February 14,2001 Page B4 -------------------------------------------ÿtarUanù © taew r fiortlanò (Pb»eruer Metro/Religion Lecture On Historical Jesus Debate Set Feb. 22 Jo h n D o m in ic C ro ssan , one o f the m ost p rolific and in flu en ­ tial sch o lars in th e o n g o in g d e ­ bate ab o u t th e h isto rical Jesu s, w ill d e liv e r th e U n iv e rsity o f O re g o n ’s G asto n L ectu re in C h ristia n ity at 7 :3 0 o n T h u rs­ day, Feb. 22 , in R o o m 175 o f th e K n ig h t L aw C en ter, 1515 A gate St. T he lecture, “ T h e H isto rical Jesus: M eth o d and M e a n in g in R esearch ,” is sp o n so red b y the D ep artm en t o f R elig io u s S tu d ­ ies, th e G asto n B e q u e st and the O reg o n H u m a n itie s C e n ­ ter. It is free an d o p en to the p u b lic, b u t seatin g , th e lim ited, so e a rly arriv al is ad v isab le. S cholars h av e lo n g b een in ­ terested in try in g to reco n stru ct as m uch as can be k n o w n h is­ to rically a b o u t Je su s (a s o p p o sed to b ib lical sto ries an d statem en ts o f relig io u s faith), a c c o rd in g to D aniel K. F a lk , U O assista n t p ro ­ fessor o f an cien t J u d aism an d bib­ lical studies. “T his attem pt is cur­ rently one o f the m ost heated and fascinatingreligious topics,’’hesays. “ Scholars have used increas­ ingly com plex criteria to sift out the m eager reliable historical data, and their efforts have gone though sev­ eral phases includingdisillusionment w ith the w hole task as virtually impossible.” F a lk sa y s d iffe re n t research m ethods and assum ptions lead to very different and conflicting pic­ tures o f Jesus, often strikingly at odds w ith traditional C hristian view o f Jesus. “M an y popular best-sellers and •ominie Crossan tabloid articleshaveappeared, some claim ing radical new “truths ’ about Jesus while others are more straight­ forw ardly trying to com m unicate to the general public the latest con­ troversial view o f scholars about Jesus,” Falk explains. The problem s, he notes, is that m ost o f the public, including those fascinated by the subject and d e­ vouring all o f the popular books, have little understanding o f the nature o f the scholarly task that produces these new and conflict­ ing pictures o f Jesus, The m eth­ ods and presuppositions used de­ term ine the conclusions reached, and scholars disagree sharply on the m ethods and how they are to be applied. “ProfessorC rossan will address the critical question o f m ethod in his talk, explaining the distinctive interdisciplinary m ethod and char­ acterizes his ow n researching,” Falk says. “H is talk should be o f interest and value to those w ith any interest in w ho Jesus w as, e v e n i f th e y d is a g r e e w ith C rossan’s ow n conclusions. C rossan, a D ePaul U niversity professor em eritus o f religious stud­ ies, w as co-chair o f the fam ous Jesus Sem inar from its founding in 1985 to 1996. H e has received aw ards for scholarly excellence from both the A m erican A cadem y o f Religion in 1989 and D ePaul U niv ersity in 1991 and 1995.“ Augustana Lutheran Church Ella Lee Daniels A f u n e r a l w a s h e ld M o n ­ d a y , J a n 2 9 , 2 0 0 1 , in N e w H o p e M is s io n a ry B a p tis t /Jfy Annual Jazz/Gospel Celebration Service Keller, Steen, Deitz, Mitchell, special guests & friends Sunday, February 18, 6:00 p.m. Sunday Worship: 8:30 & Il a.m.; 1:30 & 6 p.m. R ev. W .J . M a r k K n u ts o n , R ev . R a m o n a S o to R a n k 2710 N E 14th A ve (n ear M L K , L loyd C enter) BANQUET WESTERN SEMINARY 5511 SE Hawthorne Blvd. Featuring the Internationally Renowned Pianist and Gospel Singer Dr. Benny J. Pritchett Of Los Angeles, California Also appearing Miss Willa Dorsey And The Prove God Wrong Choir Saturday February 17, 2001 6:00 PM Donation $13.00 Everyone Welcome Prayer Phone: (503) 528-8159 ®wn £ im o Service Enjoy one of the sweetest romance packages in town, Available through Feb. 28. You will be picked up in a beautiful super-stretch Limousine and taken to dinner at one of Portland’s favorite restaurants, “Salty’s on the Columbia.” After dinner, the limousine will pick you up and take you to your hotel for an overnight stay at either the “5 th Avenue Suites” or the “Paramount Hotel,” both in downtown Portland. Call for more details and prices. 503-291-9322 Toll Free: 877-423-2900 mvolimo@aol.com ìlortlnnò celebrates with d a u g h te r , C a r o l M a e B e n n e tt; a n d n e p h e w s , E li a n d H e n r y J o h n s o n . H e r d a u g h te r D o r ­ o th y L e b o y d d ie d e a r lie r . H e r s o n , I s ia h W o o d s , d ie d e a r ­ lie r. In te rm e n t w ill be in C o lu m b ia n C e m e te ry . T h e fa m ily s u g g e s ts r e m e m ­ b r a n c e s to h e r c h u r c h . A r ­ r a n g e m e n ts a re b y S t. J o h n s F u n e ra l H om e. Valentine Special Package Black History Month Supporter’s & Prayers Partner’s i Obituary C h u r c h f o r E lla L e e D a n ie ls , w h o d ie d J a n . 2 4 a t a g e 9 4 . M rs . D a n ie ls w a s b o r n S e p t. 2 5 , 1 9 0 6 , in P o r t H u d s o n , L a. H e r m a id e n n a m e w a s W e lls . She w as a h om em aker w ho m o v e d to P o r tla n d in th e ra id - 1 9 5 0 s. S h e w a s a m e m b e r o f th e c h u r c h . S h e m a r r ie d A m o s D a n ie ls ; h e d ie d e a r lie r . S u rv iv o rs in c lu d e h e r (Dbacruer Classifieds/Bids Community Organizer Job Announcement Southeast Uplift Neighborhood Pro­ gram, a neighborhood coalition office that provides organizational support, technical assistance and promotes citizen activism seeks to hire 2 (1.0 FTE and 0.5 FTE) expe­ rienced community organizers to implement neighborhood revitaliza­ tion projects. 3 years exp. Com­ munity organizing, grant writing, p rogra m /com m u n ity d e v e lo p ­ m ent. B a ch elo r's degree pre­ ferred. Salary range: S27-31K DOE + benefits. Send cover letter and resume to 3534 SE Main, Portland, OR 97214 by Feb 28 at 5:00 PM. Women and people of color en­ couraged to apply. Job Position #1: Information and Assistance Specialist FT. Resp for providing info, refer­ ral, crisis'and short-term interven­ tion and assist. In the coord of svc delivery to elderly clients. Req'd BA/BS or equivalent, min of four yrs exp in human svc, etc. 10.50- 12.00 p/h, w/benefits. Apply in person at Portland Impact, 4707 SE Hawthorne. Q uestions call (503)988-6000. EOE/AA The Catlin Gabel School is seek­ ing teachers for fall of 2001 MATH Grade 6 ENGLISH Grade 7 Catlin Gabel is a coeducational, independent grade day school. We offer a broad curriculum and small classes designed to educate the total person, incorporating the aca­ demic along with the arts, physi­ cal education, and a strong sense of community service. The school enrolls 670 students in Pre-Kinder­ garten through twelfth grade and is committed to diversity amongst the students, faculty, and staff. Work At Home Earn $300 - $500 a week Over 380 companies hiring to work at home. Send $24.95 to: Full Listing 1004 PO Box 17152 Portland OR 97217 Sub-Bids Requested Tryon Creek WWTP Aeration Basin Modifications Bid Date: February 22, 2001 @ 11:00 a.m. Slayden CONSTRUCTION INC. P.O. Box 625 Stayton, OR 97383 (503) 769-1969 FAX: (503) 769-4525 We are an equal opportunity employer and request sub-bids from emerging small businesses and from women and minority enter­ prises. CCB#45621 P rogram A s s is t a n t -S e e k in g friendly, detail oriented computer savvy person to a ssist sta ff in serving grieving children & fami­ lies. Tasks include answering the phone, data entry, greeting fami­ lies & visitors, various administra­ tive tasks as needed. Please fax a c o v e r le tte r and resum e to 5 0 3 .7 7 7 .3 0 9 7 o r e m a il to THE DOUGY CENTER, INC. 3909 S.E. 52nd Avenue Portland, OR 97286 (503) 775-5683 Clark County, Washington Job Opportunities We are seeking qualified candi­ dates to Be part of our dynamic public Service organization. COMMUNICATIONS DISPATCHER Clark Regional Communications Agency $14.81 - $22.97/hr. DOQ ENGINEER I/II Development Director Dynamic, growing non-profit orga­ nization serving high-risk children seeks an experienced, creative and well-organized development professionals. Minimally, the suc­ cessful candidate will have dem­ onstrated success in broadening and retaining a sponsor base, gen­ erating annual revenues in excess o f $ 1 ,0 0 0 ,0 0 0 im plem enting planned giving and endowment building strategies, developing an effective funding board, and man­ aging development staff. The suc­ cessful candidate will also be pas­ sionate about children and be a team player. An Equal Opportunity Employer. Please send cover let­ ter and resum e by February 28, 2001 to Friends of the Children 44 NE M orris, Portland OR 97212 www.friendstochildren.com General Help Wanted / Part Time Work NOT Business Opportunity Put it to Work! www.stay home profit.com ENG. 1: $17.27 - $22.04/hr. DOQ ENG. II: $19.98-$25.52/hr. DOQ FACILITIES MAINTENANCE WORKER-HVAC $14.00-$17.89/hr. DOQ LEGAL SECRETARY II $13.04 - $16.62/hr. DOQ Job information, applications, and benefits information are available from: Clark County Human Resources 1013 Franklin St, Vancouver WA Job Hotline: (360) 397-6018 TDD: (360) 397-6032 EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY/ FRANCHISE Printing/Graphic Franchise: Per­ sonal Reasons Must Sell Immed. Full Service Center w/accts. No Exp. Nec,, Co. Training Support, Low Invest. (800) 645-3006 »