Committed to Cultural Diversity February 7, 2001 ^ o rtía n it (©bsertier SECTION v’< 5,1 Z|T n tn m u n i t o I r n b a r -.R? r" 1 if e Dance Theater Masterpiece Superheroes Blood Drive The A m erican Red Cross Pacific North­ west Regional Blood Services will partner with D ove Lewis Animal Emergency Hospi­ tal Saturday, Feb. 10 to let dogs and their hum ans help those in need. This is the third year for the Superheroes Blood Drive, which seeks blood donors am ong both humans and canines. The drive is hosted this year by the O regon H um an Society (OHS) at then- new shelter, 1067N EColum biaBlvd. Portland Gets New On-line Housing Help Portland City Com m issioner Erik Sten and the c ity ’s bureau o f housing and com m unity developm ent have developed a new online w eb-based housing inform ation and resource system . T he purpose o f the program is to m atch people w ho need affordable housing an d 'o r housing services w ith information, resources and referrals to access these services quickly. T he system is supported by a $480,000 grant from the U.S. Dept. o f C om m erce and $800,000 in matching resources from the city ofP ortland. It w ill serve as a "virtual” one-stop clear­ inghouse ofhousing information, including a list o f available and affordable housing units and housing services for the region. Furtherm ore, the project will link private and public resources, including developers o f affordable housing, property m anagers, landlords, housing service agencies and low- income housing consum ers searching for housing they can afford. Fundi: The Story of Ella Baker In honor o f Black History Month, Radical Women will host a view ingof ’Fundi: The Stoiy ofEllaBaker,” a film about this dynamic leader ofthecivil rights m ovement Join the discussion afterwards to review issues raised in the film and to explore what is needed to achieve equality for alL The event will be on Wednesday, Feb. 14,7 p.m., at the Bread and Roses Center, 819 N Killingsworth. Call503/240-4462. Discoveries Through Drawings The OregonPeaceInstitute(OPI)will present a workshop on “Discoveries through Drawing: Insights on Conflict and Conflict Resolution” with Frances Kaplan and Andy Wiselogle. Participants will explore the use o f drawing to look at conflict in a new way and learn creative approaches to conflict resolution. The work- shopwillbeheldonThujsday,7-9p.m.,Feb. 1,8, 15and22atOPI, 1950SW 6,hAve.,Rm. 121 in Portland. Call503/725-8192. Law m akers W ant Input on O regon H ealthcare Issues Indoor Gardening for Children The Oregon G arden present “Indoor Gar­ dening for C hildren” on Saturday, Feb. 17 from 9:30 a.m. -1 2 p.m. This is a fun event for children ages 3 - 1 4 . Activities include m ak­ ing an ivy topiary, designing a m ilk carton herb pot and making seed tapes. Janet Smith o f The Ladybug Roadshow will be present­ ing storytim e at 10 a m. and again at 11 a.m. Call503/874-8249or 1-877-2733,ex t 8249. B Linda-Denise Leans is one o f 30 outstanding dancers to perform in three Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater classics scheduled Feb. 27 at Portland's Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall. S e e sto ry o n P age A3. (P hoto by A ndrew E ccles ) King School Mathematics Program $ 1.4 Million Won in Racial Profiling Case Parents, volunteers, com munity members and business partners: com e to King School and learn m ore about the M athem atics Pro­ gram. The focus o f this session will be on the “w hat” o f today’s m athem atics curriculum. Participants will look at student w ork and learn m ath gam es to introduce to their chil­ dren. This event will take place at the M edia Center at the King School, 4906 N E 6* on Tuesday, Feb. 2 0 fro m 5 :3 0 -7 :3 0 p .m . A federal ju ry in Portland on Friday recom ­ m ended a $1.4 m illion aw ard to a form er C lackam as C ounty sh e riff’s recruit who claim ed he w as fired after com plaining about racial profiling. Carl Bell, 3 7 ,ofO rlando, Fla., filed the suit against the county, claim ing he w as firedayear earlier because he complained to a superior that deputies w ere stopping A sian, Latino and Russian drivers w ithout probable cause. The sh e riff's departm ent says Bell w as fired because he failed the department’s Field Training Exercise Program, a year-long process req u ired o f all first-year o ffic e rs. T h e n in e -p e rs o n ju r y fo u n d C lackam as C ounty S h eriff Pat D etlo ff and seven deputies all liable for the dam ages, which include $750,000 in com pensation and $52,446 for tw o years o f lost pay. State R ep.’s Deborah Kafoury, D-Portland and Jo A nn Bowman, D-Portland, will co-host a town hall meeting on healthcare and the use o f tobacco lawsuit settlem ent m onies on Thursday, Feb. 15 at W hitakerM iddle School from 7 -9 p.m. The lawm akers will discuss health care issues facing the Legislature, including pre­ serving the Oregon Health Plan, reducing the cost o f prescription drugs and determ ining how best to spend the millions o f dollars O regon is receiving this year through a n a­ tional tobacco lawsuit settlement. The meeting is the first o f three tow n halls to encourage public input on proposed legis­ lation. A town hall meetm g on education will be on M arch 15 at Jefferson H igh School, followed by a legislative update on April 19 at G rant High School. There is no charge to attend any o f the town halls and families are encouraged to attend. For questions, call Susan Drew at 503- 281-3960. Valentin e-O-Gram Valentine-O-Grams are a pair o f yummy Cinnabon cinnamon rolls packaged in a box with a personal message from the sender and delivered throughout the Portland metro area on Valentine’s Day. This message o f love is delivered by Loaves & Fishes volunteers. The Valentine-O-Gramsareonsale nowand will be soldthroughFeb. 10. C all503/736-6325. A Gathering of Voices A G athering o f V oices present Portland poet and author H arold Johnson who will read at 7:30 p.m. on Friday, Feb. 16 in the Channing Room o f the First Unitarian Church, 1011S W 1 2 in Portland. Mr. Johnson wrote “Dry Boats,” a book o f poem s, and has been e d ito ro f‘Fireweed.” Call 503/452-4634. Grandfolks and Kids on the Go! On your mark, get set - go have a blast together! Catch a M ajor League fastball, play Robo Pong, take the basketball challenge, sprint from the starting blocks or climb into hockey gear. Bring $2 each for admission and money for lunch at Izzy’s Pizza Parlour. Meet at East Portland C om m unity Center, 740 SE. 1 Ob41, on Thursday, M arch 29,11 a m . - 3 :3 0 p.m. Call503/823-4328. Valentine Social and Dance Portland Parks&Recrea tion’sSeniorRecre- afionfor55+celebratesPortland's 1 SO* birthday with a festive Valentine Social & Dance on Friday, Feb. 9, 1-4 pm. at the Matt Dishman Community Center, located at 77 NE. Knott. Dance to the sweet sounds o f Jack Mahoney & the Phis Five B and No partners needed you can make new friends during “mix & meet" numbers. Call 503/823-4328.503/408-2640or visit their website at I L IS E WISELY wallboard downtown informs residents about the need to conserve electricity. Big Switch is a Reminder to Conserve Oregonians driving and w orking in dow n­ town Portland during the next few m onths will have a very visible rem inder from Portland General Electric about the need to be energy efficient. The65-foot wallboard featuringPGE's ‘‘Please Use Wisely” advertisement was painted last week on a building near the com er o f Southwest 4th Avenue and W ashington Street. The wallboard is ju st one elem ent o f a cam ­ paign to tell residents about the need to re­ spond quickly to pow er supply issues feeing the west. Recent pow er alerts in California, including numerous rolling blackouts, make energy efficiency communications all the more timely. TeamsofPGEenergyefficiencyspecial- ists are also helping customers save pow er by using energy efficient technologies in their homes and businesses. They work with com ­ mercial and industrial customers to facilitate the installation ofenergy efficiency measures, such as lighting, heating and cooling systems. Residential programs include w eatheriza­ tion and hot w ater heater rebates. i The Portland Development Commission has ju st become the owner o f the old Walnut Park Theater on Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard, north o f Alberta. Last week, a group o f local residents encountered three squatters and a bunch o f needles inside. The place was completely trashed, fu ll o f pigeons, and with extensive cracks in the walls. The PDC has accumulated several properties along the block. They hope to develop a neighborhood commercial center. The theater could be demolished, eventually. P hoto PDC Buys Old Theater M ark W ash ­ (T he P ortland O bserver ) by ington »