Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, February 14, 2001, Page 14, Image 14

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    F e b ru a ry 14, 2001
Page B6
(The fyìortlanb (fibeeruer
m onm
Store Opens on Interstate in Max
Light Rail Revitalization Area
H a m ilt o n C o n s tr u c tio n C o m p a n y
Disadvantage Business Enterprises (DBE) Sub-
| Contracting Opportunities on upcoming Tri-Met
Interstate Max Project Line Section 10-C proposal.
Bryan T Grant is the owner o f Stepping Out Menswear, a high-fashion men’s clothing store, featuring button
suits, exotic leather footwear, neckwear, shirts and accessories. At 7618 N. Interstate, the retail outlet is located
in the heart o f one o f five Max Light Rail Station Revitalization Areas. Grant says he wanted to bring Portland a
m en’s suit store featuring styles out o f Dallas, New York, Atlanta and Los Angeles.
(P hoto by M ark W ashington /P ortland O bserver )
Kitzhaber in Mexico on Trade Mission
Kitzhaber is on a trade mission in
Mexico, the first o f its kind from Or­
egon to Latin America. Oregon’s an­
nual exports to Mexico have grown
from about $43 million in 1990 to over
$ 1 billion today. “I think the real key
here is Oregon products are o f a very
high quality, they’re in great demand
and they’re recognized internation­
ally,” he said. Oregon ranks 15th
among U.S. states selling to Mexico.
Mexico is the state’s fourth-ranked
trading partner behind South Korea,
Japan and Canada. Kitzhaber said the
trade trip is “a real opportunity for us
to expand our business opportuni­
ties” withM exicoanda“platform... for
further expansion into other Latin
American countries.” The Oregon del­
egation is heavily represented by the
agricultural industry, which does not
yet receive full benefits from NAFTA,
a treaty that phases in over 15 years.
Kitzhaber had a personal briefing
withU.S. Ambassador Jeffrey Davidow
Monday and was told that while agri­
cultural goods make up about 6 per­
cent o f American exports to Mexico,
they are responsible for about half o f
the trade disputes. Port o f Portland
representative Susanne Miller said the
port is looking at improving travel con­
nections to Mexico. There are no direct
flights now, she said, and no Mexican
carrier serves the Pacific Northwest.
In preparation for the oncoming Tri-Met Line Sections 10-C
construction project. Hamilton Construction is seeking
qualified DBE Sub-contractors in the following areas,
Trucking, Street Improvements, Paving, Concrete Flatwork,
Sewer Construction, Water Lines and Outdoor Electrical to
use in their proposal.
If you are interested, please contact:
Andre’ Baugh @ Group agb llc
503-281-3638 or fax 503-907-6649
DBE Coordinator for Hamilton Construction Company.
Contractors are encouraged to contact Tri-Met to receive a
set of plans for review.
Accountant, Inc.
Aerotek and On-Site Companies
A flA C
American Express Financial Advisors
ce to Face
the 10th Annual
American Family Insurance
Ashmead College
Bally Total Fitness
Begin Right Employment Service
Business Computer Training Irtslftate
Electo Scientific IndusSies
Interstate Avenue Station Area Revitalization
Community Work Session #3 - Design Alternatives
Employment G uide
Express Personnel Services
FEi Com panyfted M eyer
G eorge Fax UhrverViy
Gunderson, Inc
Join this all day hands-on session for community members. You will have professional architects,
designers and planners there for you, while you work to set priorities for what will happen,
where, and how it fits your goals and visions.
Household Credit Services
John Hancock Financial Services
K W O n e and Associates
M ad d en Industrial Craftsmen, Inc.
Portland Blvd.
Malehs Beverage
AAenx CarporaUan
Nationwide Insurance
N aval Reserve
Northeast O n e Stop Career Center
Saturday, February 17th
Career Fair & Job Expo |
For mora Mwmatfon
Northwest Stalling Resources
Notus C a e e r M anagem ent
Oregon CMveatlou Center
Olinger Travel Homes
F f W AdltHSSfOB
Pacfic Office Automation
Oregon A m y National Guard
O regon lottery
O e g c « Employment Department
Pacific Benefits G roup
PocfiCcre HedHh Systems
Pinkerton Security Services
Free raeume revtow i consultation at tha Career
Development Center courtesy of Notus Career Management
• Hundreds of career opportunities aH In one place.
Ptoneer Pacific College
PofyServe, tec.
Portland Police Bureau
Providence Heahh Systems
• Explore continuing educational opportunities.
• Orvelte Interview areas sponsored by The Navel Reserve.
Target Seminar Stage
Community members will be working on design alternatives for all five
station areas; Lombard, Portland Blvd., Killingsworth, Prescott and
Overlook. These pictures and drawings show some residents' ideas for
the Portland Blvd. (above) and Prescott (below) station areas.
Rose Garden
Savin Corporation
Schwan's Sales
Shari's Restaurant G roup
10:30am T h e Htetory of Massage’ — Jack Kempt, Ashmead College
.Software Association of O e g o n
11:15pm “From Retail to Management, We have toe Opportunities tor You*
Ofane Marshal-Target
1£00pm 'Open Your Own Business and Start a New Career*
Staff Finders, tec
Successful M on ey
Terry Rost-The Franchise Group
12:46pm ■Wrtdng a Reeume that gets NotcedT
Rhe0 KaspertarHVMus Career Managemenf
"How to Get Your Foot In toe Door at the Company You Wart*
Peggy Bennett-Manager of Recruitment, NW Stalling Resources
Ketey Groen-Regnnal Recruiter, NW Staffing Resources
Internet-related Tools and Strategies for Jobseekers*
M anagem ent Seminars
Talent Tree Stefftng
The Franchise G roup
Thomason Auto G roup
T) M axx
United Parcel Service
U .S Air Faroe
U .S Army
Mbeon Owgef, President 4 CEO, fTuperde
Volt Services G n x p
"How to Find Your Dream Job*
MetaAe Padane-The Emptoymeni Guide
W endy's IntemaSonal
W e is Forgo Bank
All day Saturday, February 24, 2001
Ockley Green Middle School, 6031 N Montana Avenue
9:00 AM - 9:30 AM (Updating and refreshments)
9:30 AM - 5:00 PM (Work session with lunch provided)
Art Pearce, (503)823-7791 E-mail: art@trans.ci.portland.or.us
For information, updating materials, and language
Childcare provided