Page 2 February 14, 2001 Focus A S U P P L E M O E N T F •jjJortbmh ODbßcruer E d i t o r i n C h ie f, P u b lis h e r C harles H. W ashington Editor L arry J . Ja ck so n , Sr. ®lfe UkurOanh ffibsm wr Focus nam ed York, Sacajawea and military men. Y ork was instrum ental in bring­ ing the group through the unchar- Movin’ Out West •K * y >Y * Many black men and women left their home towns to move out West, filled with the spirit o f adventure. The early settlers came by covered wagon or horse, braving the harsh conditions for survival. Please join us as we explore what African Americans endured during these great migrations and their significant role o f opening up the W est. We will look at the history o f the trailblazers that traveled in unchartered territories; ambitious black pioneer­ ing women; Buffalo soldiers who served at the end o f the Civil War and Black rodeo cowboys. Balloons in Flight 2322 NE M L K BLVD 503-331-1101 ” y “ Q U A L IT Y T H A T W O N ’T L E T Y O U D O W N ” *Y S P E C IA L IZ IN G IN : *Y B A L L O O N BO UQ UETS B IG BO UQ UETS GET W ELL BABY SHOW ERS P A R T IE S A N D C E L E B R A T IO N S W E D D IN G S S P E C IA L E V E N T S »Y *Y i: ►s Copy Editor J o y R am os Creative Director R o b e rt Parker K ing, J r ., Blvd. P o rtlan d , O R 97211 508288-0033 Fax 503-288-0015 e-mail: thefocus@ K ► y *Y ► y *Y LATEX BALLOONS IN ALL SIZES, COLORS AND DESIGNS, ALSO MYLARS IN A VARIETY OF ’ SHAPES AND SIZES (NO OUTSIDE SOURCE BALLOONS) Black Trailblazers of the Old West B y M ark L ittle for T he 4747 N E M a rtin L u th e r K * K K K K K Coming Soon February 2001 * y Business Manager G ary A n n Taylor tered w ilderness. His good relations with Native American tribes allowed them to solicit their help as guides through Indian Territory. T hey ad- PORTLANPOPSERVEB A sfarb ac k asth e late 1600’s,free A frican A m ericans w ere am ong the early explorers to the W est, includ­ ing the Pacific N orthw est region and Canada. T hey m oved w est­ w ard, m any for the thrill o f explora­ tion and adventure as mountain men, trappers, traders and scouts. The early m ove to the W est be­ gan w ith the governm ent sponsored ► y *Y ► y STORE HOURS: MONDAY - SATURDAY (9:00 - 5:20) SUNDAYS (10:00 - 2:00) *Y ► y *Y W EB SITE: BTrFVZWYVW.HALHXJNSINFLIGIIT.COM *Y »Y E-MAIL ADDRESS: BALLOONSINEl l G H 1 i l SW EST.NET expedition by Lew is and Clark. U n­ der contract w ith T ho­ m as Je ffe rso n , th e ir A ~ duty was to m ap out the P acific N o rth w est as p art o f th e M an ifest D estiny, expanding the American territory west­ w ard. A m u lti-racial party o f 30 people w as organized consisting o f C la r k ’s b la c k s la v e subscriptiœ@prBtlanclob8erY«.ajm ads@ D eadlines tor Phone Reconnections In 3 to 4 Days su b m itte d m aterial: Articles: Friday by 5 p . m . Ads: Monday by Noon NO Focus w elcom es freelance subm issions. M an u scrip ts an d p h o to g rap h s can be re tu rn e d if accom panied by a self- GET M O R E Deposits Credit Checks Turndowns FOR YOUR MONEY addressed stam p ed envelope. CALL WAITING All created display ads CALL FORWARDING becom e the sole p ro p erty o f FlRItlt' 3 WAY CALLING the new spaper an d ca n n o t be Si UNLIMITED ‘ 69 used in o th e r publicatio n s o r p erso n al usage w ithout th e w ritten co n sen t o f th e g eneral m anager, unless th e client has p u rch a sed th e com position o f th e ad. 1 W The Portland Obwrver N CONTINUOUS REDIAL . .. James Beckwourth was a trapper and marksman. In 1844, he led a wagon train o f new settlers through the Sierra Nevada mountain range. Along the way, he discovered a passage that became an overland wagon route to the upper Sacramento Valley. This pass is named after him. . . . AND M O R E Just $59.99 a Month! Available Only at: 8040 NE SANDY BLVD, STE 100B Hours: Mon - Fri 10am to 6pm. Just $45 Gets You Connected with our Affordable, Fast, Friendly, Reliable S e rv ic e - offer valid In QWEST and VERIZON service areas. I . j