February 7, 2001 Page B2 'Portiani* ©bseruer Golfers’ Endorsements Reach $400 Million pp for the love of jazz (AP) - Fueled by Tiger Woods, endorsement spending for golf has reached $400 million worldwide, ac­ cording to a survey by G olf World magazine. Tiger Woods will earn $56 million dollars this year alone. 89.1 frari I » a r m NJU«ANCI - STATE FARM INSURANCE COMPANIES Woods, who has a five-year $ 100 million contract with Nike, will earn $56.4 million this year. But other golf­ ers are also cashing in on the rush by companies to identify with the sport. Endorsement income probably pushed the earnings for the top 75 players to $ 1 million, although just 45 players reached that figure in tour winnings. GolfW orld cites Glen Day, No. 75 on the list, who won $617,242, but reached$l million with endorsement income. Woods has helped raise TV rat­ ings, attracting advertising and en­ dorsement support from nongolfcom­ panies Endorsement spending by equipment companies is largely un­ changed since 1996 but spending by companies outside golf increased by more than 200 percent. Companies like golf, the magazine said, because the players can plaster logos on their shirts and caps unlike uniformed players in other sports. Also, $2.8 billion was spent on golf equipment in 1999, eight times more than the amount spent on baseball and softball equipment. "The reputation our players have developed is fundamental to every­ thing we do,” PGA Tour commis- sionerTim Finchem said. “ It gives us an edge in the marketplace.” “G olf has a pretty ripe audience,” said Tom Jump, director o f advertis­ ing and promotion for Buick. “It’s educated, affluent and in the 35- to 50-year-old range. G olfhas helped us appeal to a wider audience.” Arnold Palmer still makes about $ 18 million a year. Greg Norman earns about $ 16 million, according to G olf World estimates. The magazine says the next batch o f golfers, in the range o f $5 million to $7 million a year, includes Davis Love III, Mickelson, David Duval, Tom Watson, Colin Montgomerie, Jack Nicklaus and J umbo O zaki. Alternative Schools Hold Championship Off.: (503) 286-1103 Fax: (503) 286-1146 H OM E O FFIC ES: BLOOM INGTON, ILLINOIS ERNEST J. HILL, JR. Agent 6527 NE MLK, Jr. Boulevard Suite A Portland, OR 97217 The U rban L eague o f Portland’s Alternative School Basketball League Championship was held Jan 30 at Peninsula Park Community Center. The basket­ ball league requires all students to maintain a 2.0 grade point aver­ age with an 80 percent average school attendance. The two teams in the champi­ onship game were the Urban League’s Portland Street Acad- emy and Youth Employment In­ stitute. The winner was Youth Em­ ployment Institute by one point at the buzzer. The league is a collaborative effort put forth by many partici­ pants, not least o f which were the coaches, who volunteered their time. Other schools that participated were POIC, YEI, McCoy Acad­ emy, Open M eadow s, Youth B uilders and T he H ouse o f Umoja. The goal ofthe basketball league was to give the students incentives for keeping up their grades and attendance, and to create an outlet for the sports activities not available to alterna­ tive school students. Participation in the games proved to be a very powerful incentive for the stu­ dents. The coach for the U rban League’s Street Academy team was Ciprian Panaitescu. Serving as league commission­ ers were Michael Cruse and Phillip Christian. Aaron Bell o f the In­ side Out Mentorship Program; Fred Bogan o f the Alternative Education Avenue Church; and Ron Lincoln ofthe Urban League served as championship game referees. Suns’ Clifford Robinson Arrested for DUI AFFORDABLE JJ LOCK & KEY 503-284-9582 FULL LOCKSMITH - SERVICE RE-KEY AND INSTALL LOCKS LOCKED OUT7-WE MAKE KEYS FROM SCRATCH HOUSE, OFFICE OR CAR HARTLEY OIL, INC Celebrates Black History Month KEEPING FAMILIES OF THE COMMUNITY WARM IS OUR BUSINESS Fuel oil • Furnace Repair 506 NE Alberta St. Portland OR 97211 (503) 331 -3442 Cli fford Robinson faces a day in court after a DUI arrest. SCOTTSDALE, Ariz. (AP) - Clifford Robinson o f the Phoe­ nix Suns was arrested M onday on charges o f driving under the influence and m arijuana pos­ session. Robinson was driving 55 mph in a 40 mph zone and weaving in and out o f lanes about 1:30a.m ., police spokesm an Scott Reed said. “There was the odor o f alcohol coming from his car and his eyes were w atery and blood­ shot,” Reed said. The player was released about three hours after he was picked up. Robinson initially refused to get out o f his car and twice refused a field sobriety test, Reed said. He later submitted to a blood test but his blood-alco­ hol level will not be known for several days. Officers also found a small Blazer Wife Pleads Guilty to DUI (AP) - The wife of Portland Trail Blazers center A rvydas Sabonis pleaded guilty M onday to two drunken-driving charges and was sentenced to 32 days in jail, although she will serve the time under house arrest. Ingrida Sabonis, 30, was cited twice for drunken driving in Washington County — in May, when she was driving to pick up the couple’s four children and again in December, when the sh eriffs office received a cell phone call about an erratic driver. In the latest arrest, her blood-alco­ hol level was measured at 0.26 per­ cent, more than three times the legal limitof0.08 percent. Her blood-alco­ hol level in the first arrest was m ea­ sured at 0.23 percent. Judge Nancy Campbell praised Sabonis for getting into treatment quickly but also warned her that her problem is a serious one. “You have four young children and you need to get a grip on this,” Campbell said. “I think you are start­ ing to realize that you don’t want to foil packet o f what they be­ lieved to be m arijuana and a pipe, Reed said. The m arijuana possession charge was pend­ ing, aw aiting lab verification o f th e s u b s ta n c e , he a d d e d . Robinson also was charged with possession o f drug parapherna­ lia. A passenger who said he was an out-of-town friend was not charged. Police would not release his name. license for three years. Sabonis was also placed on three years probation and ordered not to leave Oregon. lose yourselforyour family over this, and you will if you don’t stop drink­ ing,” she said. Other than a few “yes” replies to the judge’s questions, Sabonis did not speak. Her husband, a native o f Lithuania who had years o f success in Europe before joining the Trail Blazers, was not present in court. Ingrida Sabonis is a former model and actress who was once named Miss Vilnius o f Lithuania. Campbell ordered her to pay just under $3,000 in fines and suspended her driver’s PENINSULA LITTLE LEAGUE, SIGN FEBRUARV 3 & 10, 2> SELF ENHANCEMENT 3^20 ,V. Kerkif k PENINSULA IH M ( it N. V»KC9ntfer k N. 10:00 am -2:00 pm Leite S ij ii Ups M eirch 3, 2 0 0 ) (¿ 3 0 0 lette fee T-BeU M IN0P5-539.00 MAJQKS UP SkO.OO Chit tr tutre dulkrtu sifHiuf up ptu itili re ae tt $5 9 9 t({ (kt rt^ulur pnet per ehtltU www.phatgearpdx.com EXAMPLE: S tftkail U a /tr T-Bull B ts tlrtll M iutr 5 k 00 0 530.00 53999 TOTAL A tctuu t f 3 X 55.00) A M TOTAL 5100.00 515.00 59500 nro Tonne* Opening Day April 7, 2001 »