February 14,2001 I h r |3nrtlanh © bseriier-------- __ 0 Focus Black History In Print Black Roots Lift Every Voice and Sing A Celebration of the Negro National Anthem 100 Years, 100 Voices B ond and S ondra K athryn W ilson R andom H ouse : 2000 Pasted into Bibles, schoolbooks, and hearts, “Lift E very V oice and S ing,” w ritten b y J. R osam ond Johnsonand Jam es W eldon Johnson in 1900, has becom e one o f the m ost beloved songs in the A frican A m eri­ can com m unity - taught for years in schools, churches, and civic organi­ zations. A dopted by the N A ACP as its official song in the 1920s and sung throughout the civil rights movement, it is still heard today at gatherings across America. Jam es W eldon Johnson’s lyrics pay hom age to a history o f struggle but never w aver from a sense o f op­ tim ism for the future - “feeing the rising sun o f our new day begun, let us m arch on till victory is w on.” Its m essage o f hope and strength has m ade “Lift Every V oice and Sing” a sourceofinspiration for generations. In celebration o f the son’s centen­ nial, Julian Bond and Sondra Kathryn W ilson have collected one hundred essays by artists, educators, politi­ cians, and activists reflecting on their personal experiences with the song. by J ulian '‘W •