February 14, 2001 Page B3 ÿbtU anù (Dbaeruer BMetro/Sports All Star Game Turns to Stunning Performances W ASHINGTON (AP) - A stunning fourth-quarter com eback led by Allen Iverson. A th rillin g fin al-m in u te shootout betw een Stephon M arbury and K obe Bryant. The ball in B ryant’s hands for the last shot. A pass that no one expected. A last-second miss. A postgam e cel­ e b r a tio n w o rth y of Ju n e . Yes, it was quite an A ll-Star game. Iverson, M arbury and their Eastern Conference teamm ates transformed w hat looked like a blow out loss into an improbable 111-110 victory Sunday in a perform ance befitting the 50th anni- Allen Iverson gets by Jason Kidd in the NBA All Star classic. ESPN to Showcase Portland Grand Prix aTrack Meet P o r t l a n d ’s in te r n a t io n a l tra c k an d f ie ld m e e t, th e A didas O regon T rack C la s­ sic, has been selected to jo in the IA A F G rand Prix C ircuit. The llth -a n n u a l com petition w ill be held on Sunday, June 3 at M ount H ood C om m unity C ollege. The meet will be tele­ vised natio n ally by ESPN as a part o f the USA Track & Field G olden Spike Tour. It w ill be one o f 28 w o rld ­ w ide track m eets w here a th ­ letes can earn points to q ualify for the 2001 IA A F G rand Prix Finals on Sept. 9 in M elbourne, A ustralia. Rose City to Host Slowpitch ‘B’ The Portland M etro Softball A ssociation has been awarded the m en’s slow pitch B ASA/ USA W estern N ational C ham ­ pionships for Sept. 20-23. The tournam ent will be played at the W illiam V . Owens softball com­ plex at Delta Park. The winner o f this tournam ent will qualify for the USA National Champi- onship to be played in O kla­ homa City, Oct. 20-21. For more in fo rm a tio n , c a ll th e D e lta Sports C om plex at 503-823- 3112. Trail Blazers to Televise Sacramento Game The Portland Trail Blazers an­ nounced M onday that they will televise Thursday’s home game against the Sacramento Kings on BlazerCable. “W e are very pleased to be able to add this game to our BlazerCable schedule. It will al­ low our many fans to be able to see the game which features the two top teams in the Division,” said Harry Hut, Blazers executive vice president and chief operat­ ing officer. The Blazers host the Kings in the Rose Garden in a 7 p.m. match-up. The M cDonalds Pre- Game show starts at 6:30 p.m. versary o f the game. “ It was like a championship game out there,” Dikembe M utombo said. *T ve been in the A 11-Star game the last seven years, and I’ve never seen any­ thing like this.” It was the kind o f game that might stop people from bashing the NBA as boring, or dism issing the East as far weaker than the West, the kind o f game that might m ake the casual fan appre­ ciate the heart and determination o f some o f the younger stars trying to seize the spotlight in the post-Jordan era Mostly, it was kind o f gam e that any fan o f any sport would prefer to see — a riveting one Iverson scored 15 o fh is 2 5 points in the final nine minutes, and M arbury hit two 3-pointers in the final 53 seconds as the East cam e back from a 21 -point deficit. Bryant, the N B A ’s leading scorer, could have taken the last shot. Instead, in a shock to everyone sitting in the building and watching on television, he threw a pass that resulted in a last- second m iss by Tim Duncan. “Everybody was saying w e couldn’t win because o f our size. It’s not about size. It’s about the size o f your heart,” Iverson said. “Coming into the fourth quarter, we were all sitting on the side­ lines saying ‘W hy not us? W hy can ’t we be the ones to come back from a 19- point deficit (after three quarters) in an All-Star game?” T u rn s out th e y co u ld . W hile presenting the M VP aw ard to Iverson, NBA com missioner David Stem, with a sly grin on his face, told Iverson that great basketball “can be w rapped — if you pardon the expres­ sion — in very small packages.” DAMON STOUDAMIRE INC (CELEBRATES BLACK HISTORY MONTH Damon Stoudamire Inc. 825 NE multnomah St. Suite 980 ; A Portland, OR 97232 503-963-9336 FOUNDATION • BASKETBALL CAMP - FAN CLUB f I t’s a home run and it’s sailing- straight through your windshield. 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