTORU m on™ ® Opinion Bush’s ‘Gag Rule’ on Abortion Opposed (Ehe ¡Portiani» (©bserüer USPS 9 5 9 -6 8 0 Established 1970 STA FF E d it o r P C in h ie f , u b l is h e r Charles H. Washington ’ Eo I T O R Larry J. Jackson, Sr. B u s in e s s M anager B\ JO R D A N A S.VK1K) RAUKAkWiiMe- On his first official work day, Jan. 22, President George W. Bush sent a clear and threaten­ ing message to the world. This U.S. administration will do ev­ erything in its power to deny women control over their own bodies. Women and their male allies will fight back with equal tenacity. By executive order, Bush re­ imposed the Reagan-era ban on U.S. funding to foreign groups that provide counseling or oth­ erwise facilitates abortions. President Clinton had rescinded that order in 1992. But since 1973, with the pas­ sage of the Helms amendment to the Foreign Operations ap­ propriation bill, renewed annu­ ally, the U.S. hasn’t actually funded any overseas abortions. Now, any organization that talks about or pays for abor­ tions with its own funds will Jordana Sardo not get U.S. aid for any o f its services. The effect o f the Bush mandate will be to im­ pose a “gag rule” on any pro­ gram concerned with women’s health. Along with counseling and access to abortion, people will lose access to contracep­ tion, prenatal care, and other basic reproductive services. H undreds o f thousands o f women will suffer, and many will die. Bush advisors probably re­ alize that the murderous ban is actually counter-productive — under the Reagan ban, the incidence o f a b o rtio n in ­ creased. These people don’t really care about w om en’s well-being or human life ei­ ther. They are asserting their power over half the w orld’s population. What this U.S. government really wants is to build a cli­ mate o f intimidation and re­ pression and to send the clear message that women’s lives are not our own. They are asserting declared war on a whole gender. Radical Women calls on feminists to fight back and continue to demonstrate full support for reproductive free­ dom at every opportunity. We are committed to working with others to demand the repeal of the Helms amendment, and the equally oppressive Hyde amendment, which denies use of federal funds for abortions to im poverished U.S. resi­ dents. And we call on the elected politicians to publicly oppose the reactionary cam­ paign o f terror that manifests in w om en’s c lin ic s being bombed and the murder of abortion providers. Racial Women believe that the power o f women around the globe can be asserted to overrule the despotic presi­ dent who w asn’t even the American people’s choice. R a d ic a l W omen was founded in 1967 and is one o f the oldest socialist fem i­ nist organizations in the U.S. Radical Women has been in the fo re fro n t o f the abor­ tion rights fig h ts and was instrumental in getting abor­ tion legalized in Washing­ ton State through a voter referendum in 1970. Gary Ann Taylor C 3ESI A sst . P ublisher Wen- W Dimming Our y r Lights ¡uni More... ’ To Conserve Energy! Michael Leighton C E opy d it o r Joy Ramos C r e a t iv e D SAFEWAY ir e c t o r Robert Parker 4 7 4 7 NE Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd. Pork Shoulder Country Style Ribs Portland, OR 9 7211 503-288-0033 Bone-In. Valu Pack, 4-lbs. or more. S A V E u p to S i 2 5 lb. 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