Page 8 February 14, 2001 ®t|e ^íartíanh Obseruer Buffalo Soldiers of the Old West Native Americans consider the buffalo a sacred animal. All who took part in the hunting o f them would drink the anim al’s spirit - its blood. This was to complete the circle o f life. When Native Americans died, their ashes and dust would nourish the Earth. The Earth would nourish the veg­ etation that the animal ate. The Buffalo would feed and clothe the Native Americans, completing the circle o f life. From 1870 to the late 1800’s, Buffalo Soldiers had achieved one o f the most outstanding records in military history: they patrolled and kept the peace under the con­ ditions o f racism from the citi­ zens they protected, covering ter­ Black cavalry in the field. B y M ark L ittle for T he P ortland O bserver I grew up watching movies o f white Cavalry charging and riding to the rescue o f pioneers and covered wagon trains begin at­ tacked by Native Americans. Little did I know at the time that those images should have included the Black Buffalo men on horseback who served this country with distinction. Most o f their four regiments o f the 9th, 10th, 24th and 25th were stationed in the most THE LEGENDARY demanding regions o f unchartered territory o f the American South­ west. It was their Indian adver­ saries who gave them the nick­ name o f Buffalo Soldiers. Their black and curly hair resembled that o f the buffalo. They honored the Black cavalrymen for their bravery, and the troopers accepted the name as a mark o f honor. M c M E N A M IN S « Buffalo Soldier Sargeant in uniform with his wife in J888. Buffalo Soldiers re-enlisted several times because there weren't many job opportunities fo r blacks. AFFORDABLE JJ LOCK & KEY 503-284-9582 CAFE, SALOON and ROCK & ROLL HOTEL HOTEL ROOM RATES Queen $45 Full $35 Bunk $25 European-style lodging with shared baths. Room rates are the same for single or double occupancy. Add 11.5% county room tax. For information call toll-free I-866-27I-3377 4 /z FULL LOCKSMITH - SERVICE RE-KEY AND INSTALL LOCKS LOCKED OUT7-WE MAKE KEYS FROM SCRATCH HOUSE, OFFICE OR CAR Philly H onors B lack H istory M onth I or from Portland 503-335-8900 McMENAMINS W HITE EAGLE 836 NORTH RUSSELL • PORTL \NI> • ($<») 282-6« ÍO w w w .n ic in e n a in in s .c o m 445 NE Killingsworth 503.288.9367 ritories from the Mississippi to the Pacific Northwest and from the Rio Grande to the Canadian border. Buffalo Soldiers received some o f the worst assignments the Army had to offer. Some o f their duties included stringing tele­ graph lines and building or repair­ ing outposts. They also helped to capture Great W ar Chiefs and crim inals like Nana, Victorio, Geronimo, Sitting Bull, Lone Wolf, Pancho Villa and Billy the Kid. Their story is one o f significant achievements under adverse con­ ditions. They could not overcome prejudice and discrimination. This element in our social structure denied them the recognition for a job well done. Even through all o f this, their battle cry, “We can, We will” and “Ready and Forward,” could not be extinguished. The history o f the Buffalo Sol­ diers has special meaning and connection to Oregon history. One o f the most famous Buffalo Sol­ diers, Moses Williams, a winner o f the Congressional Medal o f Honor, served in Oregon in the 1880’s and is buried in Vancouver, Washington.