Page 12 February 14, 2001 The 11th Annual Cascade Festival of African Films Schedule This month o f February is an exciting time for Portland Commu­ nity College. A variety o f cultural events are gracing PCC’scampuses during the month to commemorate Black History Month. A ll ev en ts are free and open to the public, including the cen­ terp iece o f the c e le b ra tio n , the 11lh A nnual C ascad e F estiv al o f A frican Film s, w hich is show ing m ore than 20 film s. The film festival will also pay trib­ ute to the great Senegalese director Djibril Diop Mambety, who died in 1998. In a partial retrospective, the W hen T he W as S igned I nto C himes Funeral I lome had already been supportingthefamilies AFRICAN films are “The Girl Who Sold the Sun,” and two earlier festival favorites: “Touki Bouki” and “Hyenas”. There is a new element to the festival this year. On Thursday evenings, a series o f documentary films from C am eroon, Sudan, Sierra Leone, and South Africa are planned. As with the other evening film showings, a discussion will follow, generally by indi­ viduals from those countries. The film festival will continue to have Thursday afternoon matinees, beginning at noon. This will be a chance for the community to see the same films that will be shown on Friday and Saturday evenings. Finally, "Kirikou” and ^ “Sor­ ceress” (now in English) will be shown for the Family Film Day at 2 p.m. on Saturday, Feb. 17. Bring thechildrenforatime o f storytelling, film and more. M cM enam ins K ennedy Schooland the Oregon Coun­ cil for the Humanities sponsor the 11* Annual Cascade Fes- tivalofAfricanFilms. Formore information, phone the infor- mahon lineal503/244-6111 (ext 3630). JIM ofPortland. After 88 years, our commitment to the community continues A H istory o f S ervice . in tim es o f need, ju s t as A tradition that continues. It isa responsibility that w e honor. It is our 450 N. Killingsworth Street I’orti.trul. Oregon ‘,7217-2499 lei.: 405.285.1976 Fax: 405.285.1979 A PROUD HERITAGE OF SERVICE SINCE reaso n lor Heine 1912 COMES TO JO ’BURG//f^waw7«w (1949, SouthAfrica, 48 min.),directed by Donald Swanson. In En­ glish./ DOLLY AND TH E INKS POTS (1997, South Af­ rica, 28 min.), directedby Peter Davis. In English. Thursday, Feb. 15, noon, andFriday.Feb. 16,7:30p.m., Terrell Hall, Rm. 122, PCC Cascade Campus When it appeared in 1949, Jim Comes to J o ' Burg was billed as “the first full-length entertainment film to be made in South AFrica with an all native cast.” It is a simple, familiar story, that of a young man who leaves his village to make it in the big city. It fea­ tures a number o f stars from the townships and was a sen­ sation for Black audiences, who had never before seen their own heroes on screen. It is followed by a documentary by Peter Davis, which pays tribute to some o f the stars o f Films Jim: the great blues singer Dolly Rathebe and the African Inkspots. We see them forty years later and leam o f their reliance on music to cany them through the worst days o f Apartheid. FINTARODESTINO/Drif.Wwjf Fate (1998, Cape V erde/Portugal, 77 min.), directed by Fernando Vendrell. Thursday, Feb. 15,2p.m.,andSatur- day.Feb. 17, 7:30p.m., TerrellHall, Rm. 122, PCC Cascade Campus. Set in the Cape Verde Islands, this is a film about foolish dreams, missed opportunities, and reluctant under­ standing. Like all the men on the island. Mané dreamed o f escaping to Portugal. He would do it through his prowess on the soccer field. But he gave up his dream in order to marry a local girl and settle down, and he has regrettediteversince. Fate,however, has some tricky moves in store for Mané. InPortugueseandCriolowith English subtitles. KIRIKOU AND THE SORCER­ ESS (1998, FranceBelguim. 70 min.), directed by Michel Ocelot. Saturday, Feb. 17, 2 p.m., Terrell Hall, Room 122, PCC Cascade Campus. ForFamily Film Day, there is this charming animated children’s film based on aCongolese folktale. It tells the story o f Kirikou, a child bom in a village upon which Karaba the sor­ ceress has placed a terrible curse. Kirikou sets out on a quest to free his village of the curse and to find out the secret o f why Karaba is so wicked. This is an English version to make it easier for young children to appreci­ ate. YELLOW CARD (2000, Zimba­ bwe, 90 min.), directedby John Riber. Thursday, Feb. 22, noon, and Fri­ day, Feb. 23, 7:30p.m., TerrellHall, Rroom 122, PCC Cascade Campus. A product o f Media For Develop­ ment (MFD), and is another film from Zimbabwe that openly probes con­ temporary issues. Seventeen-year- oldTiyaneisabrightyoung man from Highfields Township, a good stu­ dent, a star striker for the Highfields Hyenas soccer team, very attractive to the young women, but his world comes crashing down on him when he discovers that he has somehow become a father. A big hit in Zimba­ bwe, the film has an infectious sound track and characters we can all relate to in English.