Page 4 February 14, 2001 ______________ -------------------------------------------------------- Sty* IJortlanfc ©bsertwr Black Women Who Braved the Old West BxKARXSTULLliCUtAIUAM “Go W est, young man, go W est.” Horace Greeley popu­ larized this John B. L. Soule phrase in 1851, and Greeley also insisted that the W estern lands should be “reserved for the benefit o f the white Cau­ casian race.” But at the time he was calling for white men to go west, the W est contained a sizable population o f men who w ere black, and a grow ing population o f black women. History inform ation, how ­ ever, followed the sentim ents expressed by Greeley and for Geneva’s Shear Perfection Barber - Beauty Salon NATIONALLY RECOGNIZED Business Award of Excellence Best of Portland (Williamette Week) Celebrates Black History Month H air - Nails • Pedicure Facials • Shoe Shine •.. - - Hours: ^¿6Moh--Fri;-8T6:Sat_ 503-285-1159 “We Do All Type H air’ over a century, the m ystique o f carving out a niche in the m as­ sive w estern landscapes was restricted to w hite m ales. It has only been in the last 30 years that blacks have begun to appear in w estern history. B lack w om en have been credited for their part in the settling o f the W est. At first only white waifs, wives and bawdy girls w ere m entioned, but recent presentations have begun exploring the broader aspects o f w om en’s role in the westward expansion. The in­ form ation about wom en now includes wom en o f color. W here did this black com ­ m unity come from ? O ver 2,000 black freem en had hur­ ried to Old C alifornia to take part in the Gold Rush, and some sent for their fam ilies. C alifor­ nia, like Texas, had a small population o f form er Spanish slaves and m ixed-blood blacks from before th e arriv al o f Am ericans. And w hites who came west brought their slaves. „ M any o f those servants took advantage o f territorial laws and sought their freedom. One such person was Biddy M ason who, as a slave, had Clara Brown purchased her freedom to become a cook to prospectors in Colorado. She started a laundry business that made her wealthy. With the money, she bought 34 relatives out o f slavery. She also paid fo r the cost o f a covered wagon train to bring them and other blacks West on a steamboat. herd ed h er m a ste r’s cattle W est. H er three daughters were with her, and when their owner wanted to return to Vir- ginia in 1856 (presum ably to sell his slaves), M ason and her Ceres Behavioral Healthcare Systems pays tribute to Black History M onth Phone 224-2214 Fax 219-6892 Bridget "Biddy ” Mason was a nurse-midwife and philanthropist. In 1989, a memorial depicting Mason 's achievements was erected in Los Angeles. The city also celebrates Biddy Mason Day.