Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, February 14, 2001, Page 24, Image 24

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February 14, 2001
(Tlir Fortiani» © bsem r
Oregon Symphony Celebrates the Big Band Era
B illy R eed ’ s
R estmmnt t B ar
Black History Month
and the
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Portland’s top jazz divas, Lily W ilde, Shirley Nanette and Shira,
will perform in “Sing, Sing, Sing,” an Oregon Sym phony Bank o f
Am erica Pops Concert with Resident Conductor N orm an Leyden
and his 18-piece Big Band featuring the swing music o f B enny
G oodman, G lenn M iller and Tom m y Dorsey Feb. 24 through 26 at
the Arlene SchnitzerConcert Hall. Leyden’s Big Band is showcased
annually by the Or­
egon Symphony. The
orchestra does not
perform. Media sup­
port is provided by
New Talk 750 KXL,
KPTV-Oregon’s 12
and Media America.
Oregon Sym phony
Pops concerts are
sponsored by Bank o f
Wilde, who critics
call one ofPortland’s
m o st
re s p e c te d
rhythm and blues
singers, is also fa­
mous for her 13-piece
Shirley Nanette
“Jum pin’ JubileeOr-
ch estra,” w hich perform s
regularly at the V iscount and
Crystal Ballrooms. The band
combines the drive and swing
ofjum p-blues with jazz solos
and, according to Willamette
W eek, “re-creates not only
the sound, but the scratchy,
rich feel o f A m erica’s analog
G olden A ge.” Nanette and
Shira, both Portland favor­
ites, regularly perform for
major musical events, includ­
ing ArtQuake, The Mt.Hood
Jazz Festival and the Port-
land Rose Festival. Nanette
w ill
p e rfo rm
“ A in ’t
M is b e h a v in ’,” “A n d the
A ngels Sing,” “Blues in the
N ight,” “Ellington M edley”
and “ ’S W onderful.” Shira
will perform “Boogie Woogie
Bugle Boy,’’“D eep Purple,”
“Johnny M ercer M edley,”
“ L ock
L o m o n d ” an d
Lily Wilde
“Stom pin’ at the Savoy.”
Leyden and his 18-piece
Big Band will deliver instru­
m e n ta l fa v o rite s lik e
G o o d m an ’s “ Sing, S ing,
Sing,” D orsey’s “Hawaiian
W ar C hant” and M iller’s
“Tuxedo Junction.” Addi-
tional perform ances will be
announced from the stage.
Tickets m ay be purchased
through the Oregon Sym-
phonyTicket Office,923 SW.
W ashington, or charged by
phone at503/228-1353or800/
228-7343. Tickets also may be purchased at all Ticketmaster outlets
5 0 3 /7 9 0 -A R T S o r th ro u g h th e S y m p h o n y ’s W e b site at
w w w Qnym phony.Q tg Service fees may apply.