PRSDRT STD USPOSTAGE Black Pioneers in Focus O ur continuing series for Black H istory M onth features Black Pioneers o f the O ld W est. Follow ing their hopes and dream s, adventuresom e A frican A m ericans m ade the trek w estw ard despite the brutal conditions and racial discrim ination encountered along the way. T hrough their efforts, they opened the frontier for others to follow. See Focus section, inside. tBhe Volume XXXI Number 07 I lanb (Bbsi Committed to Cultural Diversity- Established in 1970 $ . . / 1 RAID PORTLAND OR PERMIT NO. 1610 ^ ' ë h t Library I 2" University o f Oreg, ‘gon Eugene OR 97403-1205 Wednesday February 14,2001 50c - Nativity School Coming to Northeast Alberta Tuition-free middle school to teach kids from breakfast to dinner hour, including some weekends and summer school Six Die in Army Helicopter Crash H O NO LU LU — Two Arm y Black Hawk helicopters crashed in a rem ote area during a nighttime exercise, killing six soldiers and injuring 11 others. The two UH60 helicopters w ent down whi le participating in an exerc ise over Kahuku on the island o f Oahu. It was still unclear whether the helicopters had collided. ‘Gladiator’ leads Oscar field BEVERLY HILLS, C alif — Gladiator, H ollyw ood’s high-tech return to the glories o f Rome, led Academy Aw ards contenders with 12 nominations, including nods for best picture, actor and director. Crouching Tiger, H idden D ragon, the M andarin-language martial arts epic, was close behind with 10 nominations including best picture and best director. Human Genom e Full of History W A SH IN G TO N — The first good look at the hum an genome reveals that a hum an has only about 30,000 genes, tens o f thousands fewer than scientists had expected and only about 5,000 more than a mustard weed. It is the first time an /o n e has been able to count the num ber o f human genes. Scientists also are startled by the discovery that the 50 percent o f the human genom e once dis­ missed as “junk” DNA has apurpose: It is the historical genetic record o f our evolution, and m ay contain the material that triggers future evolution. Two Women Cross Antarctica Land Mass M IN N EA PO LIS— Tw o former school­ teachers have become the first w om en duo to ski unaided across Antarctica. Explorers Ann Bancroft and Liv A m esen reached the Ross Ice Shelf, com pleting a 2,400-m ile journey that began Nov. 13. Both w om en have al­ ready acco m p lish ed asto n ish in g feats. Bancroft, 45, was the first w om an to ski to both the North Pole and the South Pole. A m esen, 47, becam e the first w om an to ski solo and unaided to the South Pole in 1994. Kevin Connell is a Jesuit priest and the president o f St. Andrew Nativity School, a tuition-free Catholic middle school that will open this fa ll to serve low-income students o f all faiths. (P hoto by M ark W ashincton /P ortland O bserver ) Self Service Ban Stirs Lawmakers to Action Delta Pilots Approve Strike by Wide Margin ATLA N TA — DeltaAir Lines pilots voted overwhelm ingly to authorize a strike if con­ tract talks with the nation’s third-largest carrier fail, their union said. The com pany and union have agreed to negotiate until Feb. 28, when they will ask theNational Mediation Board to arbitrate any rem aining disputes. Pilots could strike as soon as April 1, barring intervention by President Bush. Motorola to Lay Off Up to 4,000 Workers CHICAGO-Motoroladisclosedplans to lay off as many as4,000 workers from its semicon­ ductor operations by die end o f the year - its third round o f employee cuts in 10 weeks. No specific locations forthe layoffs were announced. The Schaumburg, 111. -basedcom pany’ssemi- conductor operations are based in Austin, Texas. Ice, Snow Hits Midwest A large winter storm system brought snow and ice to the Midwest, sending cars skittering across roads, downing power lines and forcing hundreds o f schools to close. Fourteen inches ormoreofsnowwasforecastinsomeareas. The freezing rain and snow were part o f a storm system that stretched from Texas to the Great Lakes. Book Connects IBM to Nazis BERLIN — U S. computer giant IBM has alerted its employees about an upcoming book detailing the company’s role in helping Nazis carry out the Holocaust, according to an internal company message. The book, titled “IBM and the Holocaust,” claims that punch-card ma­ chines built by IBM were a key factor enabling the Nazis to make their killing operations more efficient. The company has yet to see the book. Applications from students who will enter the sixth grade this coming fall are now being accepted at St. Andrew Nativity School, a new Catholic middle school being operated by the Jesuits in the former St, Andrew Parish School building at Alberta and Northeast 9th Avenue. Admission is open to students o f all faith backgrounds. Students must come from low-income families and be willing to work hard during an extended school day that will run from breakfast at 7:30 a.m. to a two-hour homework session that will conclude at 6:30 p.m. Weekend cultural and recreational activities will also be part of the program. Families will be asked to pay a $25 monthly activity fee and to support the school by volunteer hours. Students will be asked to participate in an after school program and a summer day camp in July as part o f the application process. There are now 28 “Nativity Schools” like St. Andrew Nativity operating around the country, preparing low-income students o f all faiths to enter college prep high school programs. Graduates of these schools-nearly all o f whom are young people o f color— attend and graduate from high school and college at rates far higher than national averages. Eleven more Nativity schools are preparing to open soon. St. Andrew will be the first Nativity school in the Northwest. To pick up an application, please stop by the school office at the South end o f the ground floor o f the St. Andrew School building at 4919 NE 9th. The office is open from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday. Applications will not be sent out through mail. The deadline for submitting an application is Monday, March 26. For more information, please call the school office at 503-335-9600. K ing Jr. Boulevard. (Photo by Mark Washington/Portland Observer) (A P) - State lawm akers are once again considering w hether to give motorists the choice o f pum ping their ow n gas. N o session o f the Legislature has gone by without a bid to bring O regon closer in line with the 48 other states that allow consum ­ ers to fill their ow n tanks. This time, Sen. Randy M iller, R-Lake O sw ego, is pushing Senate Bill 506 to allow self-service gas but require stations to provide “attended ser­ vice” to custom ers 55 and older, disabled or those with a m edical condition that m akes it difficult or dangerous for them to pum p their ow n g as. ”T o me, it’s im portant to provide choice to those w ho w ant to get in and out o f a gas station quickly or, for w hatever reasons, want choice,” he said. M iller is jo in ed in the effort by Reps Bill W itt, R-Portland. and Jim Hill, R-Hillsboro. W itt’s H ouse bill w ould allow large gaso­ line retailers to let custom ers pum p their own gas but w ould require the retailers to provide attendants to pum p gas upon re­ Drug House Explodes North Portland Home Destroyed trem ely volatile and unpredict­ methamphetamine lab able substance and the explosion in a house at 904 N. caught many neighbors o f f guard. Baldw in exploded F ri­ day shattering the home’ s w in ­ “ A ll these windows and doors, frames and glass fly in g into the dows and shooting debris across street, I thought, ‘ Who is throw ­ the street. ing their s tu ff into the street?’ Police said the explosion was Then I walked up;to the house so pow erful it lifte d the ro o f o ff and thought a bomb had gone o ff, the house for a split-second. or realized it could have been a Upon hearing the explosion, a natural gas explosion.” said Jer­ neighbor called 911, then watched emy K illian. as two women ran from the home The women left tw o dogs be­ and le ft in two separate cars; a hind. Both dogs were okay and blue Jeep Grand Cherokee and a were taken away by animal con­ white Thunderbird. Methamphet­ tro l workers. amine is known to be an ex- A » quest. H ill’s bill w ould repeal the self-serve ban but have the state fire m arshal require attendants at stations w here evidence show s self-service presents hazards to a m ajority o f custom ers. T he law m akers figure the tim ing is right. For one thing, gas prices spiked after the last legislative session ad ­ journed, and som e blamed O regon’s high- est-in-the-country prices in part on the ex­ pense o f attendants. For another, with m ost stations equipping their fuel pum ps w ith devices to process ATM and credit cards, self-service custom ­ ers d o n ’t have to leave their cars and stand behind convenience-store shoppers to pay for their gas. And there’s a political factor at work: Few small, independent gas stations exist to fight for the self-service ban. In the 1970s and '80s, they were a m ajor force against big oil companies, w hich pushed the repeal efforts The small stations believed good service and customer relations helped them com pete against industry-owned sta­ tions.