Page A2 February 14,2001 (Ttp> ^lovtlanò (ß h sm w A L O HISTORH m onm Ü Police News/Vancouver ■ ■ h h m w m m m Tri-Met Police Stop Possible Shooting Tate On Tuesday, Feb. 6, at 9:15 p.m., Tri-Met police officers were w orking on a p lain ­ clothes mission in the area of the Lloyd Center Max plat­ form when they witnessed a volatile situation between two individuals with rival gang as­ sociations. Officers detained both sub­ jects and found 20-year-old Benjamin Dean Hoffman in WILD possession o f a 25-caliber semiautomatic handgun with obliterated serial numbers. Hoffman was charged with obliteration ofa serial number on a firearm, menacing, point­ ing a firearm at another, un­ lawful use of a weapon and unlawful possession o fa fire­ arm. He was lodged in the Multnomah County Detention c Center. Judge Says Gay Cop Had No Case • (AP) - A judge dismissed a Port­ land police officer’s civil rights law­ suit that claimed he was discrim i­ nated against because he is gay. Captain Mike Garvey’s 1998 law­ suit claimed that he was wrongly demoted, forced into a dead-end job with the bureau and embar­ rassed by leaks to the media. The case never went to trial. Mayor Vera Katz says she is pleased with the judges’ decision. She says the city takes seriously all EIGHT WEEKS EIGHT $50,000 CASH PRIZES OHE MERCEDES Buy a $5 Lono ticket each week for the chance to be the $50.000 prize winner for that week. One person will drive home in a new Mercedes CLK 320. Overall odds to win Lotto are 1 27 Must be 18 to purchase and win the Mercedes Be a smart player Know your limit. Come visit us on the web at Ends March 11. claims o f discrimination. “We pride our selves in not dis­ criminating in any o f our city fam­ ily,” said Katz. “I felt we treated Captain Garvey fairly and I’m glad the suit was dismissed and 1 hope we can set this aside and move forward.” A federaljudge earlier dismissed several claims in the case. Last week, he ruled in the city’s favor on two final issues. He notified the parties by mail o f his decision on Wednes­ day. Garvey is a former Portland Cen­ tral Precinct commander. He ran afoul o f superiors in April 1996 af­ ter allegations surfaced that he had paid male escorts for sex. Garvey was put on paid leave while a criminal investigation fol­ lowed. A grand jury that year re­ fused to indict him. Eventually, he received an 18-day suspension for violating the bureau’s standard o f conduct. Salvation Army Leader Abused Boy, Police Say (A P) - A T igard youth leader is accused of sexually abusing a 12-year-old boy in his home. Paul Fanning, 46, faces charges of sex abuse and at­ tempted sodomy. He works with youth in the Cascade Di­ vision of the Salvation Army and volunteers with the Sal­ vation A rm y’s A dventure Corps.Fanning transferred to the Portland area from Alaska last year. The Salvation Army said it will cooperate with police dur­ ing the investigation. The or­ ganization also plans to con­ duct its own internal investi­ gation. Paul Fanning Every day, we share stories of our past with our children. Every day, we celebrate our culture. Every day, we create Black History. A M ER IC AN FAMILY IN S U R A N C E © 2000 American Family Mutual Insurance Company and its Subsidiaries, Madison, Wl 53783-0001 WWW AUTO HOME BUSINESS HEALTH LIFE f N M lM IN S U R E R 4